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Blackbird Supernova
Quote by Mysteria27
Is there anyway to remove when people have added our stories to their queue.

It's not anything I need to know.

Hope you consider.


I actually kind of like knowing it. Or at the very least seeing it. Just gives me a little boost. Whether they follow through reading or not is neither here nor there. smile
Blackbird Supernova
Natalia Castellar. Taking the modeling world by storm!

Blackbird Supernova
It would change the link because of the way the system saves stories. Your Shards example is perfect.

I find that often, a moniker of 'part one' isn't really necessary. You'll notice my recent series doesn't actually have a part one. Just a thought.
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by HeraTeleia

Had to ask, didn't you? The word was "laving", the gerund form of the verb "to lave", meaning "to wash", specifically over or against something.

I think in the story she was licking his balls or something, and the mod thought I meant to write "loving" instead of "laving". Yes, I am a walking thesaurus with tits. It's a fabulous thing.

I've used it before. Substitutes for 'licking' are always useful. biggrin
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by HeraTeleia
I thought the definition of a "score bomber" was an individual who gives a low score as revenge for whatever offence, imagined or real, the writer may have committed against said individual? Like guys who have threatened to score my stories with 1's if I don't do the "sexy chat" with them? I didn't think a "score bomber" actually gave a damn about the actual story.

Granted, if I'm reading your story and I think it truly sucks, for whatever reason, I'll just stop reading and not comment or score, but I would imagine that there are at least some readers out there who feel somehow wounded by having been 'forced' to finish reading a story that did nothing for them, and those readers are probably the ones who give low scores. Wouldn't call those readers "score bombers". And I really doubt that there are readers who actively seek out stories that they know won't appeal to them with the active intention of giving a low score.

ETA: If sending Gav topless pics makes our dear house code monkey happy, I'm all for it. Heck, I'll go first, with permission...keeping this site up and running as well as accommodating most or all of the requested updates and changes in features is no doubt quite the task. It is a task that should be well-rewarded, and last I checked, Gav probably isn't pulling down a Bezos-level paycheque, what with all the freeloaders and begrudging bronze members and others who just refuse to accept that servers don't come from some magical place where unicorns hand them out for free, and that electricity costs actual dollars.

He prefers legs.
Blackbird Supernova
Focusing purely on the physical world here, I'm going to organize and purge my household. Too much stuff surrounds me right now. I need it gone and/or sorted. I've already started. Weee.

Blackbird Supernova
Quote by TheAngryishLover

What if I wrote a story where I got myself pissed, and then slept with a girl I wouldn't usually go near? You know, like an 8 out of 10?

This then becomes a psychological analysis. Were you able to consent to yourself? Did you drug yourself unknowingly? Do you have dissociative personality disorder? Are you, in fact, crazy?

I'd pass that story, yeah. ;)
Blackbird Supernova
I'd love it if my husband got a vasectomy. The very best sex we've ever had was while trying to conceive our daughter, but we don't want any more kids and hormone bc makes me a little crazy.
Blackbird Supernova
It was coffee, but now is all gone. *sad face*
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by Elder1
It can be a pain, dealing with different personalities & desires in regard to a story. It should definitely be clarified for the mods as to what they'll accept or pass on. And some of the links aren't all that helpful with every literary problem. Gray areas in particular. And I certainly hope alcohol, as in drinks, isn't considered drug taking? It's socially acceptable as long as drunken debauchery doesn't ensue. Am I to assume such is the case in stories as well? It's what we do in given situations. Over & above common usage, so long as it's not gross in context. Like mom always told me, as an older teen on up, " It's only dirty if it's in your mind that it's dirty!" It's all in your personal outlook. I'll always wonder how far that went with her? I mean, what the heck, our parents were just as human as we! So, in light of that, some ground rules are needed so individual likes & dislikes don't confuse things & bog them down in nit-picky red tape. That's extra work for all concerned, which I'm sure all of us dislike.

We welcome all your questions regarding acceptable content. That is a big part of why we're here.

Directly referencing drugging, the rule refers to drugging someone unknowingly, then engaging in sexual situations with them. Essentially, we are trying to avoid scenarios. Drugs of all sorts are allowed in stories, as long as they are willingly ingested and all parties are able to consent to any sexual situations. Alcohol is fine, given the rules above.

If you have any other questions regarding content, grammar, punctuation or really anything having to do with stories here at Lush, please feel free to contact me directly. I am more than happy to help.

Blackbird Supernova
Quote by Simmerdownchick
I'd really like it if the FONT size was larger. If i'm writing more than a paragraph with this tiny font, I lose my place. Ruthie suggested I get my eyes checked and a stronger RX for my glasses, but really? I like to use the 6 font but if it's going to insult people, maybe the 5 is a little small and 6 should be the default

What's wrong with this one?

Seriously, though, I agree with you. A little larger wouldn't hurt.
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by seeker4

It's the world I live in. I am on an average of 3-4 IP addresses a day nowadays.

Yes, I hadn't even considered phone IP jumping, even though I do nearly all of my Lushing on my phone. ;)
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by Master_Dragon883
I Saw Sprite's pet peeves as an editor so I thought I would give people on the other end of the coin somewhere to voice how they feel and as it's my thread, I'll start

(1) Although I am willing to deal with it now as my stories are catching on, I hate having to deal with multiple story mods while trying to publish, Especially considering I don't know what any of them find acceptable and what they don't. I remember when I was trying to publish chapter one of my story, It was a Royal pain because I got it back from one mod, fixed all the stuff the first mod didn't like only to get it back from a different mod who did not like some of the stuff that the first mod approved of.

(2) Getting links to forums that are supposed to help me, that from what I can see most are too full people debating to get anything useful out of it.

Certainly some very acceptable and understandable peeves here!

To address these:

1. You are free to request that the same Mod work with you to publish your work. It is, however, an agreement you have to make with that Mod yourself. I'd recommend that, if you get a story returned with requests for edits and you want to keep working with that Mod for the duration, then send that Mod a PM and start a conversation. You'll find that most of us are perfectly willing to work with you that way, given a little communication foreplay. ;)

If and when you do get a Mod to work with you, be sure to include a short blurb in the Note to Moderator box requesting that your story be left for [Mod's name here], then be sure and contact the Mod to tell them that you have a story in the queue. This is NOT queue jumping, because making friends with Mods should not make you more likely to post a story faster regardless of queue length at the time. It's simply a courtesy so that your Mod will know to look for it as it works its way up the queue.

I hope that helps you start resolving that particular peeve. smile

2. Very good point. We likely do need to go through our help threads and either clean them up or come up with new ones. Thank you. I'll see what I can get going.

This is a great thread. Thank you.
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by rune
Hehehe can I raise a request from Gav through here?

1. Can we keep the comment of a member who diactivated even if its a general avatar like the ones in forum who can be anonymous?

2. Can the comment be save with the story if I downloaded the pdf?

Thank you so much smile have a wonderful week everyone [bh]

Thank you Earl for this :)

Gav doesn't read the forums regularly. If you would like to make a concrete suggestion, please use the Contact Us form or perhaps try the improvements thread, here:

Have a great day!
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by seeker4

Or if you're on mobile and moving between a cell connection and various wi-fi connections (e.g. you access it from work, then from home, then from a cafe, then from your car, each would be a separate address and therefore a separate view).

Blackbird Supernova
I think the system logs unique IP views. So, if you tried to up your story views by visiting a story 10 times in one session, it wouldn't work. If your ISP assigns a random IP address every time you go online, then chances are you'd up your story view by a few due to rolling IPs.

To the OP, your story is around 16 from the top. We've been dealing with some editing issues, explained in the Site Announcement forum. We appreciate your patience while we work through a very backed up story queue. Thank you.
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by seeker4

Thanks, Buz. Submission coming soon.

Can you give us a little more information about what word processor, OS and browser you're using? Thanks. smile
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by Magical_felix

Exactly. Out of the available categories I'd probably put it in too but like you say, when you click on a story the expectation is for something really forbidden not just a large age gap.

Mature definitely seems like there won't be any young people engaging in sexual activity in that category.

Agreed. I would love to see a more appropriate category for that kind of story, too. Sure, you could throw it into Straight Sex with some tags for older/younger, but it seems a big enough sub genre to have its own category.

Blackbird Supernova
Quote by noll

As a member who follows other members I'm not in favor of this at all. I see the follow option as a setting of the follower's profile, not of the profile being followed. Kinda similar to blocking. And just as the person whose profile is blocked by someone should not get control over the blocking, the same should apply to the following in my mind.
There's already the option to mail your followers individually and there's the option to befriend them and then send them group mailings.

If a 'spam my followers' feature should be implemented I hope it will be done as an opt-in for the followers only.

I actually agree with you on that, because from a spam perspective, it's a nightmare. My knee jerk reaction is to not allow it at all, for the reasons started here. I was simply clarifying the request, then along Gav to chime in.

Thanks for saying it like it is.
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by Simplicity
I would like to see away for us to notify our followers with and email of a new story. A way to Mass email them as we do our friends. I do know by them being a follower they get and announcement, but I still think a mass email would help and remind them when they follow so many writers.

Thanks, Simmie

So all you want is a check box in the compose message page that says something like "all my followers". Seems simple enough.

Blackbird Supernova
The Riley Boy series is now complete! Please have a read. I promise you won't be disappointed.

Thanks so much to everyone who's been so supportive during the writing. It's been a great boon to have you all cheering me on. heart

--Evie xxxx
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by Verbal
I love the word "hijinks."

I have a non-holiday story about ready to go. I suppose adding "It was Christmas" as the first sentence would not do the trick.

Try harder, moonman.

I love this comp theme.
Blackbird Supernova
Congratulations to the top three, and to the honorable mentions, as well! Top notch storytelling. smile
Blackbird Supernova
Usually promotion is what you can do. Here, on your blog, on Twitter, anywhere else you can think of. I don't much like harassing my readers, so I don't mass email.

Your 18,000+ views are likely majority non members, so they can't vote or comment. A lot of members will read but not vote or comment. It's their choice. You could add a quick sentence at the end of the story asking the readers to vote and comment if they liked it. A simple, straightforward suggestion usually works. smile
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

Refusing to write fiction (or at least fictionalize some details of your real-life stories) sounds like a self-imposed limitation - not the problem of LS. If your weird moral code prohibits fiction, too bad. Seriously if this is your real opinion on fiction, why are you on a literary site anyway? This isn't a true-life confessional or court of law where you're bound to tell the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth. My stories have never been fact-checked, and there's nothing to prevent me (or you) from just making stuff up. Consequently, I do it all the time, and the stories I write are far better for it. It's really not that difficult to write within the site guidelines if you can just get over yourself.

Right on.