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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155
United States


I been waiting for years for Chef to share her goodies

Hi All,

Ya'll have Scooter working, Scooter say it ain't so I hope you've been out on the links, I'm getting ready for our outing.R6Wa8weOssKxQg4p

You ladies are all looking darn good as maintenance personal

Shots anyone?

Not all gals look as good in wet tidy whiteys as you Holly, but I like the wet t-shirt idea

Sugar, Yes my dear it has been raining up here, how did you guess...

Hey Rump can we get the NCAA basketball playoffs on the old RCA?... Oh and what's up with the Saint's coaching staff, I thought you'd have the inside dirt.
Good Afternoon!

Where is everyone... We have had summer up here this week kinda nice.

I'll just have a coffee and wait for the Happy Hour crowd.

Rumple, Alan... Happy Birthday or as my Irish great grandmother would say Breithlá sona

Happy St. Patrick's Day... Guinness anyone?

Good Morning pub mates!

Coffee and baileys for me... Sharon, I trust you'll be posting pictures of the festivities there in the windy city.

Sugar, I seen a dildo fighting contest once or maybe it was wrestling ... at a bachelor party... craziest thing, the guys were in a circle around these two women watching them wrestling over this thing without using their hands (I'll leave that to your imagination) I couldn't tell who was winning, it kept going back and fourth and back and fourth. The woman were swearing at each other... The guys were betting throwing money on the their favorite, but I think most to too drunk to know who won. It made no sense to me

Quote by Southern_Sass

Sounds like someone I know

Holly would that be the woman or the man you'd know
Good Afternoon,

Hey Rumple, Chef good to see ya, I'm glad you had a good time last night Chef.

Scooter, I went out for a quick 9 this morning before work, I had a little talk with that new driver... it got the message and only missed one fairway today

Have a wonderful afternoon all...
Quote by chefkathleen
Wizard of Oz must be in the air. My husband even mentioned it a couple of days ago and he doesn't even like it.
I'm leaning toward this for dinner. Sounds good.

Chef, Looks like a great place... Ummm... what time were we meeting? Happy Birthday Baby!
Good Afternoon All,

Chef, I hope your Birthday was one of the best ever!

What a beautiful day here in the north... We had a tornado watch last evening, I almost call the ex-wife to let her know, she gets all freaked out ever since Dorothy's house fell on her mother.

Chef, Happy Birthday Sweetie!!!

I brought the cake but Scooter put the candles on it... really

Good Evening...

Amen Reverend

Hey SB, your two friends, Pete and Repeat, they remind me of if a couple of other nuts I've known over the years. Scooter... I got in my first 18 today and have some tuning to do with my new woods brother, right, center, middle, not necessarily in that order

LadySharon... Please tell me... What do you attribute this marvelous knack of collecting beads at parades my Dear
Chef, you crack me up...

Here's to a awesome week... Cheers!

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Scooter, you given up on playing in the Masters... You can doit!!!

Nice to see some new and old faces back in the place....

TGIF I'm buying... who wants a shot to start the weekend?

hartclass, They need the fiber of the shells start tossing, Oh that way we don't mess up Rumples clean floor

Thanks for the weather update in Augusta Buzz, back to the 50's for us up north.

The solar storm was kind of a dud Rumple... it will be the one they don't see that will knock out the power grid... opps missed that one sorry.

Chef, you're looking as lovely as ever... I'll stand behind you and guard your back while you get the tea from under that bar, you know how some of these guys are in here
Good Morning All!

Nice to see everyone alive and well, enjoy your day off Ms. H.

It's beautiful here in MI too, Scooter, walked my first round of golf, 63 degrees not bad for March... well probably get a blizzard next week.
Have ya ever notice the only difference between the "wind blown" look and the "JBF" look is the smile

I'm ready for a coffee and Baileys...
Good Morning,

Hey Scooter how ya do'n, getting ready to smack some balls?
Sharon, Chef, if there is anything I can help you lovely ladies with just let me know.

The coffee is on, there are some Beignets help yourself.

With all that noise from the office the Reverend should be cumming anytime, then come out and give the sermon

Bloody Mary's anyone...

Hi Everyone,

I think we had the same system hit here Sharon just slush... Irish coffee sounds good Chef...

Have a good evening...
Good Morning!!!

Good Coffee Chef, thank you...

Darn it I missed Fat Tuesday at Rumplations... It's been a crazy week I've been on college visits with the kid, I think we found a fit for her.

What a beautiful day ... sun shine blue sky's, of course that all changes by this time tomorrow we are you get a few inches of the white stuff... easy Scooter I'm talking snow... as in precipitation, I'll try to send it your way wouldn't want you to miss out on anything
Amen Rev... catches Sharon's beads.ZyKJ8RtaPn6nEVsa

Another Beautiful Sunday!
Good Morning,

I like the intro Rumple... What's not to like? Ya have a car, a sexy girl, and war... Argh... Argh... Argh! Can't miss. I'm looking forward to reading the finished story.

Coffee please barkeep...
Good Evening All...

Ya'll recovered from breakfast yet, I haven't seen that much food in this place in a long time.

Scooter the golf show is just outside of Detroit March 2-4 a sure sign of spring in here in the great white north, it's time for me to get the league website refreshed and ready to go, let the fun begin

Sharon's Brew for the house Reverend Rumple...

Good Morning all...

Coffee sounds good Rumple...

Chef, There is a few more items in it...

This is enough for 4 servings.

1/2 ounce butter
1/2 ounce brown sugar
1/2 ounce confectioners' sugar
2 tablespoons and 1-3/4 teaspoons vanilla ice cream, softened
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Melt butter in a large pot over medium heat. Blend in brown sugar and confectioners' sugar. Remove from heat, and whisk in the ice cream, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Pour mixture into a plastic container, seal, and freeze.
In a coffee mug, measure 1 tablespoon Hot Buttered Rum Batter and 1 fluid ounce of rum or more, then fill cup with boiling water. Stir, and sprinkle top of drink with nutmeg

Good on a cold day...

Happy Valentines Day Ladies!

Yeah, it's fricking cold here, I hear a heat wave is on its way (all the way to 40 woohoo) No worries Scooter, I can't wait for those ladies to knock on my door

Anyone up for something hot and good, no I'm not offering myself up.WKR6K628aGF9vVFz

Hot buttered Rum Yummmm....

Greetings and Salutations from the white North...

Yes, we finally had a bit of snow last night just a enough to make the drive home from the bar a bit challenging.

Holly, Good for you Baby! you'll do just fine.

I have some Special it should go well with Sharon's buns the cinnamon ones Rumple...

Yes Rumple I think the Marines have hit the (boy I hope I spell this next word correctly ) beach, whew...

I'll have a bit of coffee Rumple... I'll pass on the unknown holes

Chef must be catching up on her beau.... oops...I mean sleep this morning
Rumple, I'll leave the muscatel for Chef, Heck I'll even buy her two!

Me, I think I'll stick with the smooth sweet Irish women... I mean whiskey
Afternoon Everyone,

Rumple trained Terrance well I'd say and you can hardly see that little camera on his back

I think I have a picture of Rumple training Terrance.... complete with screaming.

Good Afternoon All,

Brake pads eh Chef, that's good to know you can stop when you need to... the Jeep anyway.

Sharon and Holly must be really crack'n the books this term.

It's time to start a fire in the fireplace and pour a dram or two of whiskey then kick back for the evening.
Chef, I've stuck lots of things in my mouth... we're not going there

It's about 40 degrees colder here than the sunshine state brrrrrrrr.......

I need a whiskey... anyone else?