Yep, could spice it up a bit for you Cisco ;)
I'm thinking a Mongolian, a chinese girl and a different kind of wall.
Sex at the base of the lighthouse with people fishing nearby, and by a lake around 9 one summer's night with quite a few people around still. And 2 ducks. Pervy ducks..
Discovered a soap from New Zealand, Shortland Street. Now furiously trying to find some episodes to watch online.
Having finished most of the chores!! Beautiful house, nice to see you again.
Most annoying excuse an ex has made just to make contact with you.
Eg. "Oh, I just remembered, I have your lamps, did you want me to drop them off tomorrow?.."
Those lamps cost me 8 crappy dollars. 8.
Give me a good laugh, I'm in need of one!
Underneath It All - No Doubt
Not within the FIRST hour, but yes within the first few hours. Not the type to go out with a one nighter in mind, but hey, sometimes these things just happen ;)
Sorry, fellow, stick to your pillow, sweet Marie is now with me ;)
You are a closet ____ fan?
Make her feel beautiful from the inside out ;) In more than one way..
suckle softly as my hands pull your hips toward me