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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155
United Kingdom


I think as others have said, it's normally fairly apparent if someone posts professional pics of someone else and claims they are them.

However, I have to admit it winds me up when I see girls post 'me on the beach on holiday' photos and they have a stamp in the corner showing they are straight off the internet! Fair enough use avatars and upload pics that you think are sexy or represent yourself, but some have whole albums claiming to be them that aren't and I just can't get my head round that sort of misrepresentation!

Personally I would never upload anything other than myself, as Lush is my little sexual getaway and I want to show people who I am sexually not who someone else is !?
I'll lay a bet that not many lush ladies will be posting stories of being turned down! Funny how it never works the other way round lol
Autumn is lovely and gets a 'high' 9! Have no doubt if I could see the rest she would be a 10! ;)
My gf has no interest in sex for about 3 to 3.5 weeks of every month. She has no sex drive whatsoever apart from her 3 days to 1 week when she gets horny around her 'cycle'. I have up 'trying' a long time ago as I found that if the other person is only doing it for the sake of it the sex is crap anyway. So I wait for her to come to me, which is generally a long wait lol
I find facials super hot! So I'm thinking god I hope I cum hard and a lot and cover her and I hope she loves it as much as I do
Pass as I know she wouldn't fuck and I don't think I could even persuade her out on a fun date sad lol
Out if respect to Luce (who I definitely would but I'm not her cup of tea)...

I'll go below and take my chances as I don't know above and can't see much about her
I will say 7 based on some sexy things within her profile but not enough about her to make a judgement of how sexy she really is and no photos either. I'm sure she would be a whole lot higher if I knew her though
I'm hoping the gorgeous Fall likes what she sees?

I'm to below. Have a feeling it will be a male
Jason steals candy from babies and kicks small cute furry animals. He really is a rogue silly
Well although I wouldn't date him I'd definitely go out on the pull with him he looks like he would make a damn fine 'wing man' and we could go and pick up some lovely sexy ladies
I've only ever experienced this once. It must have been about 3 weeks since I had last cum. Yeah it hurt a bit and yeah there was a LOT of cum lol !

Generally I think guys masturbate far too much to ever experience this 'problem'
There's a pic in underwear on my profile see for yourself!

Or add me and then there's a pic in my album where you'll DEFINITELY see for yourself ;) lol
No, there has to be at least a little 'connection' for me! REALLY sexy in terms of fantasising though!