I like TraceyAmes the best. All her stories are great including her new Heinz Horowicz story for the latest competition which is a sure winner.
Milik Redman is another great author too.
Quote by lovewhenuswallow
Hey , thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts. however, i wasnt looking for feedback on creepy people taking advantage of young women with traumatic pasts. Sounds like you have been exploited and now you're some kind of family fuck toy. Furthermore, those people ought to be ashamed of themeselves, but i guess evil is everywhere isnt it?. Don't get to caught up in the darkside , it's not worth it.
Just callin it the way i see it. Nothin but best wishes for you. Take care now.
Quote by midnightraider61
I don't know if it's right or even possible to fall in love on this site, but I truly love three women on here and I believe they love me back. Physically being with any of them is impossible, and there are so many hazards to falling in love to the point where you say "I do" or its equivalents, but three women here are the kindest and sweetest and most caring people I know. I wonder if any of the three will read this and realize they are one of them? All of them are in love with someone else, perhaps several someones, so they might not pick up on it right away but I hope they realize what true Heaven-bent souls they truly are.
Quote by TraceyAmes
I found this thread to be quite amusing and felt obligated to participate. I could easily list 104 choices with my much life experiences. Here are 3 of my best plus one lie.
1) I have met a woman from Lush who is now living with with hubby and me and share our bed.
2) On my only trip to the US I was about to visit the World Trade Tower building. I was only minutes away from entering when the tragic event happened before my eyes.
3) On holidaying to Queenstown in New Zealand, I bungy (bungee) jumped at Skipper's Canyon even though I am afraid of heights. (See picture of the jump site below)
4) On my first date at the army barracks where I worked, a drunk private threw up all over me while trying to fuck me in the back seat of his car.
Quote by TraceyAmes
An excellent question. The vast majority of people here live under a pseudonym, me included. I have revealed my true name to only 3 people here on Lush. Although have some 200 "Friends", there are only 3 people I trust. Trust must be earned and not taken for granted. I correspond with these people very frequently. One of these people lives in Australia and I actually had the pleasure of meeting with and staying with her and her partner 5 weeks ago. I was very apprehensive at first, but through frequent emails and eventually telephone calls, I became more at ease with the situation. I saw it as a situation where I could help a person in genuine need, who was crying out for help. Bit by bit I revealed my real self, my dark secrets and more.
Quote by TraceyAmes
I must admit that I like all three, depending on my mood and the occasion. Given a preference, I prefer the eventual cum to be deposited over my bush and then rub it in. My hubby can then go down on me bringing me to orgasm while he tastes his own cum, and at the same time, I can lick my fingers clean and taste his cum too.
I am sure many other women enjoy this as well.
There is one proviso, cum is a proven cure for hiccups. So whenever I get the hiccups, the cum is by oral injection.
Quote by TraceyAmes
Undoubtedly the sexiest parts of my body are my eyes and smile. My hubby says my unshaven pussy is also incredibly sexy but I would not be permitted to post that on this forum.
Quote by TraceyAmes
I have just spent the last 7 days on the Gold Coast on a business trip which is disguised as a holiday. That's what I told hubby. I stayed with a young lesbian couple, one of whom is a member here at Lush. It was a dream come true and I am no longer bi-curious. I cannot reveal her name for ethical reasons, but she is on my friends list.
Another Lushie who is so sweet that I would love to meet has a name with 6 letters, starts with N and ends with a. Once again I am bound to secrecy, but N _ _ _ _ a does resemble a black pussy, or is that a black cat?
There are some really nice people here on Lush. You all know who you are.