Took a lady friend on a balloon ride…just the two of us. About 1/2 hour in at 700 ft with 50 other balloons. She said” this is getting me horny”….. and dropped to her knees. It was a wonderful flight!😀
Make sure you also get the RSV vaccine. It came out a couple of years ago..for now itis just one for life. Bit that may change with time. I had the RSV! Not fun. I was in intensive care, on a Propofal drip…….Asleep for 23 days! Yes asleep for 23 days. Got the damn shot!
At about 300ft ago in a hot air balloon. It was at a festival, so about 30 other balloons around us. Passenger decided I needed a bbj. I could not reciprocate as I had to keep flying, safety!