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Over 90 days ago
United States


Well both, with a beautiful girl how can I pass this up!
I might after a romantic dinner with dancing and some real entertaining conversation.
Lovely Lady, If you want a little spice of life, Sexy girl with boy parts. We could entertain night time activity and fuck me.
After a night of clubbing, with the an anticipation of the night to follow, Yes
just lay there enjoy!

BTW working in the mobility industries for years (aka handicap) there are so many sexy people in chairs! They inspire me daily to work harder every day!
Car blow job while going through a long tunnel

Boat what a ride bounce up and down with the waves going down the river almost hit a barge
I have have to go with bland.

Actually strangely odd
Kiss real nice and slow until we need to fuck each other real hard and kinky
Quote by kaikai012
Steelers won with the Bumble bee uniform

At least they won this one instead of acting like bumbles that they have been acting like this year.

Go Steelers
I'm a good boy at work, conservative, polite and boring at times. When the gurl comes out, I can dress nice or slutty. Funny if I dress nice and smart i normally in a slutty mood which leads to be very kinky.g2NnkwccTdOg0ftt
Age is only in the mind. I have meet many young guns that act like old farts and some older ones that have more energy than me. It's all about chemistry if it has sizzle and pop who cares about age.
Romantic dinner on the beach with a full moon with the waves lapping at our feet. Lots of champagne and midnight dip in the ocean.
Oh Sweetie, just what i been looking for! A nice long naught list for girls to have fun with. It could last for days!