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Over 90 days ago
Lesbian Female, 47
United Kingdom


Living in the UK near the River Thames. Un-ecstatically married with two gorgeous sons (19 and 21) and leading a hectic and inevitably busy life! (Please don’t suggest a role play with them as participants as it is just… Ewwwwww!)

Combining that with my other passion makes life even more frenetic. I train 6 times a week for Rowing. Until very recently I was rowing (doing crew) at an Elite level, and I am still very fit and have big shoulders! I probably also have more muscles than are normal for a 42-year-old mother of two. I am also 5 feet 9, so I don’t often wear high heels which is a major disappointment in my life! (I am happy to try if I don’t have to walk too far or on uneven ground!)

I expect you can tell from the above, that I love sport of most kinds. I am fitness coach to a local Women’s Rugby Team, and my idea of a dream holiday is skiing off-piste, in knee-deep powder snow with unending blue skies above me! Make that with a beautiful girl who loved me, and my dream would be complete!

Please do not ask to cam, call, Skype, meet, hook-up, hang-out, link-in, drop-out, visit, have your babies, get married, go to church or anything like that. It will not happen!


To be honest, at this point you probably know enough about me to go back to the chat room and have fun and talk with me and my friends on there. Who knows that chat might lead somewhere! For the REALLY brave and determined among you there is more about me below.
Please be warned, if you go deeper with this you may miss something much more important in chat and it is also highly likely I will have left. Like all butterflies, I tend to flit around!


The picture is a representation from Second Life, and I have tailored it to be as close to me as I could get, without being too recognisable. However, caveat emptor, I am far gawkier and ganglier in real life than this image as I am not particularly comfortable in my own skin, and therefore far less self-assured!

Just so you know, the people around where I live are, to say the least, quite judgemental and prudish! This being a small town where everyone knows everyone else, and with the Rowing community being a small community, it would be easy to identify me if anyone really bothered.

My main hope is that anyone I know who does come on here would also understand why I was on here and be less judgemental than most would be. The converse being, that anyone who would be shocked, would want to keep the fact that they are on here as quiet as possible. If you do recognise me, are a female rower and want to meet up, you probably know which club I am with! Discretion is everything though!

Did I say? I also tend to over think things!


First and foremost – I LOVE smart and sexy, I LOVE nerdy and sexy, I LOVE shy and sexy and I LOVE to be able to respect the person I am chatting with! So be smart, be intelligent and look me up! I would love to chat with you. Of course, this applies only to the real females among us!
I am not that in to Role Play as I don’t think I am particularly good it. I also find that being so close to someone in RP tends to show up their real genders! Just saying! I don’t actually mind too much if guys are trying to live on Literotica as girls, but please try to be believable. Suddenly growing a magical girl-cock is a clue!

I guess I really come to Lush to read the stories. There are some very talented writers on here and I especially love the Lesbian stories that have happy endings! I am still looking for my own happy ending. I love all the detail and the atmosphere, the build-up and the seduction more that I love the act itself. That said I have never tried it although I plan to rectify that some time very soon!

I rarely, if ever watch any pornography, but for some strange reason, although I really hate smoking, I have a smoking fetish! Not ANY smoking - just THIS sort of thing:

Maybe I have more of a kissing fetish (and I do)!

Worth saying again, I dislike smoking and would struggle to kiss anyone who smoked, so best not to pose with a cigarette in private messages!



A GAMINE is a slim, often boyish, elegant, wide-eyed young woman who is, or is perceived to be, mischievous, teasing or sexually appealing.

The word gamine is a French word, originally meaning urchin, waif or playful, naughty child. It was used in English from about the mid-19th century, but in the 20th century, came to be applied in its more modern sense.


The ingenue is a stock character in literature, a role type in the theatre; generally, a girl or a young woman who is endearingly innocent (!!!!!) and wholesome. The term comes from the French adjective meaning ingenuous or innocent, virtuous, and candid. The term may also imply a lack of sophistication and cunning.

Typically, the ingenue is beautiful, gentle, sweet, VIRGINAL, and often naive, in mental or emotional danger, or even physical danger, usually a target of The Cad; whom she may have mistaken for The Hero. (I wish)!


My dream? I am slightly submissive I suspect but have never explored it. (I must say, I am no longer quite so sure that is true about being submissive! There have been any number of wannabe Mistresses who have tried to explore that with me, and I tend to giggle a lot when they do! However, there are some Mistresses (you know exactly who you are) who have such a level of class and experience that I would melt in a kneeling puddle at their feet with just the raising of an eyebrow)!

My dream is to be taken gently in the morning by a loving girlfriend or Mistress, just as the sun streams through the curtains, and to make sweet silent love with just the sounds of birdsong, sighs and gentle moans. That very first time that leads to a truly happy-ever-after!

Finally, and very personally, perhaps due to my training regime, or possibly due to ineptitude, hormone imbalance or emotional/sexual hang-ups, I am not able to, nor ever have been able to climax. In any way at all! I do NOT issue this as a challenge. I am confident that one day, with the right person this will all happen and, to be honest – if it doesn't then it just doesn't!

Please do not think you can cure me – it does not need a cure - only the right person, in real life, and the right circumstances will ever allow that to happen. If I am OK with it, please would you be as well! (I guess the warning here is that, if anyone does ever persuade me to have cybersex with them, I will not be typing cummmmmmiiiinnnnnggggggg at all! You wouldn’t believe me anyway!)


Although married and historically straight, I dream constantly of being with another woman having once kissed the wife of a family friend, sadly there was nowhere for us to go, so it went nowhere, but I live in hope!

My current reality is that I am involved in a very long-term flirtation with a crew mate, who I know to be openly gay. We regularly go on not-date dates and it is very exciting! I have high hopes for this and IF it happens will write it as a story for you all to read!

Apart from that, I am relatively open-minded and would very much like to explore some sides of me that I have only dreamt about, but in a safe and consensual environment.
