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Over 90 days ago
Male, 154


Rookie Scribe
Thanks for all the comments guys. At first i debated about even posting the thread at all but now i'm glad i went ahead and grew some balls and posted it.
Rookie Scribe
Thanks for the reply. Just have like one thing to add lol, I'm in college and and moving towards getting all that set up. And i have had girlfriends i just chose not to kiss them. And i may seem like i need to relax but that's just because i have really bad social anxiety and depression. No matter what i do i'm going to think i'm ugly and fat etc...But anyways thanks for the reply. smile
Rookie Scribe
So basically let me sum up what you just said.
1. I'm fat and need to lose weight.
2. I look like i don't have any personal hygiene.
3. I have a bad hairstyle.
4. I'm hiding behind my hat because i'm insecure

Did i miss anything?
Rookie Scribe
Now i'm 19 and still a virgin and i'll admit i've never kissed a girl. Why is this so looked down upon by most people? It's not my fault that my parents barely let me do anything let alone have a girlfriend or go out and meet girls. Just wanting your opinion on this. Thanks. Oh and please don't even try to Flame me or make fun of me it gets really old. :l And yes i've had girlfriends before i've just never done anything.