I love doing the shaving. It always leads to really hot sex.
So do you think there are alot of married women with secret girlfriends?
It seems as though many women have something on the side with girlfriends but do not consider cheating?
I would suck your pert nipples.
I would never say no to a girl who asked me to watch porn with her.
So you like it to be as tight as possible? Great pic. I would love to lace up your corset nice and tight.
They look extremely hot but are they comfortable?
Women that can read and write turn me on. That's why I like this site so much.
May 28. Also in Afghanistan.
If she told me to I would.
Thanks! Great info. The two way strap-ons was another item I was wondering about. Double the Pleasure. Double the fun.
the best way to wake up. I've only had it happen once though.
Not a trick question? They do exist and one it has two ends. One end is inserted into the pussy and then the cock end is used on her friend.
Do strapless strapons work?
when I'm with my wife I'm usually pretty focused on her.suEiT1onzs8T0s6Y