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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 46
United States


Ladies as a man, especially in my younger days, in a crowded bar. I would (by accident) press into the ladies for a cheap feel of breast or Ass. Sorry was immature.

My question is do you ever intentionally press your breasts or ass or cup a feel of the men around you for your own cheap thrills?
Not really into it, but it looks great on film...
Miss Teen Delaware! What do you think on purpose...?
How many of our lush ladies will be showing breasts tonight for Fat Tuesday or enter into Wet Tshirt contest over Spring Break? Any good Stories that lead to a fun night
Common theme so far, Have some more experienced friends...
Ladies, have you ever just called a guy up and asked him to come over for Sex, blow Job, Sexual Release?
Where is your Favorite sexy Vacation place? Name the town, city and country....please.
Long Sensuous Wet Kiss Everywhere! My tongue would probably cramp up after a couple of hours....
Ladies since we are coming up on the Holidays. What is the Best Sexual Gift you have ever given to someone?
I know this is ask the girls, but as a Guy. I love when your lady will sit on my face and grind away til her own orgasm is so intense that her legs tighten around my head.

So Yes I like Face sitting...
This could be the best Thread on here. love it.
Ladies, the Sexiest thing you can have on is a smile and confidence in this one man's opinion...
I have actually told several ladies about this site because I like the reaction I get when the read stories and encourage them to write stories for me. This opens up worlds of conversations and opportunities....
Yes, as a black guy you go to jail if they are too young
I am amazed at the amount of college girls willing to do anal now compared to ten years ago. Maybe I am just better at getting them more comfortable as I age. It is one of my fav things to do though.
So Far I think I like double Dutch answer the best..
Ladies would you show your new lover of you with a past lover sex tape. Watch Self Porn with him...
Would you enjoy watching your lady in a sex tape of someone in her past?