What year is this?
Gross. Do you want guys with handlebar mustaches wearing tighty whitey underwear?
There is a reason why we evolved to have less body hair.
Quote by icurOK2
I doubt if the Artful Dodger or Buz have ever visited a VA facility, much less been treated at one. I can only speak for the VA medical care I have received. I have always been able to access care when I needed it and been treated with great courtesy and respect. There is never more than a 15 minute wait when you check in to see a doctor. The Navy coremen who take blood pressure, etc., are courteous and business like. Doctors have time to listen and offer alternatives. I pay a $7 co pay for a drug that costs more than $1,000 a month. I can access my medical records on line and any VA specialist I see has access to my complete records. I am very healthy. The VA has accessable mental health, weight loss and drug addiction programs. The VA didn't tell me to "Go fuck myself," I was told to come in and be healthy. The VA is one of the world's most efficient health care systems. Ninety eight percent of Vets getting VA care would not want it privitised.
Quote by leftlingula
The healthcare system in the US is generally a reactive system and not a proactive system. Just a 1-2% reduction in chronic disease would save billions alone and free up healthcare dollars for just about anything including social programs to... prevent more chronic disease. This is certainly not the primary reason but it plays a large role in why we pay so much.
Quote by Verbal
We've been seriously binge-ing Justified lately (yeah, I know I'm very late to the party). Great dialogue, great performances.