I'd kind like to know if there is an ETA on a fix the current cover image issue.
I can create them all day and haven't seen a one show up in two days.
Quote by Magical_felix
You have to be aggressive.
Look, you need to get cleaned up, shave, put on clothes that fit you right, brush your teeth 3 times... Then... next party you're at or any social situation with more than a few single women in attendance you need to do this...
You walk up to the one you're attracted to most, you look her up and down and say, "damn girl I can smell that pussy from here..." while slightly snarling, rubbing your hands together and licking your lips. Like a fucking lion with a boner.
Her panties will start to take themselves off after that.
Aggression will get your dick wet.
Does this really work for you? HAHAH