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Ten Day Cruise

Ten Day Cruise, Chapter 1

Day 1 – Surprise, surprise

Preface It all began on a typical summer day.  As I did most days, I spent much of it lying in the sun in the backyard and reading one of my romance novels.  My brother left earlier to play ball with his friends in a park near our suburban home.  Mom and Dad both worked. I turned eighteen a week before.  My brother would be nineteen in a month.  Glen and I graduated from high school a few weeks earlier.  We were in the sa...

Ten Day Cruise, Chapter 2

Day 2 – New Friends

The next morning I woke up and looked over at my brother.  He was up, leaning against the headboard and reading one of my novels.  When he saw me watching him, he blushed and put the book down.  I was going to say something, but I didn't.  I got out of bed to go to the head. Glen and I met our parents for breakfast.  We talked about our plans for the day while we ate.  I enjoyed the fresh fruit and warm Danish roll I sele...

Ten Day Cruise, Chapter 3

Day 3 – Crossing the line

The next morning Glen and I met our parents for breakfast.  When Mom asked about our night, Glen and I laughed. "We went to the dance, got buzzed, and played strip poker with Jenny and Brad," I said with as straight a face as I could muster. "Who won the card game?" Mom said. "I did, Mom.  I beat all three of them, but not by much," I said. "The dance was a blast," Glen said. "Yeah, it was.  Did you know Glen is a great d...

Ten Day Cruise, Chapter 4

Day 4 – Shattering the Taboo

When I woke up, I was on my side facing away from Glen.  He spooned against my back with his arm over my body.  I smiled when I realized he was gently holding my breast.  Placing my hand on his, I pressed him to my boob.  He stirred and then kissed the back of my neck. "Are you mad at me?" Glen whispered. "No, are you mad at me?" I whispered back to him. Glen rolled me onto my back.  He rose up and then kissed me tenderly...

Ten Day Cruise, Chapter 5

Day 5 – Expanding Relationships

The sound of the telephone's shrill ringer jolted me out of my peaceful slumber.  I rolled away from Glen and picked up the handset. "Hello," I said in a groggy voice. "Good morning, Megan.  Are you okay?" Mom said. "Mmmm, yeah, I'm fine.  What's up? What time is it?" "It's nine o'clock.  We missed you at breakfast," Mom said. "We stayed up late last night." "It sounds like it.  Are you sure you're okay?" I sat up and twi...

Ten Day Cruise, Chapter 6

Day 6 – Getting to know my brother.

I woke up to the most beautiful feeling.  Glancing down, I saw Glen kneeling between my legs.  He was bent over and gently licking my pussy.  Reaching down, I ran my fingers through his hair. "Mmmm, what a nice way to wake up," I said. Keeping his mouth glued to my pussy, Glen glanced up.  He flicked his tongue over my clit and then buzzed his lips.  My brother continued to lick me and nibble my clit.  I dropped my head b...

Ten Day Cruise, Chapter 7

Day 7 – New Sensations

Glen woke me up the next morning.  He sat up, his back against the headboard and stroked my head.  I rolled on my back, looking up at him. "You were restless last night," Glen said. "Sorry, I didn't keep you up did I?" "No, after yesterday, I was bushed.  Do you want to get up and take a shower with me?" "Sure, I have to shave too.  I'm getting stubble on my legs." I ran my hand between my legs.   "Down here too." Glen an...

Ten Day Cruise, Chapter 8

Day 8 – Things change, again.

Jenny and I still had our arms around each other when I woke up.  I stared at her, watching her sleep.  Jenny stirred, opening her eyes.  Before she said a word, she kissed me. "Hi," Jenny said as she grinned at me. "Hi," I replied. "I had fun last night." "Me too." I kissed Jenny and grinned.  "Want to wake up our brothers?" "In a minute.  I guess you're not mad at me then," Jenny whispered. "No, I'm not mad.  As I said,...

Ten Day Cruise, Chapter 9

Day 9 – The ever-changing tide.

"Good morning, Sunshine," Brad said when I opened my eyes.  It took a moment for me to acclimate to my surroundings. "Hmmm, good morning.  How long have you been up?" I mumbled, still half asleep. "Not long, about ten minutes, I guess.  I've been watching you sleep." I twisted my head, looking next to me.  "Were did Glen and Jenny go?" I said. "They just went into the head to take a shower.  They'll be back in a bit." Bra...

Ten Day Cruise, Chapter 10

Day 10 – It feels like I'm falling in love

Brad woke me the next morning.  He gently rubbed my back and whispered my name in my ear.  Groaning, I rolled over onto my back. "How are you feeling this morning?" Brad asked. "Like shit! I'll never drink too much again.  My head feels like it's going to explode," I mumbled.  I tried to smile at Brad, but it was hard to do.  "Good morning." Brad chuckled.  He reached for the nightstand, picking up two aspirin tablets and...