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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 35
United States


Active Ink Slinger
I am so tired of parents acting like children... A friend of mine is going through a really hard time with some medical problems that the doctors can't seem to figure out and his mom came down to "take care of him." Well she doing a shit awful job at it she takes him on a trip that he doesn't want to go on to some place 3 hours away and proceeds to get drunk off her ass. So now he's trying to keep his shit together but he's freaking out and has no one to help him deal with it all, as if he's not under enough stress already. She's really lucky I didn't go on the trip because I think I'd lose my shit and fucking scream at her right now. She is the most useless adult I know, your son really needs someone to support him and all you can do is get drunk and make everything worse. Quit acting like this is a vacation to have fun and lose your mind and take care of your damn son. I'm not his mother and I do better offering support and care when I can because I understand that he needs someone. I'm more helpful than she is and I'm 3 hours away! I swear if I had a GPS I would get in my car and drive down there right now and bring him home while she passes out in her hotel room to wake up feeling like the god awful parent she is. Way to take care of your son when he really could use it..... I really don't think I've ever wanted to scream at her more in my life and I've known her for going on 8 years. I should have known that she wouldn't be able to put her son first I've had enough time to learn better. I thought this would help but I'm still fucking infuriated at this whole situation
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by GingerKitty
I can't say much more.

I'm with you on this one!
Active Ink Slinger
Black or Red mainly. As for teddies or corsets it just depends on how I'm feeling at the time.
Active Ink Slinger
Pretty Kinky 63%

You kinkscore is pretty high. Most likely you're up for trying anything at least once, which show open-mindedness. You're probably a great lay, so just keep doing that thing you do!
Active Ink Slinger

I can't help but think of sitting in the passenger seat during long road trips with him.
Active Ink Slinger
Recently got the new Christina Aguilera and this song just seemed perfect.

Active Ink Slinger
My laptop mostly in bed but on occasion the living room and kitchen
Active Ink Slinger
I know of one party I will be attending but there may be others lol as for my costume I will be going as Sweet Pea from SuckerPunch smile
Active Ink Slinger
Plain cheesecake or tiramisu (but only from a very specific restaurant)
Active Ink Slinger
Talking to a great Lush friend, the comments on part 1 of my newest story, working on the next section, and remembering the night that inspired it
Active Ink Slinger
A guy I was seeing mentioned he visited a site called Lush and I wanted to check it out... read stories for a bit before submitting a few of my own
Active Ink Slinger
Got the Mole lol not the funnest sounding animal but the description is fairly accurate

It's easy to recognize a mole personality. They have pasty complexions and are usually seen in late night coffee shops, jazz bars or underground clubs. To avoid drawing attention to themselves, they favor dark clothing and sunglasses and are the first people to volunteer for the graveyard shift.

Physically, moles are not awe-inspiring individuals. Their pale skin and plump physique are usually accompanied by thick glasses or contacts that compensate for poor eyesight. However, they are comfortable with their flaccid bodies and seek companionship with others who appreciate their more philosophical qualities. Shunning contemporary fashions, moles prefer dark clothes and retro-styles.

There's something compelling about the mole personality, and in the early sixties it was quite fashionable to be a mole in the form of a creative and philosophical beatnik expressing angst through music and poetry. Bob Dylan and John Lennon carried the mole standard into the seventies, but the fashion largely died and moles were forced back underground.

Passive and unassertive, they prefer to retreat at the first sign of confrontation and would rather run than take physical action. If they were to be found on a rare trip to Disneyworld, angry tan lines would be a dead giveaway to their mole personality.

Moles are restless and, although constantly engaged in activity, they never seem to get anything done. Careers are taken seriously, though. So seriously, in fact, that with their little heads down and their backs fully into the job moles may not notice the world going by. But even moles have dreams, and long for a time when they can put down the shovel and take a well-deserved hammock break on a quiet shady beach.

Moles have extremely sharp minds and are excellent problem solvers. As reflected in their determined burrowing through difficult terrain, moles prefer solutions with straight lines rather than having to go around problems. When confronted with difficult issues they never give up; hacking away with dogged determination until the answer is found. This attribute makes them perfect for jobs in engineering, accounting or diagnostic work. With their unique underground perspective on life, moles have enormous potential as songwriters, poets, or left-wing journalists, and some of the world's finest philosophical writing has emanated from moles.
Active Ink Slinger
It's a big rock, can't wait to tell my friends. They don't have a rock this big.
-Spike (Becoming)
Active Ink Slinger
Dirt Road Anthem by Jason Aldean featuring Ludacris
Active Ink Slinger
All quotes from the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter or The Black Dagger Brotherhood series smile

Ignorance isn't bliss, but neither is knowledge.

You don't plan love, it just happens.

You hate most in others what you don’t like in yourself.

What is love? Sometimes it's just letting yourself be who and what you are, and letting the person you're supposed to love be who and what he is to.

You can't truly hate someone you've love. You can only hurt.

The truth is what it is, spoken or not.

But you couldn’t help who you fell in love with- or change the feelings of someone who didn’t love you back.

Simple decisions have ramifications that can be shattering.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Shylass

Thank you for the image Shylass I absolutely love it smile
Active Ink Slinger
I just realized that this topic got moved into a new section and I have no idea why. The original post was in a general topic area as I understand that suspending is not anything normally associated with odd

CoopsRuthie to answer your question I did mean suspending by hooks or such inserted in the skin. Most of what I've seen on the subject doesn't require the individual to have any kind of surgical procedure lol it's just hooks put in the skin that are removed after the session is over. I does seem to leave behind some serious scars which may be a deterrent for some; but everything comes with a price so I guess I just lump that in with the discomfort/pain one may experience along with the actual monetary cost.
Active Ink Slinger
Crown and 7... must say it makes for a good night after a shit day
Active Ink Slinger
Well anything from Rent gets my vote but one of my favorites has to be La Vie Boheme!!! This never fails to improve my mood if it's been a long day.

Active Ink Slinger
Always glad to hear this thread is useful to my Lush friends; I hope your feeling better today Gurlyboy and I absolutely love that you can quote Buffy bits!! I was reading your post and thought to myself that when I made the original post I had a Buffy quote that would fit perfectly but forgot to include it

See when I get into one of these moods I often go shut myself away in my room to avoid unintentionally freaking out on someone and I think Buffy summed it up the best when she said, "I don't want any trouble. I just wanna be alone and quiet in a room with a chair and a fireplace and a tea cozy. I don't even know what a tea cozy is. But I want one. Instead, I keep getting trouble, which I am more than willing to share."

Now that I have remedied the earlier forgetfulness I'm off.
Active Ink Slinger
Apologies are just words. -Lady Heather on CSI

We can not change the truth no matter how much we dislike it. -Raven on Teen Titans

When I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew. - Shakespeare

Memories are what warm you up inside but they're also what tear you apart. -Not sure who said it

In the end, we are all who we are, no matter how much we may appear to have changed. -Giles on Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Shylass

I'm all, grrrr, and , and grrrrrr, and feck off, and , and tomorrow is going to be CRAPPETTY CRAP. On a stick.

I just want fish and chips and Haagen Dazs Dulce du leche and a cuddle until I fall asleep with a sexy lad that fancies me, and I can't have any of those.

I hope your day was better then CRAPPETTY CRAP on a stick Shylass but if that is not the case feel free to post away! I'm glad someone else got good use out of this thread as well and I totally agree on wanting Haagen Dazs and a cuddle time with a sexy lad but I'm in the same boat there.

Also thank you to TheDevilsWeakness for a great song.
Active Ink Slinger
I wish this scene had made it into the movie so much! I love how it starts out with a semi funny exchange between Tom tells Benny then turns around and breaks my heart with Mimi and Roger

Active Ink Slinger
One of my favorite funny movie scenes by my favorite comedian Jim Carrey!

Active Ink Slinger
So I've seen The Rage Cage and Meh threads but I think I fall somewhere between the two today. I'm sure everyone has had one of those days where you wake up in a pissed off mood for no reason or ended up there for no particular reason That is where I am at the moment; I was thinking about venting in The Rage Cage but found I had nothing to really vent... I'm just pissed. I had a pretty standard day that doesn't warrant my shit awful mood yet I feel like throwing my glass at the wall, though being plastic it wouldn't have desired effect. I'm usually a pretty upbeat person which is why I can't stand when I have days like this! Well here it is for those Lush members who don't have a reason for the awful mood they are in... feel free to post whatever. I hope it helps you! At least I don't feel quite so much like throwing my glass anymore.

Also for my Lush community stuck in this craptastic mood I present one of my favorite songs for just these type of days.
Active Ink Slinger
Thanks to everyone for taking the time to reply smile This is something that I have been contemplating for awhile. The only problem being I have a fairly low tolerance for pain and am not sure I'd be able to make it through the hook placement... Modify was one of the first pieces I watched on the subject and is what really got me interested in the subject. Those who spoke about suspending said for the most part that it was one of the most relaxing and euphoric experiences they've had. I'm usually one to shy away from pain but this is just one of those things that has stuck in my mind and had continued interest.