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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 43
United Kingdom


I'm a 30 year old father of 1 from Scotland. Very happy with my life at the moment but looking for a little avenue to vent some, how to say, sexual tensions perhaps? I'm a very sexual person, have been since young but often have difficulty talking about this side of me. Really just looking to share a few stories about my own personal experiences, and read about those of others. No, the picture isn't me but I've been told we look alike!

At the moment I'm getting back to the gym to lose some weight and get a decent level of fitness back, but when I'm not working or running after my daughter I like movies and reading

Favorite Books
Really enjoyed the Millennium Trilogy - read all 3 back to back over the space of a fortnight Couldn't put them down!

Favorite Movies
Enjoying a lot of British films recently - Snatch, Lock Stock, London Boulevard etc
On the more x-rated side of things I'm a MILF lover, lingerie fan, and although not a foot fetishist as such I do like seeing high heels in a scene(why do some insist on removing them through the scene?!)


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