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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 66
United Kingdom


Sports loving lady. Enjoys sunshine and the outdoors. I think that she would have a cheeky sense of humor
Love it. Whenever I can I do!
Lived in the Med area for a few years, I was able to sunbath on secluded beaches and loved been naked in the sun.
Would love to take part in one of those hundreds of naked people pictures where everyone is nude.
Anyone know where to volunteer!
Quote by clittouch
I am also from the Uk. There is a shower gel on the market and its called 'Kick Start', tingling mint but Original Source do one as well. I use it daily and the feeling is amazing. Failing all that there is always the play gel, one or two companies do them in mint!!!!

Clittouch is right. Original Source Mint and teatree....a real Zing to the shower
Love it. Done it, recommend it......The thrill of perhaps been caught makes it exciting!!!
Quote by BashfulKitty
Yes I do-- all satisfied and fulfilled, nothing better

Totally agree
Every time. I would not ask to be a friend if I did not like what was on the profile
Size does not matter. Though sensitive nipples are the best...ones that poke at the ladies shirt when your out and you can not take your eyes off them !!!!!!!!!
When out in a cafe or a restaurant (under the table). Slow hand caressing through the trousers, before unzipping me, and taking me out through the zipper...then caressing until I Cum
For sure - if the lady likes it and enjoys it, why not? I have seen one lady experience a huge orgasm from it, and its a huge turn on to perform, if you get that response!
Cowgirl - I love to watch the ladies eyes (its all about the eyes) and stroke nipples and clit as she rides me.
All year round, Naked..............its the only way. Hate PJs, feel like I am been strangled!
Not bad from someone in the UK! New Orleans and Baton Rouge!
Cowgirl sounds perfect at this time.
I love to watch a lady ride!
1) Would you be sexually attracted to a girl with a large scar down her chest? (From surgery)

Its whats on the inside that counts.

2)Attracted to a girl who has orgasms every 2 fucking seconds?

Sure, If I am making her orgasm that often, its some achievement!!

3) Attracted to a Nymphet?

Sure why not, its whats on the inside that counts (did I say that already)!

4) Would you stay with a girl if she doesn't want to have sex until married?

Sure, if both parties are happy and make each other smile, laugh and love, then yes.

5) Pubic hair or no?

love to lick,caress and tease a ladies pussy, but have no preference either way. The lady has to be comfortable with what she has.

6)Uneven boobs? (One bigger one smaller)

OK, when you have a mouthful of nipple its difficult to tell what size the other one is! but it makes no difference to me. I would still want to lick and tease them, what ever the sizes.
Merry Christmas
3-4 times a day. sometimes at work too, if i have the urge!
Quote by sexywife104
My husband really gets off watching me with other men. Two questions: Any guys interested? and Who shares this desire? Share your experiences with us.

Yes I sure would. A MFM would be a dream come true
Seven inches long (flaccid) and about 4 round. Pics on my profile
Quote by Janey79
Ok I'll add my two pence to the debate!!

To me it is still ...just. Things have definitely become more liberal here in the UK over the past few years and probably the internet and sites like this are a major factor.

to me doesn't mean wrong, I think it means "not spoken about". Until people open walk down the street with an Ann Summers logo'd bag then to me it's still slightly . We'll say to our friends "God I had a great shag with that bloke/my bf/my hub last night" but we won't say, "God I gave myself a massive orgasm last night!", so surely that means it's still a bit .

Of course we all do it, and why the hell shouldn't we it's an amazingly pleasurable thing to do, but despite the sales success of 50 Shades and myriad vibrators, I don't honestly think we can go out for a drink or meal with friends and mention it.

Ok..Im in the UK too...driving down the motorway (freeway) the other day and was passed by a car advertising sex aids.....Does that count as an Ann Summers Logo'd bag?
I vote that its not and its a wonderful thing. I love to watch my love masturbate...and its incredible to see
About long enough to scratch my back and dig into my ass!!
Without a shadow of a doubt...Natural

Going out with someone who wears something thats revealing is a huge turn on and when they get aroused..the nipples clearly electric.
But breast that move naturally please
Three days ago now, and its so frustrating!!!
But I sure hope that Sunday comes around quickly!!!!