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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Canuck2

Yup that was it. Disappointed to see it never continued

Did you try and contact the author?
Active Ink Slinger
I look through the categories for something I'll like. smile

If a story is rated lower, I am curious enough to see what it was that caused someone to vote as they did. Once I find it, I may mention it to the author. I try and be helpful in that way and hopefully it leads to a writer's improvement.
Active Ink Slinger
Members can attain badges here. X amount of comments and they have achieved a goal as far as their profiles go.

I don't understand why a person would ask otherwise
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Guest
I will score and comment on stories as I want or time allows. If an author sent me a note asking me why I liked their story, I would probably ignore it as well because I would feel like they were giving me homework to do. Oh great, I just got assigned a book report to do. It would bug me.

Also, I have a few friends who've mentioned that they won't score/comment stories on specific genres (i.e., , crossdressing) because they don't want people to see what their preferences are. Just another thought.

Like everyone else said, appreciate the feedback that you do get! smile Good luck!

There are those of us who by contributing to this site are looking to improve upon our work. Without comments, this exercise is futile. I'm sure it's a two way street. No input by the readers means that less and less of us will write what you want to read because we won't know.

Quote by SydneySider
I try to keep my comments short in the space given. If I get a "thank you" for commenting, I ALWAYS reply. Usually, I'll extend my comments further. If there was something I didnt like, Id much prefer to say in private. Some people dont have time, others do, others might not have been back online since you sent your thanks. Take it with a grain of salt. People are sometimes busy, others have had their say and dont feel it necessary to comment further.

Again, my above comment seems relevant.

I've been curious enough to ask the occasional reader what particularly they liked about a story they had listed as their favorite. I'm just surprised that a question, posed privately and without text abbreviations, can't be given a simple one sentence response.

I guess that we will have to be satisfied with not knowing how to please the reading populous. It comes with the territory. :)
Active Ink Slinger
what exactly they liked about my story. I happened to notice a few pages where a person added one of my tales to their favorites list. Since sending them correspondence, I haven't received anything in response sad

Are some readers afraid to give feedback or is asking for it a frowned upon practice here?
Active Ink Slinger
The overuse of the words 'and', 'the', 'but' and informal nouns (she, her, they, them, etc) get to me.

I edit on another site (a competitor) and there are people who believe it is an editor's job to write a story for them. They will submit the most chunky, disorderly pieces of work and I've had to refuse so many stories based upon the condition that I receive them in.
Active Ink Slinger
[QUOTE]She walked into the room. She found the couch and sat on it. She took out her deck of cards and began to do magic tricks. She liked how the cards were flat. She was suddenly transported into another dimension by underpants gnomes who had been hiding beneath her skirt the whole time.[/QUOTE]

"She walked into a room decorated in decadence. The drapes were torn, their carpeting looked to have seen better days. Every item of furniture was in disrepair except for the couch. It remained the only thing in the room that held itself up. Cautiously, the woman sat on it and took out her deck of cards. She liked how they were flat. The backs of them displayed etchings of cat faces which barely reflected the dim lighting above. As her hands shuffled them briefly, she began to do magic tricks. Suddenly, she was transported to another dimension by underpants gnomes who had been hiding beneath her skirt the entire time."

^That is how I would fix that.CIQPeD3Xe5Dwajqh

A smidgen of detail helps to diminish any bland or repetitive wording. But this isn't always the case.

I'm too particular about things like this. I don't think I can suggest something for a new article other than one on proper punctuation (unless there is already one). I admit, my technical sense wants to know where commas "should" be inserted, how to use a semicolon, when to hyphenate a word or words, things like that.

I proofread for a few authors (and have proofread here.) While I notice my own mistakes, I tend to frequently overlook someone else's.

There's an article on commas: but I was hoping for an overview of basic punctuation rules.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Vita
Well, I've chosen my first winner, Cheltenham! By virtue of evoking a fantasy very similar to one I already had, Cheltenham has inspired me to write first of what will hopefully be many other stories. The story is already written, but needs a bit of editing, first by me, and then by my "editor" (i.e. the hubby) before posting, but be watching for Taken on a Train to appear soon!

Vita @-->--

Your tardiness is wholly forgiven, honestly, like water under a bridge. I appreciate your efforts on the story and love what you've done with the themes. I am certain everyone will be as satisfied as I am, should they also inspire such a tale for Vita to pen and gift as she has done for me.

Now, I will check out your catalog of stories since admittantly this story you recently wrote is the first I've read of yours.

You have talent.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Vita
Wow, I've been away from Lush for a bit, and this is the first time I've gotten an email about responses to this thread. Yes I am still interested in writing these and I've already found several of the ideas inspiring. It will probably be several days before I have a chance to get started but expect a story soon.

Vita @-->--

I stand corrected.

I have a suggestion for a story.

Location: A busy subway. People are bustling about, packed in shoulder to shoulder and they are naive to what is happening close by

Three items: A leather jacket, a scarf and handcuffs.

Sex of one of the characters: A twenty something woman.

Three descriptive words: brunette, flawless, discreet.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Running_Man
My interpretation of this is that cum is the noun and come is the verb. That is, "I'm coming, I'm coming." But, 'her face was covered in cum.' Any opinions?

Come is to orgasm, but cum is what the orgasm consists of. That's how I think of it.
Active Ink Slinger
Well, since the OP hasn't replied to the thread in two months, who's to say she's still making the offer of customized erotic fiction?

If she posts and says she is, I'll post my suggestion. Otherwise it is turning into a story of my own.
Active Ink Slinger
No punctuation on a forum irks me out. I know it's supposed to be informal but when you write out a comment and I don't see apostrophes, or periods and on top of that your spelling is crap, I can't reply appropriately to you.
Active Ink Slinger
I get sick from having coffee so I've taken it out of my diet.

Very rarely, I'll crave some but will remind myself what it physically does to me.
Active Ink Slinger
My last couple of submissions have been for me. I didn't do a series I wrote, justice. So I am elaborating on it now with additional chapters and it is wrote with the readers in mind, definitely, but I have myself in mind because the story includes some more topics like time travel and involves a celebrity.

There is another series that I want to add to, but again I need to be inspired to do so. Without inspiration, I feel the reader won't be able to experience the same sensations I do when I write.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by stormblue

Privacy matters. Be careful what you post.

Facebook is evil. Grrr. But I do have a profile, filled with the bare minimum. And I don't own a smartphone. The phone company tried to push one on me and I told them I don't need all of the features. I'm overwhelmed by the Android market and all of that, but of course the seller has a phone like the one they are marketing.

No, no Androids, Blackberrys or GPS technology is going in my phone. The next step is going on a prepaid plan or mailing letters through a soon to be extinct postal service.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by shadowcat
Soulmates, Do they exist?
I know i have a soulmate, but he is untouchable. He is my partners best friend.
Do you have a soulmate, are you with them? and if not why?

Yes, they do. I like the term "twin selves" though.
I was with someone I truly believed was my soulmate, but life got in the way.
No, I'm not with her because she's gone but I would be if I could, in a second. I would give up everything to be with her.
Active Ink Slinger
Three to four meters is an exaggeration. I later realized what I wrote and couldn't edit it in time.

I like to have my own space, but my job requires me to work almost next to other people. Over compensation I guess?

I prefer to mix my own drinks at home so I don't have to be a drunken danger to anyone on the road with me.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't like when people get too close. Unless I know them from my inner circle, I don't need them breathing my air. My personal space is a good three or four meters in every direction. Some people want to get up in front of whoever they are talking and I can't tolerate it.

We'll take a walk outside and have a chat about a few things

But I do make exceptions for the occasional lady
Active Ink Slinger
Fucking hot water didn't work this morning. What a way to start a Friday.
Active Ink Slinger
Not a girl, but I think decently trimmed and not either completely bald, or an untamed forest would be preferred.

Though women have different opinions, so it is better to ask the one you are with.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WickedShads
Quote by Magical_felix
... forgot I wasn't a gal...

How does one actually manage to forget this??

Forgot to look down

And on topic, I don't mind that time of the month. Either have sex outside or go in the shower.
Active Ink Slinger
You can change the way your husband kisses. Teach him. It doesn't involve a movie, or a book. Both of you take a few minutes and learn what the other likes. If he is "conservative" as you say, this might be a longer process.

The bdsm thing is what most guys could only dream of. Again, once you begin to learn what the other likes, that situation will work itself out. I would think he'd jump at the chance to hold the reins since he doesn't care about doing the things you want.

Part of the reason why your husband is acting the way he has been is because of your lack of communication. Don't be afraid of bluntly stating that you don't like something. He doesn't care enough about what you like and want, so why treat him like a fragile flower? Let him receive what he doles out.

Or stick with your ex-husband
Active Ink Slinger
If a woman's boobs are round enough to fit in my hand, they are alright with me
Though I wouldn't turn down a small chested woman either. Some bodies aren't built for bigger tits, and some are

Fake ones aren't to my liking, unless a woman has then due to extenuating circumstances.
Active Ink Slinger
Personality first, then how a woman laughs, then her humor, then how she looks.
Active Ink Slinger
After having cum inside, I like staying all the way in until I fall asleep with her firmly clutching my cock.

Sometimes that leads to an early morning treat and try not to wake the neighbors.b4NgReJWZuQYSuDS
Active Ink Slinger
sang a Utopian mating chant in a high soprano vocal range until everything flying by crash landed safely in the ocean. "Most of the debris has either evaporated or otherwise disappeared" announced the stork kicking the last bits of oil off its webbed feet...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by GirlyWorld
One of the issues I often find when writing stories is how much should be left to the imagination. I'm particularly thinking about character descriptions, but the same principle could apply to a lot of different aspects of the story. For example, "she was 23 and had a hot body" may appeal to some readers because it leaves the them to imagine the physical qualities of that 23 year-old girl. Other readers may be less-imaginative and rather disappointed that the physical characteristics of the girl weren't described in detail. And yet other readers may be thrilled or disappointed that the detailed description of the girl either met or did not meet their expectations. Of course, the example uses a girl, but the same can equally apply to the description of a guy.

How important is it to you, the reader, to be told what to imagine rather than filling in the blanks?

To the authors, have you thought about this issue, and how do you deal with it?


I haven't read the rest of the responses but I have a bit of information to offer.

A story that is written is not going to be liked by every person who reads it. Too brief a description, a tireless five paragraph introduction that bores many to tears; or even something in the middle will not satisfy the majority unfortunately.

I recommend writing for yourself firstly. Then go ahead and worry about what this one or that one prefer. I personally loathe a long and drawn out buildup unless it culminates in a kinky and equally lengthy orgy of sex, or the story pertains to the rest of a series. If a "pop off" story is being penned, please keep the intros at 6 to 8 lines or readers might vote you down. Base the themes of a story somewhat in reality unless the proper tags are identified in the story headers.

And tie up the loose ends of the story before reaching its end unless it is being left open for a sequel.

How important is it to you, the reader, to be told what to imagine rather than filling in the blanks?

If I answered this already I apologise for my redundancy. But I like to have a general idea about a character. Leave the ages out except for the headers, give details about breast size (small, average, big/large) cock size (average, large) maybe a hint at what her/his body type looks like. Don't necessarily use "average" or "large" but something like it.

To the authors, have you thought about this issue, and how do you deal with it?

I have thought about it and sometimes people are very finicky about a couple sentences of a story. It comes with the territory so expect a little hassle with posting to a public forum. I take suggestions but if you are blatantly telling me I'm crap I am not going to pay any mind.
Active Ink Slinger
fiddled her fiddle in plain view of the colorfully plummaged peacock prancing itself through the restaurant. It spoke precisely like it carefully thought out its statement beforehand, "Will someone please help me eat? I haven't any hands to hold the cutlery"...
Active Ink Slinger
manipulated a pair of chopsticks like a baton twirler and tossed them upwards. Landing, each stuck her to the spot where she sat...
Active Ink Slinger
mixed herself a cool glass of lemonade. "Mmmhmm" she hummed. "That is some high quality lem-o-nade there. Yesiree", she continued then spit into a spittoon like country folk'll do.

Her three legged dog named speedy skipped along merrily across the unfinished floor complete with burn marks and warping from their kitchen sink being located in the bathroom. "Silly mutt! He oughta git a job like da rest of us'll do after the govvament stops payin' me to be jobless"

But then....