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2 weeks ago
Pan Female, 46
0 miles · Ocala


Gotta get ready for work, so no alcohol, but all the caffeine please! red bull here. And some of that buttery popcorn biggrin
Quote by SereneProdigy
I remember creating a similar thread, if you're interested to learn about a few other ones: Power Foods

Just looked at it and realized that all (but the salmon I still cant convince myself of that one) of the foods you posted are on the diet my nutritionist has me eating :O
Congratulations! now start working on improving for the next one ;)
I looked at it, but then I spent the money on a new motorcycle. Another day perhaps.
Quote by BethanyFrasier

I'm betting I'm the only girl on the site who has actually driven a tractor with a bush-hog! lol Farm girls have all the fun!

lol! Hardly girl. I can hook up a 3 point and mow a field, plus stack a tight wagon.
Ill take something cold and fun? I'm supposed to be off alcohol for awhile, but what my coach doesn't know wont hurt him, right???
Quote by SereneProdigy

Coffee would have the exact same effect for a fraction of the price, ya know.

Cant stand the stuff. Also not a tea fan.

MM- its not about being alert. Its for the flagging spirits on my 3hr+ rides.
LOve live the SEC! Errr ...

Congrats rumple, a well deserved honor!
sniff fresh laundry (hello Gain!) yes, but worn and dirty? nope. ick.
Fair enough. I like the ones that contain caffeine for my long rides. I suspect its mostly the caffeine I like.
Braid it and try to grow it as long as it will grow.

or something...
Has a lot to say and if you read it, you certainly get a sense of who she is.
which brands do you like? best flavors? best performance? with caffeine? no caffeine?
This is simple. You want to know, to assuage your feelings. You say you are thinking of your family's feelings, however, what do they gain? You look to tear their world apart for nothing. They gain nothing at all but doubt fear and worry. Don't be so selfish.

As for the daughter and her potential other parent, it doesn't really matter. You are her father, and that is that.
"when you have to show the world you have a black belt in sucking dick..."
Quote by avrgblkgrl

Hmm...makes me want to show you my boobies now. Then I'd have your complete attention.

*sits back to watch*

Oh and in the spirit of the thread both 2 of my absolute favorites.
Quote by Milik_the_Red

I've tested the link to a hidden story from the 'my stories' list on the red menu bar and indeed, I get a 404 error. Whether that is true for all links I can't say, but I assumed this to be the case,

This has been my experience also. The links worked when I un-hid them.
Fish, any fish.


*honorable mention: cilantro, it gives me migraines*
Quote by _O2_
First, I'm sorry that this happened to you. I run with a group on Saturdays and from time to time one or a few of the ladies will mention some idiot doing something like this. I saw you posted this quite some time ago and was wondering what solutions if any you came up with.

I'd suggest changing routes frequently, run with a large dog ( if possible ) run with a friend, or run with a group.

Stay safe.

I moved and mostly run with a good friend now.
Quote by Milik_the_Red
I have too many favorites to name them all. Simplicity has always been someone whose work amazied me and I have loved everything she's written. Her work is what attracted me to her in the first place.

Master Jonathon, Chuckepoo, and averageblkgirl are writes I actively seek out. Liz is just incredialbe.

Oceanrunner, Lilly, Dirty_D, Sweet_as_candy and Ravenstar have all impressed me beyond measure. Adagio has a talent that can astonish me at times. Principessa, whom I've written with many times is vastly underrated and Coco very much deserves a nod.

There are others, and I'm going to kick myself for leaving them off. It just goes to show how much talent we have in our community.

Ahh, thank you Milik for including me. Its an honor.
somewhere along the line I've stopped wearing jeans. They used to be the base of my everyday wear. Now I own two pairs only and wear them only when I head north for assorted reasons. Shorts/yoga pamts dominate my wardrobe. (this is what happens when you squat and live in the south)
Quote by SereneProdigy

I'm not really sure why you presented such a detailed description when you're only referring to sit-ups, an exercise that practically everybody knows about.

Know about and do are two separate things!
*walks in and looks around*

Hmm, same as when I was last here. Can I get something cold and delicious barkeep?
all three people I have collaborated with have already posted. I enjoyed them all immensely. smile
Ive co written a few stories as well (with Milik, Poppet, and Delphi) Each one has been a different but rewarding experience.
Dont forget, not all gold members are moderators. Look for the red "moderator" under the members rank.
I don't try to predict the response.

I wrote Sandcastles as a quick story for someone I care about a lot, just hoping to make her week better. I didn't actually expect it to be well liked by anyone else. When it received an Editor's pick I was very surprised that it was that highly regarded.

I wrote Syncopation (with Milik) to try something different. I really enjoyed it and am proud of the story. Sadly, very few people read it.

Some are easy to predict what will be popular: raunchy fun stories always are popular with the masses. Somehow, they seem the least interesting to write.