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Over 90 days ago
Female, 155
United Kingdom


Im a baker, its what i do for a living but i love it, unfortunatly due to it costing less to buy in frozen mass produced baked goods that can be just defrosted, dated and stuck on the shelf there are only a handful of breads that i make from scratch at work. When i get home my passion for cake baking and decorating has turned from a hobby to a business. Theres nothing i love more than starting the day with some flour, eggs, butter an sugar and ending the day with a beautifully decorated cake that makes people go "wow". Thats my hobby
To be honest its not my favorate thing either, i love eye contact and skin contact so i find having him disapear down there leaves me feeling a bit lonely.
Granted, but noone else can find time to log on leaving you here all alone

I wish someone would take me out for a romantic dinner
Ohhh, mini panic! I saw the title of this topic and that Nicola had started it and in the 2 seconds it took for the page to load up my mind went through about a million thoughts about what if you were going or if you had decided it was time to finish Lush....

Shouldnt this kinda thing be saved for April 1st?!
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by Dontholien

Him: Hey
Me: Hi
Him: So whats up?

How do you even reply to that last one?! Birds? Helicopters? Drug users? Clouds? Is there actually a correct answer to this question? lol

Hard-ons and helicopters. If you only have the 1st one, beat it.

I have just used this reply on a guy who has for 2 days on the run opened a chat to me and started

"hi, its John, whats up?"

On day 1 he just left the conersation and just now he used this one: "dang it fire pager going off gotta go"....... Crazy fool!! Does he not learn?
Australia day?! Excuse my ignorance but what does that do?? We dont have anything like a UK day
Quote by sprite
you could have some of our rain, too, if you want!

I have plenty of rain to share too lol
Another Mistake

We work, we work, we work,
We build up things that we lost before,
We make things better,
We smile and laugh,
We love and live again,
Things are better than ever before,
We create new happy memories,
Then one night you drink.

You drink, you slip and you unravel what weve done.
You drink and do something stupid,
With someone so not even worth losing me for,
Its easy as that to ruin our hard work.

So now what?
We put a lid on it,
Start again and pretend it didnt happen,
I add it to the box of other mistakes,
Try not to let it take over,
While at the sametime making a note to keep an eye on her.
I try to forget and just carry on,
Hoping there wont be yet another 'next time'