Ronald Reagan
Mike Tyson,
Merlin Olson
Joan Jett
Jimmy Carter
Karsten Solheim
Shah or Iran
I was one of her FWB's. She later confided in me, I was one of 3 she had. She told me, of the three I was the alpha male of the group-anytime,anyplace, John Wayne, aggressive, make her scream sex. The other two were softer more romantic. I didnt know any of this and only found out after her mother passed. When her mother passed, she wanted them and she avoided me. At the time she didn't need what I could provide for her. We cooled it off considerably, but she would usually call after a night of drinking. It was hard to move on but we did...
I have been fortunate, all my ex's are:
1. Intelligent
2. Confident
3. Independent
4. Beautiful
I have been lucky, life is good..