Lawyer, mostly working in environmental protection, it can be hard work trying to stop the devastation of the planet. We lose more than we win but every win is fantastic. Down to earth, interested in most things. Looking for the right girl, we haven't found each other yet but I know we're trying. Way too many crushes on the journey but I'm hanging in there and enjoying things along the way. Generally have a love for life and all that it brings, ups and downs. Come and say hi.
Live in Australia's outdoor capital, so it goes without saying... Paddle-boarding, sailing, mountain biking, rock climbing
Favorite Books
Piles of headache-inducing, mind-numbing reading at work, nothing good about most contracts, write clearly other lawyers. Not often time for anything else but when there is, it means I read mostly for enjoyment - lots of page-turning spy and detective stuff but I like to read history, current affairs, expeditions etc.
Favorite Movies
Free Solo
Favorite TV Shows
Mostly watch sport but enjoy some Scandinoir, a good thriller, nature docos
Favorite Music
a little bit of everything