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Quote by Jen
Hi Chris,

I just tried a test story and it worked okay. Can you try maybe logging out, clearing your cache, a different browser etc to see if it's any of the usual culprits?


I'll try again and see.
Am trying to publish a story, however when I hit the update button at the bottom of the page it gives me an error page. Have tried multiple times with same result. The same thing happens when you try to save a draft.
Good morning all.

My muse was on vacation all this week. Looking forward today to her return. My next story is 50% done and on this rainy day would love to finish it up.

Curvy thanks for the set up and all that you do around here.

Coffee for me and then to my chores
Morning Curvy and Rumps.

Yes Curvy that was a great poem, IMHO.

Vanessa hope all is well with you and yours.

Today the conventions end. Thank God! They recently have become an exercise in boredom.

Well time to go catch up on the morning news.

Morning Curvy and Rumps.

Yes Curvy that was a great poem, IMHO.

Vanessa hope all is well with you and yours.

Today the conventions end. Thank God! They recently have become an exercise in boredom.

Well time to go catch up on the morning news.

Good morning all.

Tonya thanks for the setup.

If you are in the path of the hurricane please stay safe.

Have a great day all.
Morning all.

Nothing new to report on my side of things. Another day but very few dollars coming in.

The moment this pandemic is over I'm going n a trip. Somewhere, anywhere that has salt water to swim and scuba in.

Keep safe all.
Morning all.

Great decision Tonya. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

I was fascinated by the speaker line up for the GOP convention. There are more Trumps speaking than you can imagine. It should be renamed The Trump Reality show.

Coffee for me and off I go to start my day.
Good morning all. Lovely Tonya and lovely Curvy you gals do so much here.

Weird weather here it rains in the morning then the afternoons are scorchers.

Hopefully will be able to get bike ride in later today.

You all stay safe.
Bill, Thanks for the endorsement. I've stuffed the bribe behind Big Bertha.

Thanks for those of you who read he story already. It seems I'll have to do a second chapter.

Looks like a good day to hunker down and write. Raining like it's never going to end here.

Thank you Tonya. I think we should propose her to the EverReady battery folks to take the place of that rabbit. She never stops, and is cuter. Well done with the littey.

Curvy are those brownies sugar free. All this sitting around and confinement is not helping me keep my svelte look.

Well back to the drawing board for another day. Stay safe folks.
Morning all.

Tonya, my heartfelt condolences. So many so fast. You need a break and hopefully you will now have it. [bh]

Sara, now an angel. (ke) I still love your previous Daisy Dukes.

Hey Martin how does it feel to be back to 'La Vie en Rose'. Plenty of memories for you I'll bet.

Thank you MJ for the support you're showing for Tonya. She needs her friends and I am glad you are one of

Stay safe Curvy. [bh]

Finished my Quickie Sex story and should be publishing it in the next few days. :)

My usual cup of coffee and I'm out of here.
Morning all.

Fell asleep in front of the TV last night. Ugh! Does not make for a good nights sleep.

Sorry I missed your message Sara. Sounds as if you had a great weekend. I'm here part time today. Feel free to drop in.

Curvy the comment on the DS story are soon going to be longer than the story.(rofl)

Thank you for the set up. I'd think after all the excitement it would be good to have a little quiet for a change.

A cup of coffee might make me feel human again.

Everyone have a great and safe day.
Morning all.
Tonya, thanks for the set up. I'm sure you will have some time for yourself at last.TyhUVdMKnUFVuNT2 Try and do some fun things.

The so called Bulgarian Bitch who is raiding the site is a bot. It automatically rips off stories that appear here. I've changed my copyright to try and lead people back to the site. My last story took about 30 minutes to get ripped off.

More writing today. Quickie Sex is taking longer to write for some reason go figure.

Hope you all have a great day. Grabbing a cup and heading back.
Good morning all.

Curvy, I truly hope you enjoy the story. I had a lot of fun writing this one.

Ping, I sincerely hope you stay for a while. Your humor is a definite asset on Lush.What do you think of hockey playoffs in August.

Tonya, let's hope it will be the last for a long while.

Gotta run, all have a good safe day.
Quote by Cuckold_Kenny

Oh yeah, Martin. Moving back to Paris. Bastard. I know where you are. All of you. If I’m in the neighbourhood, I’ll contact you for drinks. Don’t see New Jersey anytime soon, but ChrisM, Montreal possibly next summer. Texas and Mississippi first.

Welcome back. I'd love to see you here.
Quote by vanessa26
I'm miserable and I need hugs and alcohol and weed because I do not know how I am going to make it through tonight even the xanax didn't help...

Vanessa my good wishes go out to you. Can't help you with the drugs but know you are in my prayers.

That bike ride yesterday was murder. I might not be able to sit comfortably on a chair for weeks. Based on the principle that if something is good for you do more of it, I ended doing four hours of riding. Two hours out and two to return. The return leg took twice as long to do under a blazing hot sun.

The good news is that I finished my story it's a Toy Story (Not the Disney version). Now to decide what's next.

Thank you Curvy.

Grabbing a coffee and starting my day.
Good morning all. Looks like a beautiful day in store for us today. It's sunny and the humidity is gone at last. Going to pull out the bike for the first time this year and go on a ride along the Lachine Canal. Then back home to more writing.

Thank you Curvy for all you do.

Coffee for me and one of those decadent brownies.

All please have a great and safe day!

Quote by TonyaL
Just heard on the news that if you have AMC theater near you on Thursday they are having 1920 prices. You can see whatever they decide to play for fifteen cents. Jeff I was thinking of you and LJ when I saw the story.

Tonya, they are overcharging you. In 1920 a movie AND a live show cost between 0.25 and 0.27 cent. Don't stand for them taking advantage of you with that fake news. Demand the live show.DYqBjPL6ht6I4Vk9

Managed to do a good writing day yesterday and have rewritten most of the story I lost. Will attempt to finish it today.

All of you please stay safe.

Now for that cup of coffee and I'll scoot back to my writing.
Quote by TheTravellingMan
Good morning, well this is a flying visit. Apologies for not being around much, too many preparations for the move to Paris. Everything is packed, a few boxes shipped, and our mail redirected (mild panic yesterday - there is always something you forget). It's a feeling of sad and glad, we leave the annexe in a better place than we found it, more importantly, our familial relationships.

So, the next time that I'm here, it'll be from Paris (sigh).

Good luck to you both in your move. Paris is not such a terrible fate. for you know who. Putain!

Yesterday I lost over 3000 words of a new story when my computer crashed due to a power outage and my power backup did not kick in.

I amended my copyright to include a link to Lush. Hopefully a reader will see that and come on Lush and see what's here.

Hi Sara.

Thanks for the coffee . Now back to writing my Toy Story. myself

Great day to all of you.
Good morning to all.

Another quiet day looms ahead in isolation headquarters. Think that to break the monotony I'll do some cooking today. It's either that or again doing a housecleaning. Ugh! No cooking feels the way to go.

I have nine more categories of stories to write to complete them all. I will also start a new story in one of those later. Hmm... Maybe Monster Sex.

Thank you Ms Curvy, I am awed that you manage to drop in and set up every day.

I'll grab a coffee and run.

Hugs all!
Good morning all.

Sara so sorry for your loss my deepest sympathies go to you.

Curvy those brownies look decadent. I'll indulge for once. Thanks for the coffee to. I need it to kick start myself this morning.

I'm cautiously going to go out today and get some much needed exercise. A swim at the beach after a round of golf.

The beach is unfortunately a lake and not the ocean as you can see.

Already Friday, damn where did this week go. Isolation makes the days blend into sameness. Used to be Friday was a day when you looked forward to. TGIF was not a complaint but a cry of joy. Today it's become more HHIF, ho hum it's Friday.

Finished writing my latest story. Think I'll let it sit for a few days to see if it ages well before putting it in for publication. Only 9 categories left to write in order to complete them all.

Good morning Curvy. So nice to see your smiling face this morning. Time for me to go back to my writing.

Thank you for the coffee.

May you all have a good day.
Morning All.
Thanks for the coffee. I'll have some of that. and a brownie wil go fine with that.

Curvy thank you.

Today is a writing day for me.

Keep safe all
Tonya had nor seen you Good Morning My Love.
Quote by blackjack791

The way that you conduct yourself makes you look like a Nigerian Prince trying to steal people's money. Stop with the bold font and colored text. It's super thirsty.

And don't use the name "Larry." Nobody born after the year 1970 would ever be called that.

Write what makes you happy and don't worry about what other people think.

Blackjack, attracting readers to your stories is perfectly legitimate for an author. Instead of criticizing maybe it would behoove you to read some of those stories and perhaps attempt writing one yourself.

Categorizing the author as a Nigerian Prince is discourteous and unneeded on this type of forum.
Morning all. Got my new internet in yesterday. Just amazing how technology changes. Fiber Optic 5k is so fast hings happen at blazing fast speeds.

Tonya is discrete so she has not boasted of the RR awarded to her latest story Uncle Carlo. Congratulations, honey.

Today will be he first time since March 3 I go to get my hair cut. Will feel good to drop all that weight.

Everone here have a great day as I dash out with my coffee,