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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 36
United States


Rookie Scribe
I'm not into it at all.
You can come on my chest, stomach, back/butt, in my mouth, or inside me, but not on my face.
I let an old boyfriend do it a few times because he was really into the idea. It just made me uncomfortable, I didn't find it sexy, and immediately afterwards I had to get up and clean up so it killed any post sex connection.
Rookie Scribe
I would never suspect somebody of lying about their virginity, and I respect the choice to remain a virgin. I especially respect anyone who can ignore the social pressure to "lose it just to lose it" after a certain age.

I have to be honest though and say that I would be hesitant to be somebodies "first." Sex means different things to different people, and I think that until you've had sex that would be really hard to identify for yourself. If I were dating somebody who told me they were a virgin, I would not necessarily stop dating them, but I would make it a point to move slowly and communicate a lot about our actions.
Rookie Scribe
Thanks Milik.
I am going to see him this weekend and have a frank conversation about not being able to predict how I'll feel if we become more serious. I do like him, but that's a lot of patience we would both be asking of each other very early on in a relationship.
I'm disappointed though, he really is what I was looking for otherwise! Oh well!
Rookie Scribe
Buz, I'm not sure you read/understood the point of the post... This is a person I know personally, have been dating, and am on verge of becoming more emotionally involved/attached too who practices polyamorous relationships... I'm not concerned about that he is a serial killer.
Rookie Scribe
So I have been seeing a new guy for a while and he recently talked to me about his ideas of monogamy/expectations in a relationship and told me that he is really only interested in pursuing an open relationship.
He presented this in a very open, honest, and mature way, and asked me to please think about it and think about what kinds of expectations I have. (Note: By open, he means dating other people, not having casual sex/hook ups, and it would always be something discussed beforehand.)

Now personally, I have been "dating" openly for more then two years (since my last very significant relationship). Dating multiple people at once does not bother me at all. I have not, however, gotten serious or too emotionally involved with anyone in this time.
I am really starting to like this new guy though, and would like to keep seeing him and become closer with him.
I told him that I'd like to talk more about what being in an open relationship means and want to go into the conversation with lots of questions.

I was wondering what you guys would want to know/what boundaries you would discuss right upfront.

So far, on the "to ask about/discuss" list I have:
Casual Sex/hookups-- when, if ever, do they happen, how/do you share about them.
Safe sex practices.
If he is looking for a primary relationship that is not closed, or seeking multiple relationships.
If he was in a primary relationship would he want to actively seek other partners vs. if an attraction comes up he'd like to pursue it.

Thoughts? Warnings? Questions? Encouragement? I'd love to hear.