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Tobias the decadent resurfaces again in a story about his lustful wife Lucy.

Lucy is is invited to travel to neighboring Bath to visit with her actress friend.  Tobias is delighted that she will get the opportunity to have a break from the children and encourages her to have FUN while she is away.

With the help of her actress friends she finds many opportunities to do just that.

This is part of a sequence of stories about the lustful Tobias which has won every single honor that can be awarded on Lush, however it is a stand alone story. The whole previous series makes a delicious and well worth while read.

Congratulations to Curvy for this achievement. 😊

Quote by Jen

Chris, I tried yesterday with both link above and the .com address and it gave me an error message.

Today however, the link above seems to be working. Can you give it another go and see if it works now?


J x

Jen, Thank you it worked today.
Congratulation to the podium winners and the finalists. This is truly an outstanding selection of stories.
There is no one I know who deserves this honor more than you do.

Thank you for all you do.
There are many very nice people on Lush, few are nicer than Tonya. Always kind and supportive to her friends especially in their hours of need. A good author when she take the time to write which is not always easy for her as she is juggling her time with multiple children making demands on her time. One of our truly great Lushies.


Absolutely fabulous writing and imagination was on show in these stories. Podium holders and top ten well done.
Wow. Just saw this. Can't think of anyone who deserves this more than you.
Congratulations to the one and only Stormdog He has been awarded the coveted Outstanding Series Award for The series 'A girl Walks into a Bar...'

This story has real appeal to any one who has a romantic streak. It relates the tale of an unplanned meeting between a younger woman and an older man in a bar with humor and insight. The dialog is witty and sensitive and ensuing sex is hot.

Read all about it at;

I'm very glad you all dropped in to say hello.

Honestly, Chris, you set the Lush bar as an outstanding writer, superb volunteer editor, prolific reader and supporter of so many people's stories and all round good egg. I really don't know how you do it!

Curvy, I do it because it's fun.

Just for everyone to know; I have learned more from doing this about writing than I ever thought I would. Especially in writing about topics which I was hesitant to undertake. It forces one to think outside the box so as to come out with a way to present the topic in a way that is satisfying to your sensitivities. I highly recommend this to all of you.

For all of you huge

This stand alone story in the Tobias the randy vicar's series focuses on the wanton Meg who is seeking love and security as she matures. The historical details of the period are spot on and the narrative is compelling.

Subtle yet profound character development, flawless pacing and period details, and a sensitive, compassionate treatment of a lesser-known side of history. And always, plenty of built-in chuckles of recognition along the way. Splendidly told.
Thank you all my dear friends for your good wishes on my Un-Birthday.
It has been a hectic few weeks. After almost one year in Isolation light starts to glow at the end of the tunnel and yesterday I received my first shot of vaccine for the virus.
I hope to be able with more peace of mind to finish a couple of stories that have been simmering in the recesses of my mind.
May you all be safe and healthy.


Well done to all who entered and especially to the winners and runners up.
See you worried for nothing. It AGAIN is an extraordinary story from your fertile mind.
Congrats to the winners and the runners-up, also to all who entered the competition.
Good morning all.

Canadians are mighty proud of the awards to Schitt's Creek. I confess I have not seen a single episode. Guess as a Canadian I should make an effort.

Hi there anatomy. Welcome to the group.

Curvy thanks for the coffee and brownies. Ill take one of each.

Have a great day all.
Morning all.

Back to writing today. Trying to overcome the dreaded block which attacks writers too regularly.

Thanks for the set up Curvy.

I'll just grab a brownie and a coffee. and run.

Stay safe all.
Good morning to all.

This has been a different week. I have spent all week teaching a course out of the house. It was a real pleasure to be able to interact with people face to face rather than on zoom (Properly social distanced of course). My first interaction with people face to face or is it face to mask. Today is the last day nd I only can hope for other opportunities soon.

Hopefully I will finish my comp story this weekend.

Tonya, your littely has a dream. Dreams are great motivators so who knows she might get to AGT some day.

Thank you Curvy for the setup and the brownies.

I'll just grab my coffee and run.

Wishing you all a great day and weekend
Good morning all.
Thank you Carl. Hello Curvy.[bh]

I start a new out of home consulting contract today. It's absolutely exciting and scary at the same time. The first time since early March I will be seeing new faces except on a monitor.

My latest story came out last night. The follow up to my Dizzy Izzy. Now have only 5 categories to do before I have all categories complete.

Grabbing my coffee and May you all have a happy safe day.