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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 74
0 miles · Washington


Quote by HeraTeleia
Hi all! It's been a minute. Things are so great in the world (/s, if you needed it)!

Not working quite as much. Well, not 60 hour weeks as much. The oldest is back up in Vancouver, having lived through quarantine on campus. I am not even kidding, there were three kids--all dual citizens, all in studies where they had to be on campus--on an entire dormitory floor. He was told not to leave his room (he had a private bathroom and shower, obviously) and that a bag of food would be dropped off at 3p each day.

Did I mention the multiple handouts advising him that should he break quarantine, he would be subject to up to a $1M fine and/or 3 years in prison? Yah. That's a thing. I don't think anyone has actually been charged, but the fine is definitely a thing--and it's like a parking ticket, you can't exactly argue that you were someplace when you weren't.

Anyway! So he gets settled in Saturday. He's asleep Sunday morning when a knock comes on the door. It was--not even kidding--a BC Public Health Officer checking to be sure that he was at the address he'd given to the CBP.

The thing that kills me is, at least in Vancouver, masking and social distancing isn't even up for debate. I think it's the mentality--you're not whatever-Canadian, you're just Canadian. You do what is good for the guy next to you because he's the guy next to you. The oldest also thinks that Sophie Trudeau falling ill early and the Prime Minister openly working from home following that probably helped.

Not that the U.S. and Canadian cultures are remotely alike. Still, some things--like early, enthusiastic or mandated mask wearing by leaders; ample and repeated testing; and making social distancing a norm--would have made a huge difference down here. Canada isn't as good as Iceland or New Zealand in numbers, but it's pretty damn close, and the shared border didn't help.

Other things: RIP RBG. The chickens are good--one very special chick, who was the lone survivor of a number of tragedies that took out the eight other eggs in her clutch, hatched last night. She's a Dutch Barnevelder. Her name is Ruth...figured she had to be tough, like her namesake, to have hatched at all.

And thank you to those who remembered my birthday...I legit forgot until two days later.

Love you all.

Welcome back. Looking forward to some parler en francais n'est ce pas?
I heard an interesting discussion on a local Seattle medical call in radio show this morning on 570 AM KVI. (It was in the 10 AM to 11 AM first hour in case you want to try to find the podcast.) The doctor said that women being exposed to a male partner's testosterone in semen in intercourse without a condom enhanced her mood. The testosterone in semen apparently migrates through the vaginal walls and is absorbed into the female's bloodstream?

Who knew?

After hearing the comments on the radio show, I did find these links, but not sure how much credibility to give them?

I note this in the first linked article: "Like anything you take in, make sure your supply source of semen is trustworthy and free of STDs."

Any comments, including that I've noted that some of the ladies here on Lush are nurses and so maybe have some knowledge of this?
Does anyone here have any experience with products such as "Semenax" or similar products that supposedly increase the volume of a man's "load"?

Asking for an older, 70's ish friend whose volume is a fraction of what it was 50 + years ago and wonders what, if anything, he can, or wants to be bothered to, do about it and what the pros and cons of any remedy are.
Olive oil and red wine vinegar, approximately 4 to one ratio, plus a good dollop of Grey Poupon Dijon mustard and some ground pepper. Got the recipe decades ago from a French relative and has been my main day to day salad dressing. I mix up a good quantity at a time.
Quote by HeraTeleia
You fuck. You bloody fuck. You left a beautiful 7 lb. 8 oz. girl motherless and her father adrift in grief. Why her? Why fucking her? Beautiful labour, beautiful delivery, she nursed her little girl, and then...what, You had to test us? Had to remind us that You hold absolute power over life and death? Fucker.

As You know, I've spent all day going over every single thing that I did or didn't do, that my team did or didn't do, and this is the kind of self-doubt that isn't going away for a while--but then, You already know that, don't You?

Respectfully, may I ask what happened?
My roots originated in France. In my travels to France, I feel right at home, like the whole country is my hometown, with one city (not Paris) in particular generating that feeling. I speak the language reasonably well, and the natives are welcoming of that, from an "américain".

Otherwise, I live in the PNW, États-Unis.
Quote by HeraTeleia
Give me a good Gewurtztraminer over a red, any day.

Huh, as it happens, I indulged in a 2015 Columbia Gorge "Joel Gott" Gewurztraminer (Joel Gott Wines, Columbia Gorge, Dundee, Oregon) on Christmas Day. Bought at Trader Joe's in Seattle's University District, 4555 Roosevelt Way NE. Another good one available there is the "Gundlach Bundschu", from Sonoma County, California. Both are, as I recall, around $12 to $14 and as tasty as just about any wine I've had under $30 a bottle. Most folks don't seem to be aware of this varietal and how wonderful it is. The Joel Gott Gewurz doesn't seem to be available there any longer though.
Quote by HeraTeleia
First, a HUGE thank you to the five Good Samaritan men who literally ran to my aid this morning. Thank you so much. Without you, I would be a bloody mess, or dead, or both.

Second, a HUGE "(swear word) you" to the police dispatcher who told the drugstore manager who called for aid that since I wasn't asking for an aid car, it wasn't an emergency. Pardon? At least five witnesses and no, I wasn't physically hurt, but it wasn't for lack of this doped up drunk's effort.

Third, a HUGE thank you to my colleagues for understanding why I was damn near clinging to the ceiling when I got to work, and a huge thank you also to the officer who followed up on the case and was wonderful.

What happened?
@HeraTeleia Thanks for all the useful, interesting info. Agree you'd be "super handy to have around in an emergency.". !
Sweet vermouth, gin, dry, fino and cream sherries, sweet and dry marsala, and then the usual assortment of scotch, vodka, tequila, Triple Sec, brandy, etc. to pretty much accommodate most tastes for before, during, and after dinner consumption. But most especially a wide range of wines, especially the whites, including some many folks are not familiar with such as Gewürztraminer, and Lambrusco, which is always a fun experience on the palate. Do wines/fortified wines count or is those only to be about the "harder" stuff? By the way, I fiind Trader Joe's to have an excellent range of selections of wines. There are several TJ's in my part of the Salish Sea.
Quote by HeraTeleia
... if I saw some random trying to look up my dress? I'd cross my legs and give him a look that would make his testicles retract to right about the level of his belly button.

Quote by HeraTeleia
Valkri designs awesome concealed carry purses. This is the Juno. I have it and the Hera--because of course I do.

Out of curiosity, doesn't "carrying" a purse - with that that particular brand's name so prominently displayed on the exterior - inherently signal or at least suggest that you're "carrying"? I can imagine various implications to that. It seems like it could be advertising you're armed. Maybe that's a good thing as it would ward off an attempted purse snatching (or worse), and the would be thief/thieves would move on to another victim or have second thoughts altogether? Or maybe she/he/they would escalate her/his/their plan and realize there is an opportunity to score a firearm, not just cash in your purse? Maybe even a nice, expensive firearm, consistent with the presumptive/presumably discerning owner of a designer purse? I can speculate as to all sorts of repercussions, permutations and combinations of possible outcomes. Obviously this assumes the would be thief knows her/his brands, which may be a stretch. Just ruminating here...vs isn't the point of conceal carry being to not signal that one is armed?

And being new here, but having seen the kind of responses that the most innocent comments here seem to sometimes evoke, let me add that this is a sincere question - I'm just curious and wondering. In part, I wasn't familiar with these purses and wonder if I should recommend them to any ladies I know who conceal carry, if they weren't already familiar with them.
Quote by HeraTeleia

Look up my skirt and find the Glock 26 in a garter holster. Run away quickly.

Now that's some "conceal carry" !

Ya gotta license fer that?
Quote by HeraTeleia
This is even a question?

Five words that speak volumes...

All the while addressing the OP's question.

Not to mention an example of good writing, with economy of language, an element of humor, and conveying a certain "je ne sais quoi".
Quote by LangeRouge
I’ve been to several clothing optional beaches in France and never had a problem blending in with the locals

I can answer this easily as it happened to me. Wandered onto a beach in Saint Tropez a few decades ago and discovered it was pretty much a topless and bottomless situation. Had been traveling all along southern France and had not encountered this before. Adhered to the "when in Rome do as the Romans do" approach. The only embarrassing point was when I went to the bar/concession stand on the beach to get something to drink and hadn't seen the sign - in French naturellement - saying to have at least your bottom area clothed. Clearly I wasn't paying attention - too many distractions! Some health department requirement I suppose. Anyway, there I am, in my "altogether" and asking this attractive young, mostly clothed woman for a Citron Pressé and she's telling me in very fast spoken French - that I was trying to comprehend under the totality of the naked circumstances - that I had to go back and put my swim suit on to be in there.

Awkward... (imagine raised pitch voice LOL)
Quote by Dudealicious


Was my comment that obscure, lame, or random, or below the adequately sexy threshold for banter repartee/repartie here? Inquiring lush newbie minds would like to know... As I said in another post "apologies in advance if I disrupted the pace of the repartee, or repartie, as the case may be..."

Post above mine had mentioned "laundry". I was riffing off that and on ML having taken LT's advice to hold on to the blue Gap dress and not launder it...
Does it "come" to anyone's mind to run a DNA test on the "tribute" and compare it to sex predator databases and/or inmates in penal institutions?
FWIW random thoughts... with apologies in advance if I disrupted the pace of the repartee, or repartie, as the case may be...

For writers interested in etymology, word use, etc:

Then and, in some contexts, now:

"First Known Use of white knight


In some folks' world now:

"Definition of white knight
1 : one that comes to the rescue of another; especially : a corporation invited to buy out a second corporation in order to prevent an undesired takeover by a third"

Financial Definition of WHITE KNIGHT

"A white knight is a company that acquires another company that is trying to avoid acquisition by a third party. How It Works

For example, let's assume that Company XYZ wants to acquire Company ABC. Company ABC feels that Company XYZ is a hostile bidder and will ruin the company. As a result, Company ABC's directors go on the offensive and tell the shareholders that a sale to Company XYZ would not be a good thing.

Company 123, which has worked with Company ABC for years and has a good relationship with its board, sees an opportunity to "save" Company ABC from the tense situation and make a lucrative acquisition at the same time. Company ABC welcomes Company 123's bid and merges with it to avoid acquisition by Company XYZ. Company 123 is a white knight.
Why It Matters

White knights make acquisitions on friendly terms. White knights are white because they are associated with goodness and virtue."

Quote by Liz

I went to a really expensive Italian restaurant once and they served a Grappa which was like £100 per bottle. Quite tasty. smile

(P.s. I moved your thread from the Think Tank to our Gourmet forum section.)

I would have thought of Grappa more as an after dinner libation, but I can see how some folks' taste could put it in the gustatory foreplay category.

P.S. Thanks for moving my comment to where it should belong. I had no idea where to post it, being new here. Need to get my footing. Is there a guide somewhere to navigating the site that I haven't seen or do I just learn by trial and error and help from moderators as appropriate? I'm fine with that as long as my glitches don't get too annoying to anyone! Sometimes the comments get pretty intense!
I'm new here. This is my first effort at starting a new topic - at least this topic is new to me as I haven't searched all the archives here to see the history.

Ignore my post on the other topic asking how to do this - I finally found the appropriate button.

Anyone have a favorite wine, or wine based aperitif, to "set the mood"... ???

One of my favorites is a "Kir" - originally made with an uncommon (in the U.S.) French white wine varietal - Aligoté - plus crème de cassis. But any dry white works OK.

I look forward to any responses to add to my repertoire ....