I started crossdressing very young and quickly became addicted t it. All these years later I am still trying to wrap my head around the mixture of emotions that go along with it.
I love to go down on a lady, especially if I can make her cum by doing it. I know I taste salty, bitter and slimy. Therefore I am reluctant to let a lady do it unless she insists and I warn her about it.
Being orally fixated, I would love to be with a squirter... alas it has not happened yet.
Marie - a very interesting post. I am 50 and have been a closet crossdresser for 40 years. I can SO identify with the purging even though I have never been intoxicated since I am allergic to alcohol. I have purged more times than I care to count. The embarrassment, shame and fear are hard to put into words. After all this time, I still struggle with thoughts, feelings, emotions and relationships.
It is as if I have a split personality where one is very non-compatible with the other. Very masculine features and a deep voice preclude me from ever 'passing' as female, combined with a mostly conservative political outlook, 'old fashioned' and being strictly heterosexual. The idea of homosexual or bisexual males is revolting to me, yet the idea of lesbian or bisexual females is actually a turn on. Perhaps it sounds like a cliche, but if I were born with a vagina instead of a penis, I would be lesbian. I have no desire to be female full time and could not be anyway since I do not know how to BE female. For me crossdressing is about the sexual feelings I get while doing it. I became addicted to it long ago. After ejaculation, the negatives mentioned above usually set in to one degree or another.
For as long as I can remember, I have been very eager to please. I do not argue well and try to avoid it when possible. I loathe being in leadership roles, though throughout my life I have been forced to assume them, even as a child.
I tend to fall in love easily, but sexual relationships are painful to me since I have been dropped like a rock every time as soon as my penchant for crossdressing has been revealed. As it is for many crossdressers I'm sure, having a lover with views like Lustyrose4u or lisad83 would be a dream come true. Alas, such ladies seem to be extremely rare and I have yet to meet one in real time. There are pretenders I have come across only to find out they are either addicted to drugs, and / or are only after the contents of my wallet, or for whatever reason seem to have a tough time getting laid. It tends to make one a little jaded.
Sorry for the rant, but thanks all who have taken the time to read.
For me it is not a matter of liking it. It is a matter of being addicted to it. I started crossdressing at a very early age and became hooked on it instantly.
Either way is good, but prefer reverse since it is easier to hit her g-spot due to my downward curvature.
A lot has already been said about band size in relation to cup size and yes it matters. My preference is smaller rather than larger, but it really depends on the lady.
It does not matter to me as long as she is on top and enjoying it.
Being one of those "shy guys" myself, I would be extremely flattered if a girl asked me out. I find a confident woman to be very sexy!
For me it is the face, then legs
There is something else to consider I have not seen here yet. Your guy may be bipolar. Sudden behavior changes are common in such people. Better to find it out now than later. If he does suffer from this, keep in mind he is in a sense, two or more different people in the same body. Be careful! The man you thought you knew may become extremely violent and aggressive toward you. Do some looking into this elsewhere besides here on lush.
Good luck...
hmm - I guess I am going to have to grow real breasts... lol
It depends on the lady and the mood, but I am a sucker for stockings and heels.
Tried it once with a lager breasted girl because she asked me to and it did nothing for me really. I prefer smaller breasted ladies and can think of other places to put my junk.
I would be afraid of getting my testicals squeezed, even the thought of it is too painful. The rest of it however, I would at least be willing to explore, but I consider myself to be naturally submissive anyway.
Maybe I'm wierd too. Your virginity is to be celebrated! The guy you give it to should treasure you as a precious gift forever, especially since you wated so long. Just make sure he is THE one.