Im a pretty normal London boy I enjoy clubbing,going too the pub watching the football (Soccer) for you yanks ;) and pretty much living life too the full. I also enjoy meeting new people and cyber chatting :P so add me or message if ya wanna chat :)
Interests SEX!!!! Well thats pretty much a given but also enjoy football (Soccer) Boxing and partying !!
Favorite Books 'The boy called it' 'The lost boy' and 'A man named Dave' By Dave Pelzer I strongly reccomend AlSo "Of MiCe AnD mEn" AnD "ToO KiLl A MoCkInGbIrD"
Favorite Movies BoYz In Da hOod ........ HoUsE pArTy ............ ScUm ............ AvAtAr (3d) ............. mAdEa GoEs ToO jAiL (hIlArIoUs) StAnD bY mE ............... sUpErBaD .................
Favorite Music I lIkE ....... RaP....... HiP-hOp ........... BaShMeNt...........R&b ............GaRaGe .......... FuNkY hOuSe ......... AnD mOsT oF aLl gRiMe If YoU aInT fRoM tHe uK yOu PrObAbLy HaVeNt HeArD oF iT bUt ChEcK mY vIdEoS If U WaNnA KnOw MOrE :)