Yeah, I'm selfish.
What do you think is the best line you've written, not neccessarily in Lush, but just in general. I hope this is the correct place for it.
Mine's "This effectively gave him the ability to fuck anyone he wanted, both literally and metaphorically with near impunity." (After describing that the President is a pornographer for 3 pages)
Squirrel Girl from the Great Lakes Avengers :P
Still play my genesis and super nintendo when I get a chance. But my go-to is N64.
Also @iamhereinthestateofo be glad your atari burnt out. If it was the 7200 or before, due to the increase in power going to TVs and from outlets, the system and TV could explode, unless it had been heavily doctored.
Terminator 2 at the age of 3. Or Blazing Saddles, I forget which one came first.
This explains so much it's unreal.
Diagree completely.
Never truly loved somebody other than platonically. I like it this way and intend to keep it as such.
None of the above. I've been in this situation, and my natural facial expression turned me from being hit on to the person hitting on me being utterly disgusted by me without my having said a word. I have this magic ability that many have tried to duplicate. none have been successful
I am proud of this.
Evig Pint (Eternally Tormented) by Kaizers Orchestra
the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
give your ID to a trusted friend, get rid of what you have. 3 days in seclusion, do not speak to anyone, do not leave a room save for when nature calls and eating (even then try eating in the room).
Worked for me.
Helen of Troy: The face that launched a thousand ships
'Nuff fuckin' said.
Leon: The Professional
"You... don't like Beethoven" and pretty much anything Gary Oldman says.
Also, the lines about the pig are pretty great
Vladimir Ashkenazi performing Mozart's piano concerto no 5 in D major. Call me crazy but I've found classical is great for working out. Also Bela Fleck & Edgar Meyer "B Song"
What's your favorite thing to hate on/complain about?
Mines the Walking Dead TV Series by a wide margin.
Every RomCom except the Whedon "Much Ado about Nothing" and "The Princess Bride"
Any BroSho or ChickFlick
The "New" Star Wars Trilogy
Favorites: Firely, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Sherlock, Batman: TAS, IT Crowd
Last Favorites: The Walking Dead, Big Bang Theory, How I met Your Mother,
Lonely People of the World Unite! by Devin Davis.
The Turtle and the Flightless Bird is an excellent tragic love song
Not a huge zombie fan but the 68 Night of the Living Dead is amazing, and still scary despite it's age.
Right now, I'd have to go with Invincible or Fables, but that'll change tomorrow as far as comics go.
Graphic novel: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 3: Century.
Honorable mentions go to: Understanding Comics, American Splendor, Irredeemable, XO-Manowar (post 2012 reboot), The Goon, Days of Future Past, and Matt Fraction's Hawkeye (I love Lucky (aka Pizza dog))
Update: Now it's Cleveland from Harvey Pekar as favorite GN.
The annal "History of Horror" moviethon
Dracula->Shining->Halloween->Evil Dead->Scream->Saw->Cabin in the Woods
When Michonne tortures the Governor, including nailing his dick to a wooden plank, when Glenn gets brained by Negan, Carl shooting Shane through the throat.
Whoops, those all happen in the comics and are a bit ahead of the TV show.
Comic > TV Series... If you want to hear my explanation of why this is true, pm/friend (shameless self promotion)
Recently, people have begun trying to describe there sexual exploits, discuss relationship problems or other such topics. Typically as soon as they start, I demand they to stop, frequently by saying "shut up, I don't wanna know." as I do not want to hear about their latest sexual conquest or deal with their relationship problems. Several have called me "rude" or "a bad friend." Anybody else been in this position, and how do they deal, also is it rude/being a bad friend that I do this?
I've always considered the friend zone to be something created by sexually frustrated and entitled people, and that it doesn't actually exits. Therefore, there is no way in or out.
Past Master by R.A. Lafferty and Cryptonomicon by Neil Stephenson, that one'll keep you busy a while (1200+pages)
Computer forensics analysts.