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1 day ago
Bisexual Male
0 miles · Whangārei


yes love the cock in me with lube and a big head yummy actiom
A fling with a ladyboy and her mate to teach me the use of a strapon which wife uses on me
Quote by LadyAyesnnWest
I have found myself watching lesbian seduction porn quite a bit, and liking it. A woman I know enjoys gay male porn. Do you browse, for what, and how often?
yes every day enjoy all porn young and old lifestyle
love B xxx
3 ppp or ffm or mmf r just the cats whiskers done in a mutual enviroment can be very stimulating go for it girl good luck enjoy?
You forsure the babe is to flakey more mileage for bi guys to pleasure each other than have the babe mark u on her bedpost
Yes please 3somes are something else very exciting and can stimulate a tied sex life male female whatever is the flover at the time
Yes love the silky feeling and you become so hard in them leaves a stain which wife wonders how that happened so wash and wear guys untill next cumming.
nice to have a variety can make for a exciting relationship for both
no not yet not untill I meet somebody who will chat with me describe sexual feelings and desires then if suitable will share is there any one out there who thinks as I do love to swop ideas and sexual thoughts
being of a bi nature makes for strong freindships as one can turn the other check so to say also adds spice to a great sex life with like minded couples can be good clean fun and exciting BB
yes with toys and in a foursome sucked cock then penatration oh so exciting try again with a couple.
this am watching the beautiful cross dressers and their neat boobs great site need more to stimulate my cock and wearing my wifes g strings unbeknown to her I might add anybody share my action hope so need to wank at least once a day using avocado cream and the dildo yum Rgds B
Nice but if you feel good about yourself why sit and tuck a waste of good legs body and amore to give others a buzz and make there day a nice one?
upskirts is my most enjoyable pastime has enybody got photos of self or others that enjoy the voyeur of an upskirt view?