I am a Mature, Black, Proud, Southern Gentleman. Twice retired, by choice. I have performed all my life with various recording groups. I still perform in "Oldie's Shows". I am trying to get a few stories out of my head and it's been a challenge. I write lyrics which have made others, millions of dollars. I've wrote TV commercials for major company's. Yet, I can barely write a story. I envy all the talent here.
Interests NASCAR, I know many of the driver's. Travel, One can never see enough. History, Science Fiction, Women, and Animal Welfare. Books, A Bad Book is usually better than the movie.
Favorite Books Too many to name
Favorite Authors "Lisa" and many of you!
Favorite Movies Too many to post.
Favorite Music "Southern Beach Music" always first! I wrote a few hits! SOUL, got a hit or two there also. Doo , love the harmony, COUNTRY, if you listen there is a story there. Gospel, it's my roots! Actually I enjoy all music except "Rap"...It's too loud, delivers tasteless, useless messages and inspires WHAT?