Before I get too involved in this story I have a question. Can you refer to a move by name, costume, etc?? Is that considered 'Fan Fiction' or am I being way to literal?
I hope I'm good because I really want to write this story.
PJ's, but soon nothing as I am heading to bed... Good night all.
Loved all the previous post, they were not only informative, but entertaining. Tho, you must not forget the spatulas, wooden spoons, etc of the kitchen since they serve the dual purpose of spankings before, during, and after.
Well being a private person I will take door number two. I can not stand the tabloids and most people laugh at them anyway. If my friends do not believe me than they are not really my friends. Since you added the rich part I guess it does not matter that I have spent time with baseball players at our rookie A team here in town. They are rich and famous now, but were just late teen/early twenties men then, does that count as celebrity/stars??
We have two older games: Kama Sutra and Foreplay. I like Foreplay it has the best questions and is more of the mental stimulation. Kama Sutra has the mental portion, but is very focused on the sex. We have the most fun making up our own games.
It was kind of both. We flirted almost anytime we were together and when we finally kissed it was on. That was so long ago and so many women later I need to think about it, maybe starting a story about it will help. She and I were together several times after and it was how we got our partners involved.
Your imagination is your imagination, nothing more and nothing less. If thoughts were policed, we would all be in jail. I don't think there is a person in the world, that is of age, that has not fantasized about someone. No mater if you are in a relationship or not, as long as you don't act on them with another person then how can it be cheating.
I personally share my fantasies with my hubby and he with me. Sometimes it leads to role play and most of the time to better sex. Share your fantasies and what you like with your partner.
It all comes down to communication.
I've been asked by partners to do things that I did not want to do and sometimes I did try them. For me it is a matter of if I have tried it before and if I want to try it. If I have tried it before and did not like it then it is usually a no from me, but if it is something new I will see if I like it. I have learned new things from most of my partners and I have taught them new things as well. Life is a matter of trial and error to see what you like and how you want to live. If you don't try it how will you know if you don't like it or if it might be something that you will enjoy for the rest of your life.
I'm thinking about bed, but I just can't seem to leave the computer.
I love to run my fingers through hair. I don't care where it is. I like the tickle on my fingers.