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Over 90 days ago
Male, 155
United States


i prefer giving oral pleasure far more than getting it.
i prefer giving oral pleasure far more than getting it.
1. Cum in a women's pussy - yes, many, many times but mostly in the past
2. Cum in a women's ass - yes, i think with maybe 4 women in my past
3. Cum in a women's mouth - yes, like #1, many times but in the past
4. Cum in a man's mouth - yes, many men enjoy sucking on a gurl's cock
5. Cum in a man's ass - yes but not lately
6. Have a man cum in your mouth - yes, often
7. Have a man cum in your ass - yes, as much as possible ... i love being sodomized so much!
I was 25 and she was 49 ... and that very first night she became a grandmother. what a lovely and beautiful and sensual women!
oh indeed i would and btw yes i have! .. it was fabulous!
When i first became introduced to D/s i was willing to try most anything ... the joy and thrill i got from equating my willingness to be used and to serve the desires of others were the motivation to have as few limits to searching for sexual and erotic pleasures. I did, howver, have a fe experiences while being tied up with rope that caused me to melt with fear and left "trigger" for panic attacks when it comes to being bound with rope. At this time i still feel nervous but can find a calm when using strpas or cuffs that can be released very quickly. If the dominant takes the time to actually show me that this can and will happen the i can proceed with just a small amount of fear.
Just a beautiful show as good as it gets with Stevie Nicks!
Oh yes absolutely, starting with my brother, we experimented with each other and i was fortunate to never have any hangups or hold-backs from cock sucking .. always simply thought of it as just another sexual activity and pleasure ... the more opportunities i had to enjoy cocks i took them without any shame or guilt or second guessing. Having never needing to decide if i was one or the other (het or homo) i just enjoyed all sorts of sex with women and men. For me, cocks are as beautiful and sexy and desirable as a women's smoothly waxed pussy.
Thank you
i love sucking cock, simple as that. i love to do it because it arouses me and yes the thought makes me horny yet i also love all the sights and sounds and motions ofmy man's exquisite pleasure as he empties his balls in my mouth and floods my throat then collapses from the intense pleasure he has just experienced.
i love sucking cock, simple as that. i love to do it because it arouses me and yes the thought makes me horny yet i also love all the sights and sounds and motions ofmy man's exquisite pleasure as he empties his balls in my mouth and floods my throat then collapses from the intense pleasure he has just experienced.
I was working as a bus-boy at a high end supper club that had a floor show. One of the members of the cast who was gay took an interest in me. I found myself liking his attention and kindness. He owned a lake home and had a party over the Labor Day weekend, inviting most all of the staff from the supper club as well as other people he was friends with in the local entertainment crowd. Suffice to say that he took his time, was patient with me, and generally was extremely non threatening with me however he seduced me over that weekend and eventually took me into his bed. He took me on this lovely journey of men loving men and introduced me to the beuaty of being feminized. Surely he had opened up doors that were frightening temporarily but then became passages into the beautiful facets of intimacy and the freedom of exploring and discovering the eroticism and states of arousal that can be achieved beyond typically limited perspectives.
Been there, Done that, Enjoyed it immensely! sharing a cock is a rather arousing thing to do.