Ok..First of all, very difficult to write this and ask for help from people all over world. Would really love some opinions though. Long story. Gonna try to sum it up. Girlfriend of 2 going on 3 years becomes pregnant. We had both talked about what we wanted in life and a child was not in the plans..but things happen i understand. She made the final decision to keep on with the pregnancy. Which in a way broke a trust that i had with her and things started to spiral down. I warmed up to the idea just before my son was born. After he was born i had still lost feelings towards the gf, simply because she made a decision that would alter not only my life, but our life and relationship. I must point out that we had gotten engaged to be married and were engaged for the better part of a year. She recently asked.me to move out and we ended our relationship except for the physical..or sex if i may. I woke up after our last fight, to figure out that i had been treating her badly for a long time because i had started to resent her for the problems we started to have between us. I don't want anyone to think i resent my son. I do not. He is now beome.the best thing i have ever made and accomplished in my life. I only want him to have a proper family, as i had not had growing up. I guess what i am really asking of you people is...Anyone else been in this type of situation? I think i already know i should stop sleeping with her, but its very difficult.. I personally am seeing a councellor for the issues this has given me. Does counselling work? And finally I know what.my.mistakes are, and what i did wrong, but i am afraid i made them for to long..should i cut my ties with her?
, except for what i.need for my son..and rebuild me?? She is the love of my life and gave me a son for this i can never "hate her". I will always have a deep love for her! Any advice could surely help me out fellow lushies! Those of you that took the time to read this Thank you!