I have no plans to write you long messages back. If you DM me, you're better off giving me an email address, but only do so if you want to know my professional side too.
Let me make this clear: I'm not here to find people. I'm here to read. So if you get mad that I'm a professional here, just know: I existed in peace under this name so I don't have to use my real one, just like you. You just got mad because you saw a lovely lady on the internet and thought by her existing it's a problem for some reason. Let me exist here and enjoy the things you do too. We are all deserving of that regardless of our background.
In general:
Yes I'm interested in older men. Yes I'm a sub-leaning switch. Yes I've slept with over a hundred men at this point. No I don't remember all their names.
But more than anything else, I'm a slow burn specialist.
If you're curious, my site is evabora.com
I write as part of my newsletter Fantasy Stories. I'll be publishing the full versions of them here, but if you want to read the first version and first part, get on my mailing list.