I liked Magical Felix's approach. Nothing wrong with spontaneous moments. I recall one washing the dishes when my lady got down on her knees, dropped my strides & sucked for her life...we finished on the cold hard kitchen floor....wish it would happen again today. sigh.
I would need a pic first to see if your body pleases me.
Yes, but some nights I am that tired my hand rejects me..............
Happy with mine....any longer I would have to tuck it into my socks.........I wish!
It's not what you've got,it is what you do with it that counts.
I think I was just shy when younger, but never a Prude.
Destinedmortality..... you just have turned me on! If I was writing from the male point of view, I'd be the mirror of your post. LOL
Looking counter clockwise
Knowing what could happen
Any moment maybe you maybe even you
Steadfast collapse
Always certain any moment
Maybe you maybe you
Maybe even you
Recline complete dream too sweet
I can't do it not with you
Not even with you
Maybe never with you
And I'd sell my soul for
Total control
Yeah I'd sell my soul for
Total control
[ From: ]
Street wet tonight, lovers touch
It's pure delight
Always certain any moment
Maybe even you
Stay in bed stained sheets
My head hurts I repeat
Maybe you maybe you maybe even you
And I'd sell my soul for
Total control
Yeah I'd sell my soul for
Total control
Ooh I'd sell my soul for
Total control over you
Over you
Total control over you
"Total Control" The Motels
Completely shaven, otherwise why bother shaving any?
You look good enough to eat - I'd like to see one of your legs in heels next.
It's not about how quick or anything else, it's how you do it. That's my story - my fingers have always given my girls better results than tongue or dick.
Bed is for nakedness as toothbrushes are for toothpaste. Nothing better than a naked partner beside you during the night.
Two beautiful hookers and me.... for 24 hours.