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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 40
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Chicken Chimichangas from El Toreo, watermelon, chocolate pudding, Sonic burger and chili cheese tater tots--pregnant lady heresmile
Active Ink Slinger
Math. As far as I'm concerned, x and y can learn to solve their own problems.
Active Ink Slinger
"I(I've) spend(spent) thousands of dollars here!" My immediate thoughts are, "shut the fuck up!" and "so have a lot of people!"
Active Ink Slinger
Swallow, always thought it seemed a waste to just spit it out.
Active Ink Slinger
Macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, fries, chocolate chip cookies, and vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup....pregnancy cravings;)
Active Ink Slinger
Your Mind is Purple

Of all the mind types, yours is the most idealistic.
You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.
Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.
Active Ink Slinger
Your score is: 20

What does your score mean?

According to your score, you have major difficulties asserting yourself. In fact, you may occasionally let things go so far that others walk all over you. Just the thought of expressing an opposing opinion, asking for a raise or taking a romantic risk gives you knees of jello. There are many possible reasons for your dread of standing up for yourself and going after what you want; perhaps you fear that others won't like the more "aggressive" you, you don't want to rock the boat or simply lack the confidence to speak up and voice your views. Whatever the cause, you definitively should consider working on your assertion skills. Don't expect to change over night, but start with small steps you can handle; express your opinion on a project at work, tell your partner when you're not happy about something, or complain about unsatisfactory service. Truth is, no one is going to like you less for asserting yourself. In fact, you'll likely inspire newfound respect - so speak up
Active Ink Slinger
1) I was born almost 3 months early at 3 lbs 1 oz.
2) I lived in Japan for 3 years.
3) I like bacon, but not on or in other foods.
Active Ink Slinger
So much. I left it two years ago and didn't want to go back, but had no other choice.
Active Ink Slinger
Blue is my favorite color and Orchid is one of my favorite flowers
Active Ink Slinger
A mountain of french toast, chicken and cheese quesadilla, chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, and a nice big glass of cold mountain dew.
Active Ink Slinger
What kind of Little are you?
Your Result: Angel

You are Daddy's little Angel!!!!! You do absolutely everything to please your Daddy and make him happy and his great love for you reflects your dedication!




Active Ink Slinger
Far too many things to be going to sleep anytime soon. Annoying things, worrying things, things that keep me up at night and make me wanna cry and scream at the top of my lungs even though no one's listening things.
Active Ink Slinger
I love flying; get a little nervous at during take off and landing but I love being high up in the air.