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2 months ago
Bisexual Female, 51
0 miles · Australia


Mine is a pic I took to tease a friend. Served its purpose
I don't think that anyone is ever irresistible, it rests entirely with others and what they perceive as attractive.
Often times it can be something we are entirely unaware of that captivates another. In fact, I believe, that it's actually that unawareness (lol is that even a word?) that draws people in. That complete lack of artifice that disarms people and captures their interest.

So long story short, what is it about me that is captivating? I have no idea, but whatever it is I hope that I never lose it.
Damn it damn it damn it
Stop talking to me like I'm some gulable fool.
You think that by just telling me that this was done with the best intentions for my daughter wil make me go away?
Wrong! So very wrong.
I will be watching and I will become your worst nightmare if I find you've lied to me!

There had better be some steller results or signs of improvement in the next few months or I won't hesitate to unleash the festering ball of anger I've currently got bubbling away inside me.
Quote by playsit

Love the light coming through this one, you've really captured that mystical hour well
Just one from my phone. Still have to wade through nearly 3000 from my camera
Quote by Dudealicious

Women from all walks of life, however it's been over confident blonde Aussie girls for some reason.

blinks slowly and glances over my shoulder in bewilderment and points at my chest

Do you mean me?

sashays off slowly

Quote by sprite

One or two. Want me to send them your way? (btw, I kind of hate you. Kind of love you too. Let's see which one wins. ;) )

Love you too, chicken lips
Quote by sprite

don't forget cute american blonde girls smile

Ahhh, those ones are my favourite do you know any?
I tend to attract men across all spectrums
Although the slightly nerdy, quieter guys seems to outnumber the jocks by a small margin.
I generally feel for the OP, I really do.

I've been on the receiving end of a few men trying to strike up a conversation cold. It's not easy and it's something that, as a woman, I've never needed to do, THANK GOD!

Realising how terrifying a prospect of starting a conversation must be, I've always endeavoured to be nice. Unfortunalty, some men see this as a open invitation to get a little friendlier. So, I understand why some women are immediately cold or in some cases cruel. It's not nice but sometimes, some men, refuse or are unable to read the subtle ( or not so subtle as the case may be) signals of a woman's disinterest.

Timing is everything, it's crucial. If women are in a group, laughing, having a great time, I'm assuming that men see this and want to join in...don't. Under no circumstances; it's like falling on a live grenade, messy.

Of course, this is dependent on the situation, girls on the prowl at a club will be more than willing to meet new people.

Women in groups, generally don't want men approaching, we are out having fun with our friends and to be approached by a man without any warning will generally result in simple answers and an attitude. I'm not saying this is right, but in general that's what you will get.

Some posters have mentioned meeting people through other friends; I have to echo this sentiment. When you're in a social situation where you're open and willing to meet new people, most women will take the time to involve themselves in conversation.

Of course looks play an important part in our initial attraction to someone. Its naive and rather silly to assume otherwise and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I'm sure you do it too, Lovingher17. But let me tell you, if you can make a woman laugh, be genuinely nice, looks will cease to be something she is focusing on. By all means change your style, there is nothing wrong with improving ones looks, but if your attitude is wrong, it will make little difference in the long run.

i think you may need to take a step back and seriously think about your approach.
You may think you're coming across as charming and interesting, but perhaps it's falling a little closer to being uncomfortable for those women you're approaching. Just think about it for a moment from her side.
She is with friends, they're having a fun time and then out of no where a man comes and injects himself into her conversation...
Anyway, something to think about.

One last point, you're dealing with young, immature women, not necessarily a nice species from memory; to men or each other. Give it time, hopefully they'll mature and you'll gain the skills needed to meet on a more level playing field.
City of Angels.

I loved the movie; I'm a sucker for all things romantic, but the soundtrack is superb. I actually went out and bought it, I loved it that much. I still listen to quite often.

The sound track to the movie, Highlander is also a favourite.
Queen, was and is still one of my favourite bands.
City of Angels.

I loved the movie; I'm a sucker for all things romantic, but the soundtrack is superb. I actually went out and bought it, I loved it that much. I still listen to quite often.
Yes and I have.
Interesting experience, not sure it's one Id repeat, but it was fun
Quote by Buz
Have you ever had dessert as your main course?

We had a restaurant in Melbourne when I was younger called, Death by Chocolate. They only served chocolate related meals for entree, main and desert.

Needless to say I couldn't look at chocolate for a month after eating there.
To the incomparable Mz Spritealicious
Happy birthday, my gorgeous girl.
Know that you are loved

What is it with people that they think they can give me attitude all the time. Do I have a freakin sign that says I'm your personal bitching board. I don't think so!
Do not let the pleasant attitude fool you, I will politely ram the truth up your left nostril while quietly pointing out just how wrong you are, smiling nicely the entire time.

Funny how you've gone quiet now that I've emailed you proof of your incompetence.
Guess I won't get an apology or even acknowledgement that you were in the wrong.

Deep breath
Breath in ...breath out.
Uncurl lip, quit grinding my teeth.
Moving on. Thank you, Rage cage
My name isn't particularly common and I've yet to find it written in a erotic sense.
Actually, my name just doesn't seem to go with erotic story writing. Perhaps it doesn't conjures up the right image?
Waiting to pounce as he walks in the front door.
Frantic, hot, can't wait for the bedroom, so do me now up against the wall, sex.
Yup, that'll do it every time.
I've been attracted to people with varying shades of hair colour over the years, but I tend to gravitate to those with darker complexions.
A simple please and thank you!

Not a lot to ask for when you contact someone and ask them to do something for you that you could have done for yourself!
Warm porridge on a cold morning and reminiscing about yesterday's discoveries
Sometimes an idea will slide into my consciousness sparked by song lyrics, a photo or a conversation. A dream sparked my last story.
I have a story floating around my head that was inspired by a painting.
Quote by celaenoeos

That's about the same as mine when I finished and I admit the ending was rushed and editing was a pain but it's worth it - exactly 1000 words and not a word less. Good luck to everyone. I'm just looking forward to submit the sequel. Is that allowed? I think I read a condition of entry being that one cannot submit an entry of a preexisting story. But after the competition are we allowed to submit a sequel then? smile

You're correct. Once the competition has ended and the winners announced please feel free to submit your sequel then