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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 43
United States


Yes, I have had live one of my fantasies, and sadly it boomed. But hay it a fantisy so I can always try it agine.
I have never but yes have thought about it!!! Would love to do it. smile
The First Kiss, If it a great first Kiss the Fuck in normally awesomeheart
anal- if it done right it can be ohh so good, but done wrong it a no go their "joe"
vag.- I can be turned of just right but the easyest can turn me off and then Im done

We chat
and then a call
plans were made for a movie that all.
It was clear, at least to me we are just friends
I brought the popcorn
you get the move
Boy their was other things on your mind

You reached for me
I stayed back
Still I was their to watch a movie
Now I know their was no chance

Finally, I came to you
Just to comfort you.
And so it begin.

That kiss
the look in your eyes
that need for a woman's touch
I knew that I could do it just right.

Like a dance
that has been rehearsed
No time that kept us apart
Why did I let you see in to
my heart

I know that she has kneed you in the balls
and done you wrong
I'm not her and that not my song.
She Cheated on you with five of your best friends
I'm sorry that one is my blood
Why did you call me
If you knew that you still had a gun

I'm not my brother
I didn't fuck you Bitch
I'm not the Bitch that got pregnant with your best friends baby
Don't blame me for what they have done

If all you wanted was a wet whole
I would have bought you a fucking ham

Don't call me
I can take care of it with my hand