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Over 90 days ago
Female, 155


Ever get caught by cops for having sex in a public place like a pool? Want to share your story on TV? You can contact me at by email at .
I was posting in several threads to see which topic got the most views. **contact me via PM to receive my business email address.** by moderator
I am a producer for TV production company working on a new series for the Discovery Network about the wild, crazy, sometimes funny and totally true stories of the sexual misadventures and mishaps that people all across the country have found themselves in. And sometimes these adventures go wrong - you get busted by cops or someone walking in. Our show is a lighthearted, humorous look at these sticky situations, told from the point of view of the people who experienced them. The show includes interviews with the people in the story. You can PM if you have questions.
Did you ever use handcuffs or props and it got out of hand and you needed help from police or the fire department to get you free?
Quote by 1LovelyKinkyKitsune
You forgot to give your email or where we can contact? I do not see that on your profile either?

*Yes no arrest or anything, just a warning, and I am NOT contacting someone or freely giving my ideas when I have no idea who they are, and even do not bother to use more than a generic icon and page without info.

Why not just give the Dicovery Channel contact information and not saying it is YOU on a site. How do I know you are who you say you are? Offical contact seems more legit. There are channels. An indivifual person that randomly posts and shows up sounds more like someone wanting something else.

First, You can private message me or email me at . Second, the show revolves around interviewing the people in these stories so if you told me your details, I couldn't use it without having you in the show talking about it. Why don't you email me and I can give you more information?
Did anyone have a loud phone sex session that caused cops to think you were in trouble?
Did anyone have a sex role play adventure get misunderstood by cops or neighbors?
Anyone have a crazy story past the typical sex in public? Did a sex role play adventure get misunderstood by cops or neighbors? Did a loud phone sex session cause cops to think you were in trouble? Did using handcuffs or props get out of hand and you needed help from police or the fire department to get you free? Did a bondage in public escapade get confused for a kidnapping? Did you have to have sex in public to avoid a weird/crazy roommate?
Quote by nicola
I thought this was a ruse, but the OP checks out.

Is this going to be for your "Hugh Grant" sector?

For anyone who's interested, they are in the USA.

Yep, this is for real. And we are based in Northern California.
What were you doing before the cop got there and why was he at your door?
Quote by seeker4
Isn't this more TLC stuff than Discovery?

Well it is taking what TLC does but adding the twist of getting busted. It is for Investigation Discovery. You have a story to share or know someone who might?
I am a producer for TV production company working on a new series for the Discovery Network about the wild, crazy, sometimes funny and totally true stories of the sexual misadventures and mishaps that people all across the country have found themselves in. And sometimes these adventures go wrong - you get busted by cops or someone walking in. Our show is a lighthearted, humorous look at these sticky situations, told from the point of view of the people who experienced them. Contact me!
I am a producer for TV production company working on a new series for the Discovery Network about the wild, crazy, sometimes funny and totally true stories of the sexual misadventures and mishaps that people all across the country have found themselves in. And sometimes these adventures go wrong - you get busted by cops or someone walking in. Our show is a lighthearted, humorous look at these sticky situations, told from the point of view of the people who experienced them. Contact me!