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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 45
0 miles · Wisconsin


Life is too short. Let's do it, however I have to know some background information about the couple.
I love both but I am more concerned with the partner that I am with. So I would give before I receive. Giving head or licking a pussy is only going to make me that much wetter for my partner.
Give me all you got. I'm going to get as many as I can. Never know if this is going to be the last time.
Yes oh God Yes!!! You have to be a good kisser it makes the sex more complete. Some times aggressive kissing is required and then soft and sensual. All in between the screaming and shouting of course.
Today it is black and white in a snake skin design. I have to match bra and panties each and everyday, oh wait today is not panties so I dont have to match.
Professionally - I have to keep my mouth shut in many areas of my job, oh man would I love to really open my mouth to my CEO once. Personal - I always speak my mind which many people do not like and have caused some issues, but I refuse to be fake and anything but genuine and honest.
Seeing and hearing from that one special person each and every day and knowing that there is a real connection there.
I'm sure I would. I have the need and want to have my man proud enough of me to carry his name. It would really take alot for that to happen again due to the fact of the bitter divorce that is begun, but I have always wanted to be someone's wife and mother. I have been both and it's a shame that I didn't mean enough to him to try to keep me. That doesn't mean that I should hold his actions and transgretions against the next relationship that I enter.
Oh my God it is a must!!! I love it, due to the fact that I am outdoors most of the time other then my time at work. Best is to have sex in the rain. Is it raining right now?
I have a big mouth. Yeah take that how you will, has come in quite handing now that I am an adult. Wink Wink When I was a kid it got me in trouble because I talked to much.
I miss being a kid. Remember when all we wanted to do was grow up, this shit is way over- rated. I want the days when I didn't have a care in the world, no responsibilites, no worries. I would love to have those days back.
I love to watch someone masturbate whether it is a guy or a girl. Total turn on to know that i can get someone that worked up with out using any area of my body. On the other hand I am very aroused if they watch me too. After they are done masturbating then we can get down to some full body contact.
Take a look for yourself. 42DD - Love them and wish they where bigger but love the fact that they are all natural.
I am very loud, both screaming and moaning. I hate to have to hold back. However I like when I am being loud and my partner has to try to keep me quiet!!
I squirt but it takes some great techniques by the partner I am with. I usually squirt when I masturbate but on a few occassions I have had my partner get me off if they are doing it right!!
I am in contact with my first love. We have had many talks about our failed relationship. We have tried in the past to reconnect and try again. But the first time after he cheated on me with my best friend was....I will never forget. And I know you never will either. That is one thing no one can ever take away from us.
Hell No - but I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. And my POPS use to tell me " the only regrets in life that you should have is the regrets for not doing the things you wanted to" I hold true to that statement. You have to make the best of each and every situation that you have. You only get one chance at this!!!
You think I can talk now, you get a few drinks in me and I don't shut up. That is unless I have a cock or a titty in my mouth.
I love to see his facial reactions. Sucking cock is a total turn on for me and to watch him usually watching me is so intense.
One of the hottest things to do. Also love when he cums in my pussy goes down sucks it all out only to then kiss me and fill me with OUR juices.
Its just a bit messy. But that is what they make showers for. As for me and if my partner is good with it, no period is stopping me. I am not waiting 5 days to have sex just because God chose to make me a woman. Plus you can always fuck my mouth or my ass but I am going to tell you I am going to want it in my tight ass pussy sooner then later. Not a big fan of him eating my pussy while I am on my period - there is just where I draw the line.
Yes - I have been filmed and photographed and I have done the same for friends. It is so hot and exciting. I like to watch myself and try to improve on it the next time that i am filmed. How I hold my ass or how I arch my back - so much fun.