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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 154


I haven't visited the site in some time and am saddened to learn that Alan is gone.

Wonderful tribute Sprite.

Quote by MasterJonathan
Remember these?

OMG, I do...I was actually thinking about it the other day when I found an old 45 in a box with some photos!!!

It's not the pic that makes you go wtf, but read the review and you'll wonder how some people make it out of bed in the morning...
I agree that it is liberating for some to be able to post "naughty" pics of themselves. I think the person needs to decide for themselves if they want to do it or not. Either way, people will always have an opinion about it..some good, some bad.

For me personally, I am amused when the only pics in the image gallery is of their "johnson"... at different angles, in various states of arousal. I don't find it sexy or a turn on.
Quote by Dudealicious
To my two French Bulldogs I will say this:

Boys you both fart a lot, when it comes out of you don't look all innocent and look at the other. It was YOU that let it go, they are audible and we know it came from you.
Please try not to snore as much as you do, it wakes us up almost everynight.
You can eat over your bowl you know!
Keep that silly love affair for ice cubes, it's hilarious to see you chase them around the floor.
We love it when you get all excited when we come home. You make it very easy to forget about work and "life" in general - don't ever stop!
You are both dearly loved - please don't ever forget that.

Please stop being so head shy, people want to pet you. At times you are like a cat, only doing things on your terms.
Be a little more assertive, stop letting your little brother push you around.
You have been more than understanding when we brought your brother into the house. Afterall we got him for you.
Outside of that, please don't change a thing. You are perfect.

This year is the year buddy, you are going to learn how to skateboard!
Please stop pooping on the patio, the grass won't bite you!
You don't have to corrall ALL of t he balls in the house and protect them. Give your brother one every now and again would ya?
We are so lucky to have you in our life, you are one special little puppy and we have had all of those surgeries for you to make sure you are around for many more years to come.

We love you boys!

this was the sweetest thing I read today...thank you for sharing this and thank you for being you heart
Quote by Jenni
Trying to choose your favourite Led Zepp tune is like trying to choose your favourite child! Can't be done! They're all equally genius!

I agree, I must have come back to this thread several times trying hard to pick just one.

I listened to all the albums over and over and in the end I decided that if all the songs they ever did disappeared and only one could be left to reflect the band then I would have to say Kashmir.

I found this on Wikipedia and it pretty much sums it up:
All four members of Led Zeppelin have agreed that "Kashmir" is one of their best musical achievements.[12] John Paul Jones suggested that it showcases all of the elements that made up the Led Zeppelin sound.[1] Plant has stated that "Kashmir" is the "definitive Led Zeppelin song",[13] and that it "was one of my favourite [Led] Zeppelin tracks because it possessed all the latent energy and power that wasn't heavy metal. It was something else. It was the pride of Led Zeppelin."[6] During a television interview in January 2008, he also named "Kashmir" as his first choice of all Led Zeppelin songs that he would perform, commenting "I'm most proud of that one".[14] Page has indicated he thinks that the song is one of the band's best compositions.[15]

Led Zeppelin expert Dave Lewis describes "Kashmir" as:

Unquestionably the most startling and impressive track on Physical Graffiti, and arguably the most progressive and original track that Led Zeppelin ever recorded. 'Kashmir' went a long way towards establishing their credibility with otherwise sceptical rock critics. Many would regard this track as the finest example of the sheer majesty of Zeppelin's special chemistry.[2]
There are few people here who have seen pictures of me and more or less know where I live. Some of my friends and most of the moderating team know my first name. One person I have met and we have become good friends and have even been to each other's houses. And of course there is my boyfriend, who I met on here almost two years ago. Obviously he knows the real me...all of me ;)

Edit: The pics in my gallery (visible to friend's only) are all of me. My av is not me but those who have met me say it's pretty darn close to the real thing!