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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female
United Kingdom


Not really looked, but that's part of the reason you'll never see a picture of my face on here - just in case!
Yep love my own pussy taste, although being a diabetic, it can be too sweet at times if my sugars are high, but when they are normal, I love to lick my fingers with my juice on them hehe
For me it means that while I would love a good cock, I wouldn't turn my nose up at licking a pussy or having mine licked either by a woman. I'd like to experiment with both to see if I am both or prefer one over the other :/
I too am very shy and suffer with low confidence - I've never been asked out and until this year never been kissed - and now only once as well. Its strange as on line I'm more open, but in real life I just clam up and get nervous. especially if the guy is drunk and being all leery, which is what usually happens to me, so it makes me totally shut down and just want to get out of there. I have just about given up and think I am and always will be on my own. Part of me is OK with that, but part of me is scared and ending up with no one to care or look after me :/
Love with oneself is important I think. And seeing as I am and always have been single, its my only form of pleasure lol.
depends on my mood and the situation. I've had fantasy's about it though or at least with one woman.
Yes I think I would masterbate in front of strangers and women. The thought of doing that turns me on if I am honest.
I would love to find someone to try that with smile Not necessarily out and about to start with, but may be later on - who knows :)
Wow glad to know I'm not alone in using strange objects hehe. I've used

Umbrella handles - the golfing style ones not the u shaped ones
Mini cold cans of cola
Hair brushes

Now I just use one of my vibrators smile
My parents let themselves into my flat all the time to drop things off when visiting - like food and washing Mum has done for me, mainly sheets and towels as I have no where to dry them. They always let me know when they are coming and I usually remember to hide my toys away. Anyway, one day I was running late for work and left them in the bag I keep them in by the side of the bed with the bag open, and um, the towel on top as I usually get pretty wet. When I got home from work mum had hung the towel up in my bathroom - first clue and second clue she probably saw them when I walked into the bedroom and she had put the sheets on my bed!!
I have a white with pink flowers mesh set which I love (actually wearing that right now hehe) and a black and turquoise flowery set. My fav by far has to be the bra in my profile pic and the matching panties to go with it ;)
Love it but it does depend on the right person and me being in the right mood as well smile Had some good and fun times cybering and likewise not. Usually can tell straight away if I am going to really get off with the person I am talking to or whether I am just going to end the conversation early or fake it even lol.
Quote by TreeSuh


... Oh and Im not a virgin. That would be a bit awkward after 4 years of marriage

Had a friend who had been married for 4 years and was still a virgin I joke not. She was the size of thumbaline and he the incredible hulk I joke not again so they were worried he'd not fit and squash her. Come to think of it I'm not sure if she is still one, although last time of asking she said things had moved along.....
Mines a combination - Big because of size, Shy because I kinda am in some situations, Pussy well first should be obvious ;) and add it with the BigShy because I'm very very shy in that department and because I like cats lol, Kins because I thought it sounds cuter ast BigShyPussyKins opposed to just BigShyPussy which did sound right.
I would be flattered but wouldn't want to persue things as for me personally the age gap would be too much. But whatever you do - good luck smile
Can't say I've ever sext :/ but then again I've never had anyone to do it with either lol
I was talking about this very topic with a friend not so long ago. His opinion was if it is someone you are just going to have a bit of fun with/one night stand they why do they need to know. If they say anything just claim lack of experience. But if its someone you want to have a relationship with and have been progressing up to the moment of sleeping together then it may be wise to tell them. However, you can listen and ask for opinions but in the end though the decision is down to you and how you choose to handle things when the time comes.
I have been thinking about getting a corset as love the way they look, but can't find any for big girls both chest wise and clothes wise. Would love to try and get one before my cruise to help hold me in a little under my dress. Any suggestions?
I agree with both above suggestions. Don't rock the boat. Keep it as a fantasy especially if you love your wife. Remember too - the grass is not always greener on the other side as they say - so while in your dreams and fantasies it may be great sex - in real life it might not be, in which case you would have potentially ruined your marriage for nothing.
They are 500mg ones. So in theory I could up my dosage then if I want a drink or two? Will go see or at least ring my doctor to discuss.

Thank you smile
I stick to the initial of my name until I get to know someone. When I feel comfortable I will give them an email addy to chat away from here if they want and then tell them my real name.
Thank you so much for your reply Angel.

I think my levels are OK on Metformin - I take 4 a day - but may ask my Dr if I can increase this when I drink. I try to avoid it at all costs but its not always an option like you said. I'm more concerned for when I go away in Feb as its a birthday celebration so want to be able to drink then. Luckily mine so far has just been in the vaginal area. Will also try and remember to ask for water at the same time so I can flush it out quickly and hadn't even crossed my mind to balance the food sugar in take when drinking either - will keep that it mind as well.

Thank you once again

Just wondered if there are any other Lush members out there who are diabetic?

I have noticed a connection between when I drink alcohol and problems down below and eveything becoming very itchy and inflamed. I like to go out and have a drink every now and again but the side effects are putting me off :/

Does anyone else have this problem and if so, what do you do to counter it?

I take tablets for my diabetes as opposed to insulin injections.

Realise I prob need to chat to my diabetic nurse but thought I'd ask in here too.

Thank you.
I love flying although last time flying back from Florida on my own we hit a storm for 45 mins which was terrifying. Flown through storms before but nothing like this. The pilot apologies as said there was nothing he could do as we were surrounded by them and just had to ride it out. I swear the plane got his once as it suddenly lurched and dropped a bit. Haven't flown since but that's only because I've not been anywhere to fly. Going back in February and have to admit I am a little bit nervous this time where as normally I look forward to flying.
Uh? You mean our cat doesn't undertand when we say good morning and he replies back, then ask him if he wants his brekkie and he replies again. Seriously, he does lol. But if he could talk back then I would ask him what's it like to be a cat and to be able to sleep anywhere and manage to make it look so comfortable - like lying on earth or just resting on top of the thinnest of fences!