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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male
0 miles · Tallahassee


Y'all don't have a chance. Not only am I the sexiest but my avatar is actually me... ;)
Admittedly... Yes.... Many times. The taste of forbidden fruit is too hard to ignore.

Mothers, daughters, sisters, cousins, best friends, almost underage, way older than me.... Ah... It can be so exciting...
Alright girls... I'm not on here nearly enough to help the guys out but here's my contribution.

An elderly woman was stopped for speeding on an interstate by a Texas State Trooper and when he approached the car and asked for her driver's license and registration she mentioned that she had a 357 magnum in the glove compartment.

He said that's ok ma'am but please leave it in there. She then mentioned her Glock 9mm in the console.

He said that's ok ma'am but please leave it in there. She then mentioned the shotgun under the blanket in the back seat.

He stuttered for a moment and then said ok but let's just leave it right there. Then she mentioned the AR-15 in the trunk in the trunk with 1,000 rounds of ammunition.

His jaw dropped and he said Ma'am what are you afraid of.....

Her answer was..... "NOT A DAMNED THING".

Fear is relative.

We don't buy insurance because we are AFRAID of loss of valuables or damage to ourselves or our possessions but to cover ourselves in an eventuality.

We don't keep ourselves alert when we drive because of FEAR of an accident but to be prudent so as to avoid damage to property, others or ourselves.

We don't keep guns because we are afraid but to protect ourselves and others in the even that we might need to.

Do I fear anything? NO! Do I do everything I can to prevent bad things happening and try to insure myself and my property in the case something bad does happen? YES
Quote by MinakoW
To lose control.

But only in losing control can you truly experience the divine euphoria of orgasmic pleasure. ;)
I've tried them and they don't seem to prolong my erection much longer than my interest will prolong it. I'm sure they work for some men but I've had no luck. As far as hurting it seems only if it grabs pubic hair which is almost a guarantee with me... LOL
Obviously I don't show my face because I'm well known in a few circles but my avatar is certainly a real untouched picture of my body and a few Lushies have seen it in person. smile
Yesterday morning and I imagine this morning will be the next time...

Sex should be practiced at least a few times a week for good health and of course it's fun and feels good.... ;)
I guess I'm very traditional and there is NO WAY I'd go for a woman I cared about having sex with any man but myself.

Now with another woman as long as I got to watch? I'm not sure but if she wanted it I don't think I'd object.

"I think he should be careful what he asks for sometimes it isn't what you'd expected! Few women can separate sex and emotion." This quote is very true in my opinion and I've had a few relationships with women that really didn't start until we started having sex together and ended abruptly when we stopped. In my honest opinion most women link sex and love so closely that they can't separate them. It appears that there are some women here on Lush that feel differently but I will opine that they aren't typical women. I will qualify that by saying that I only know American women and it is quite possible that women from different countries and/or cultures might be totally different.

We on Lush often forget that we're probably not a typical cross section of society and are quite likely made up mostly of oversexed horny people looking for an outlet for our sex drives that our everyday lives don't furnish.
I think that teens these days often have more experience than your everyday MILF. ;)

Experience with just one or two men does not make a woman experienced. If they basically went from their mom's house straight to marriage and didn't fool around then before or after their marriage(s) then that hardly qualifies as experience.

Plus there's something so incredibly hot about that young body that doesn't sag anywhere and is so smooth and sexy.

BUT!!! Eventually you end up with DRAMA with teens and that can drive a man bat crazy.

Soooooo.... In the final analysis it's usually MILFs for me with the occasional teen thrown in for the pure excitement of it all... LOL

By the way.... I don't know what all the buzz about how important experience is anyway. I know what I like and what to do and teens and MILFs both seem to be more than willing to let the man take the lead and it's far more important for him to be the experienced one in my opinion.
I have had several sex relationships in my life with coworkers. It seems that I work all the time so work is by far my best place to meet women. LOL

I usually don't find it necessary to wank over them though since I've found that women at work seem to see coworkers much differently than people they meet other places and after some time working with them it seems only natural to have sex with them too. I don't know if it's a trust issue or what?

It's my big secret. If you don't want your SO to have sex with another man... Don't let her work with me... LOL

By the way... The last three relationships I've had that ended up with women living with me for several months or years started at work and just seemed to naturally evolve.

Yes... I love coworkers and the excitement of working with or near them all day and both of us thinking about sex all day and then acting on our desires and natural hormonal response to being near someone of the opposite sex all day is undeniable. The only negative is you have to hide that relationship away or the drama from the other coworkers can ruin the work environment.

It's very exciting to steal a few private moments every time the opportunity presents itself to kiss, hug, grope and even sometimes have sex at the office. It's a HUGE turn on for everyone concerned but don't get caught!
What I'm about to say may make me somewhat unpopular but I've never shied away from that either here or in any part of my life.

Why is it a big deal to meet someone from Lush or anywhere on the net as long as reasonable safety precautions are met?

Aren't we all living a somewhat social life where we see people almost every day and new people at least reasonably often?

What's the big deal? I mean really?

If you're afraid of them being a sexual predator or something like then meet them in a very public place and if you're especially afraid then how about bringing a friend the first meeting?

I'm willing to bet that if you even rarely go to restaurants or go shopping for groceries or whatever that you encounter sexual predators, creepy people, and perverts on a fairly regular basis. They're everywhere. They probably live in your own neighborhood too. Florida has a website that allows you to look for sexual predators by geographical area and I suspect most states have a similar resource.

You'd probably be surprised that you're surrounded by them.

Climb out of your shells people. Life is happening all around you and you're missing out if your only social interaction is an online presence on a website(s) where almost nobody presents their own actual pictures, name, or information. That is not a life. It's a fantasy world that will make you more and more withdrawn.

I'm not disrespecting Lush or any other website but it has limited application in a healthy lifestyle.

Nuff said and I didn't mean to offend anyone or hurt their feelings but I felt this needed to be said.

Just one man's opinion and not represented as anything more than exactly that.
All I can say is that when I finally grew a beard I got waaaaaaay more positive responses from women.

Also I think that anyone that thinks having a beard is an indication of laziness either has never had one or they're referring to the Duck Dynasty type of scraggly rat's nest.

I didn't know what self care meant until I had to start shaving just part of my face (I have a Van ) and trimming my beard a couple times a week. I put way more time into keeping myself looking neat than I did before I had a beard.

Ideally I'd like to only shave every 4-5 days and cultivate that stubbly look or use my trimmer set on 2 but it's not too popular around here and it itches in the summertime.

This is interesting and humorous.
Although I dearly love a short dress or skirt I'd have to say that I think that short shorts are the sexiest of them all.

If a woman/girl has the ass and legs for short shorts it leaves me literally panting to see them dressed in them. If she has a tight top that shows her tummy so much the better and I'm not one to be silent. I'll compliment them and do it in a respectful way that nearly all of them seem flattered and thank me for the compliment.

Having said all that there are just some women that probably shouldn't wear short shorts but it's their decision and if they wear them with confidence and have the courage to wear them in public more power to them.

I live close to Tallahassee FL the home of FSU and there are so many young women and girls that wear short shorts and skimpy tops here that it's literally a feast for the eyes every day the weather is warm.
Quote by JoanaJoana
I have a fantasy/fetish that makes me crazy and excited! I love to be texting spicy/erotic sms and photos as well with web strangers. I wanna know if here there is someone with same fantasy and super open mind to be doing this with me ?

I don't think this is strange at all and I've been there myself. You won't have any problems finding people here on Lush to participate with you if you give it a little time for them to find you.

If you want to have a much wider audience then you should consider a paid membership to Lush. If you do that with even the least expensive membership then everyone on Lush can PM you (private message) and you will greatly widen the number of people that can message you.

I am not a paying member so you and I can't exchange private messages but if you DO end up paying for a membership please send me a message.

Have fun with your fetish. It sounds sexy and fun but watch out for the creepers. Lush isn't overrun with them but there are a few.

I may have an unusual and/or controversial opinion on this but I also find submissive sex partners boring and often lazy. If you want to completely satisfy an alpha (me at least) you must be willing to be aggressive/alphalike at least part of the time.

Being submissive only equates to lazy to me. Gals should step and take control at least part of the time.

As far as having sex with a truly alpha female I'm good with that as long as she is sometimes willing to submit to control by my alpha tendencies every once in awhile.

There is no greater thrill for an alpha to surrender control every once in awhile. I have been there and done that and it was some of the best sex I've ever had. It can be hard to do for a true alpha but the rewards are stupendous.

If some of you take offense at this please be aware that it is only my opinion and I'm not meaning to actually label all submissives as lazy or uninteresting except to me.
I'm not sure about dripping but I've had several women get very excited and wet when giving me a blow job and they usually want intercourse immediately after I get close... Gotta love women who get enthusiastic when sucking cock! ;)

*** EDIT **** Oops... This is an ask the gals... Sorry about that gals... sad
Five or so people IRL would just nod their heads and laugh if they knew all the things I'm into.

Everyone else IRL would be mortified and shocked beyond belief. It's a shame we can't be more open but our primarily Puritanical culture here in the US rules that out. Here in the bible belt even being gay or bisexual or into BDSM is cause for being branded a freak by many people.

Soooooo.... We turn to Lush. Thankfully there are very few judgemental people here. Happy sigh...
Quote by NOLAHotGal
It took a while to overcome the gagging. So I would say, for me, it was a learned skill. A non deep throat blow job was more of a natural ability. I also had an orgasm while giving my first blow job when he shot into my mouth. This still happens to this day and like the first time, no other stimulation is needed other than his cock in my mouth and him getting off while I continue the blow job until he is finished.


OMG!!! I've found the perfect woman after all these years of searching... A woman that loves to give blow jobs and who has an orgasm doing it. Only one problem. She lives a long way away from me and is attached but I can fantasize... Right? LOL

I honestly think most women give men a blow job to please them or to get them rock hard previous to intercourse. I also honestly think that a woman that truly enjoys blow jobs would be a turn on to a man that really LOVES sex.

Brandie... You GO girl! ;)

I don't have to undress women with my eyes... They undress for me all the time just before they get a massage... LOL
I get quite noisy when I cum. Sometimes so much that I get embarrassed... Just can't help myself. LOL
Tenderloin is aptly named because it is the most tender and prized meat on the deer and is just a bit better than the famed backstrap.

There is a whole world of people out there that will tell you that venison needs to be handled a special way or it won't be good to eat but I'm a lifelong hunter and so are most of my friends and we all just season any venison we eat exactly the same way we season our beef.

If it was processed correctly, and that is usually the part that messes up most venison and gives it a bad reputation, it will have a unique flavor unlike any other meat you've eaten but is pretty close to beef round steak because venison is incredibly LEAN.

The biggest mistake you can make in cooking any venison is to overcook it. If you don't like to eat meat cooked rare or medium rare then you won't like venison unless you add fat by frying it in fat or wrap in bacon or similar fat introduction.

Venison cooked without any added fat is best cooked at about 1/3 to 1/2 the time you would cook the same amount and size and cut of beef. As soon as the red disappears so does any tenderness and it can be like eating shoe leather and you'll probably throw it away and proclaim venison horrible to eat like most people.

So... I usually just add a bit of garlic salt and a tiny touch of Colgin's Liquid Smoke and grill it on medium heat on my gas grill for about 3 minutes on each side and it goes from there right to the table.
What if we just like sex and the gender of the partner is inconsequential as long as they're willing and interested? Would that fit the definition of bi?

What if you enjoy giving orgasms to people regardless of their sex. Does that make you bi or just someone that likes to make others feel good and be happy?

What if you're a man and anyone that offers to suck your cock is welcome to if they're disease free and if they didn't fall out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down?

What if you have almost always have sex with people of the opposite sex but when you tried sex with same sex partners you didn't enjoy it. Would that be bi?

I think this labeling is kind of hard to nail down and the level of commitment and how often or how many times you have same gender sex might be a defining factor but frankly all of that is just talk to me and I'd much rather get naked and have fun than sit around talking on the computer or in person about sex or one's sexual orientation.

Oops... I guess I'm doing just that right now... LOL
Quote by TheWalkingDead
Her face is the first thing I look at, but what turns me on is nice little petite ass and small perky tits

LOL... Precisely what I was going to say... Well Said.....
Quote by 69Kisses96

OMG... She shouldn't EVER have a problem getting a date or to have someone take her home. All she'd have to do is stick out that magnificent tongue and people would simply swoon... LOL
I don't think anyone's mentioned the extra room to have many forms of sex and that's what I like about my king. With other beds (I had a queen for many years) I was always partially hanging off the sides or foot of the bed and since I got a nice king sized bed that's rarely a problem.

I'm a cuddler and I still cuddle before and after sex.

Just one man's experience and opinion.
Only if you trust them completely? C'mon guys... Then there's no thrill in not knowing what will happen next.

In order to completely have control taken away from you the option of GIVING control to someone else is taken off the table.

If you want to experience the absolute thrill of being yanked out of your comfort zone and having fear and uncertainty rule your emotions and thoughts then you don't GIVE control to someone else.

When you wake up with the feeling that something isn't quite right and you quickly discover that you are handcuffed and manacled and completely naked and exposed with someone that leans over and hoarsely whispers in your ear that they're going to make you their bitch, then you know the fear and the true surrender as your masculinity is yanked from you like candy from a baby and you're meat to be used and abused.

You and only you are the focus of being beaten and humiliated. You and only you are the object of someone's desire to finally be the boss with absolute authority. The one that handcuffed you is feeling the power they've never before had and it's a heady and exhilarating feeling of finally acquiring that dream situation where they can get back at you for all the times you made them feel helpless and inferior....

It can sometimes take a long time for you to completely surrender as all thoughts of you controlling the situation and getting what you really want slowly melt away and as you become totally submissive.

When you finally arrive at total surrender, then and only then can you experience the feeling of being truly dominated when your only desire is to please your captor and the only sounds you can make are mewling....

You will be dominated and you will be used for someone else's pleasure and guess what? You have a hard on reading this don't you? ;)
There is a freshness that youth brings to the table that is undeniably attractive.

There is nothing on this planet more beautiful than a young female that is blossoming and discovering her sexuality.

That beauty and freshness fades as the years progress and it quickly becomes fat rolls and disillusionment as women succumb to gravity and discover that men are turned off by what they're becoming.

Some women work out and watch what they eat and stay healthy and forever capture that freshness and beauty of youth but most let themselves go and are forever frustrated that they wasted those years when they were plump with hot sexuality that was a gift from nature and that they don't have the discipline to preserve or recapture it.

Don't get me wrong... I like women of all ages but those that don't take care of themselves are distinctly less appealing.

Before I start hearing the screams that I'm a sexist, let me point out that the same to some degree applies to men.