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50 minutes ago
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The pictures are nice, but to hold you would be better.
Feeling your breath on my skin, would make me quiver.
Your fingertips, venturing wherever, would make me shiver.
Your eyes gazing into mine at the same time...
I like getting lost in your eyes.
I yearn to lose myself with you over and over again.

What is the definition of poetry on Lush?
Because, apparently what I view as poetry, is being viewed as (emotional musings) on this website.

Quote by Georgia_27_8

"It's a bunch of words thumped into a box by your elbows..

Being born and raised in a very Catholic family, I am all for abortions as and when the female decides. Science and personal wellbeing before anything else in this situation.

Unless you have a uterus and are capable of conceiving and birthing a small human, your opinions and aneurysm enducing ramblings on the matter are redundant."

We all came from a Uterus...

Therefore we all have a voice, because God himself gave it to us all.

And the fetus deserves a voice as well.

In regards to the Catholic Church and Abortion...

Quote by Georgia_27_8

It's all about Life, ma'am.

And what are your overall thoughts in regards to Abortion?

I think that the Abortion debate needs to include a lawful voice for the fetus, on a nationwide level across the entire country.

(Because apparently the fetus, gets talked around by the some of the pro Abortion supporters?)

Quote by sprite

not all sex ends in a pregnancy. the rest of your statement is kind of gobbledygook.

Sex is global.

Pregnancy is global.

Thus, life is global.

And I view life outside of the boxes that many people like to keep their lives in.

Perhaps your box, is holding you back some?

Quote by kistinspencil

"It is not your choice to decide. Period. Full stop."

With all due respect...

Life decides those choices.

Because humanity isn't in charge.

And sex creates the fetus.

Is the pro Abortion crowd, maybe trying to dictate to people in regards to having sex?

Because the pro Abortion crowd, it would seem is teetering awfully close to the pro Life crowd, in how life reproduces itself.

Quote by kistinspencil

This jabber is becoming more incoherent with each post

In your opinion...

Is abortion humane, outside of sexual assualt, , and if a mother's life is in danger?

The SCOTUS, even drew some ire the pro abortion crowd, I believe?

Quote by sprite

abortion is pro the right to choose and to have control over your own body instead of it being dictated by others. not all who are pro-choice are in favour of abortion.

When people have sex... They're dictating to life how, how life is going to be...

And the fetus will either exist, or it will die via abortion.

Because abortion is how humanity dictates to life, how life is going to be.

Quote by kistinspencil

"So date is okay, gotta have that baby? Gang/war/torture? Poverty driven intimidation? Institutional? The list goes on and on against the very simplistic picture of cause and effect in your mind.

And, if you don't mind me asking, what of the boys/men/cretins involved? Castration or do they get a discount membership at the country club?"

If you think that castration is a way to help humanity reduce unwanted pregnancies?

(Then I'm sure that you could reach out to the Amercian Medical Association, and share your thoughts with them?)

And Humanity is seriously confused over what procreation is for.

We're here on a SEX website...

Where a lot of the stories are about pure sex, and not a lot on baby making.

FM, FFM, MMF, Wife Swapping, Swinging, the Orgy stories and so on.

Along with those stories that mention (breeding, as a way to spice up a sex story?)
Hundreds of thousands of humans don't give a care about when they have sex, or as to what any outcome could be after having sex.

The Abortion debate is a GLOBAL debate, and social media doesn't have a conference table big enough to encompass that debate, in order to give it its owed Humane Diligence.

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Folks has it occurred to anyone else that we're all talking to someone who doesn't have a point? I've read both pages, he has more posts than anyone else, and I STILL don't know what the hell he's saying.

Let's drop it, OK?

The point?..

Abortion exists, because hundreds of thousands of males refuse to hold their individual actions accountable for co creating a fetus with a female, that they, and the said females didn't intend to create, I guess?

But Abortion for sexual assault, , and if the female's life is in danger, makes sense.

I can't recall where I saw this bit of information, via the internet/social media...

But it stated that Abortion could be viewed as a form of Population control?

And I've wondered...

Is Abortion pro humanity, or just pro Abortion?

Quote by RowanThorn

Ah, a link that doesnā€™t answer any of the questions posed. Knocking it out of the park per the usual.

And what is your overall opinion on Abortion sir?

Quote by Magical_felix

That it isnā€™t mine or anyones business what pregnant women need to do. And the Bible is fake made up bullshit. Doing anything because of what you decide the Bible says is completely idiotic.

In my opinion.

Abortion is humanities business on a Global scale sir.

Because (fucking/reproduction) made humanity prosper on this planet.

(And Religion, and Atheism, is inconsequential when it comes to 2 people fucking, and creating an unwanted fetus.)

What does the Bible or Religion have to do with Abortion?

And for that matter what does atheism, have to do with Abortion?

(Because neither have anything to do with Abortion.)

But the 2 people who fucked each other and created an unwanted fetus...

They collectively have everything to do with an Abortion.

Quote by Magical_felix

"This is a crazy person."

What is your overall opinion on Abortion?

Humanity has two global abilities...

1) The ability to fuck it's brains out with a partner.

2) And the ability to kill.

Via crime, conflict, war, and abortion.

Quote by JamesLlewellyn


Neither satire nor sarcasm, it's a serious question.

"Involuntary manslaughter is the killing of a human being without intent to do so, either expressed or implied."

A woman experiencing a miscarriage has caused the death of a "human being," as determined by the Supreme Court of Alabama, without intending to do so. That being that case, it won't be long before some ex-husband or boyfriend sees this as a way to get revenge by having her arrested and charged.

Such actions would be entirely consistent with a political party that views women as being second-class citizens who need to be taught to remain subservient.

Are you trying to use speculation to reinforce your individual opinion?

"That being that case, it won't be long before some ex-husband or boyfriend sees this as a way to get revenge by having her arrested and charged."

"Such actions would be entirely consistent with a political party that views women as being second-class citizens who need to be taught to remain subservient."

"If embryos are people in Alabama, does that mean a woman's miscarriage could be prosecuted?"

Is this supposed to be satire, or sarcasm?

Quote by Magical_felix

That youā€™re a slap head

What is your global opinion in regards to Abortion?

Quote by kistinspencil

Out of curiosity, were those numbers broken down by voluntary (ie I fucked up), date , gang , war , (speaking of Alabama), destitution, enforced religious dogma, medical imperative, etc, etc, etc? Or was it here's a big old number?

But more importantly, what does it have to do with a medically ludicrous ruling based on a debased and morally corrupt religious bigotry?

When are they going to arrest every dude for murder who spills seed into their Charmin? It is, by this twisted logic, infanticide, after all. Or do boys get a special pass, because hey, that's us?

Some refence material. I hope it helps your questions.

Quote by Magical_felix

Case in point

So, what is your point?

Please Elaborate?

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Under the recent assinine ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court, embryos are considered to be people under the law.

"Justice Jay Mitchell declared parents may sue over the death of a child regardless of whether the child is born or unborn."

That being the case, would that mean that a woman who has a miscarriage could be prosecuted for involuntary manslaughter?

Additionally, that court referenced the Old Testament of the Bible in its ruling. I was not aware that the Old Testament was considered as part of the body of American law. If it is, that could lead to some exceptionally interesting rulings, even more asinine than this one.

What are your overall thoughts on Abortion?

Because it would seem that (millions of humans) chase sex, like it chases the nearest Abortion clinic, after someone finds out that they have an unwanted fetus inside of their person?

I shared my overall thoughts on Abortion and the majority of the present participants ignored most of it.
But they did have an opinion on the World Health Organization information.

Quote by sprite

i hate to foster a negative stereotype, but why are people in 'bama so fucking ass-backwards?

Do you know anyone from Alabama?
And if not...
What is the likelihood, that if you did a search for people from Alabama on the Lush's search engine?
You might have your own self research done before you know it?

Embryos are a genetic reflection of our creation.

And humanity is confused over the difference between sex, and procreation.

Fucking produces fetuses, regardless of how the pro-abortion crowd feels about abortion.

God gave humanity the ability to reproduce, and humanity knowingly fucks that up every day.


Quote by kistinspencil

Can we start a list?

.I can hear "I've Got a Little List" from The Mikado playing in the backgroundā€¦

"Let's start with the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court ā€¦ I so move!"

What is James lamenting over?


(From the WHO, World Health Organization)

"Around 73 million induced abortions take place worldwide each year.

Six out of 10 (61%) of all unintended pregnancies, and 3 out of 10 (29%) of all pregnancies, end in induced abortion (1)."

"There should have been one more really."

What is felix lamenting over?

Humanity and Abortion is a fucked-up marriage.

Being that through abortion, humanity persecutes itself on a daily basis.

And can the Government control a pregnant woman's body? (I don't think so.)

And not even an unlimited supply of condoms can keep two teenagers from procreating, and accidently creating an unwanted fetus...
Or the thousands of unwanted fetuses created by consenting humans.

And the fetuses created by random humans who attended a party and had casual sex.

There are more contraceptives available in the U.S. to prevent those unwanted fetuses.

Then there are Abortion Clinics, and the medical staff needed to staff those same abortion clinics.

But thousands still prefer the Abortion clinic over a box of condom's that are much cheaper than an abortion is?

The U.S. alone averages 1.5 million abortions a year.

(Humans engage in a lot of sex.

Maybe humanity is confused over the purpose of sex vs procreation?

Because humans fuck, just to fuck right?

So, it would seem that in the heat of their fucking, the two people crossed that line, into procreationville, and they accidently create an unwanted fetus...

Because again, humans fuck, just to fuck?)

(From the WHO, World Health Organization)

"Around 73 million induced abortions take place worldwide each year.

Six out of 10 (61%) of all unintended pregnancies, and 3 out of 10 (29%) of all pregnancies, end in induced abortion (1)."


From Magical_felix himself...

His premise...

"A place to post conservatives just being ridiculous and spreading misinformation.

Like, look at what your grandparents are watching on TV."


Do you concur with his premise?

Because his premise is to mock the Conservatives, isn't it?

With all due respect...

The words in his premise, are the facts behind what he's doing.

šŸ˜Š What's the premise behind this forum?

Lol, to leisurely punish the Conservatives on social media via your favorite keyboard or cellphone?

Because it's much easier than punishing the same Conservatives in real life?


Let pander to your feelings..

Laughing out loud.
The anti-Republican Liberals here are hilarious!
Why don't the Liberal supporters here, reach out to SNL, and ask them if you all could do the Cold Opening for their show?
And see if you can't use SNL, to save the United States from the Republicans, and their Oppression of the Liberals here on Lush Stories, and from the rest of the Liberal supporters across the U.S?