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Over 90 days ago
Male, 31


Omaha: The Cat Dancer an underground comic from the 70s and 80s. While I wouldn't call it porn exactly as the characters are too deep and the plots too interesting for porn, there is quite a lot of graphic sex. Great series from back in the day, and has quite the pedigree with both Neil Gaiman and Alan Moore commenting on its quality.
Plus, Lost Girls by Alan Moore is another A+ erotic comic.
But if you're going for straight porn, Cherry Poptart with 22 issues from 82-2000. Highly explicit sex mixed with art invoking memories of Archie.

Omaha is a great series, even without the sex, definitely a recommend.
The best revenge is a life lived well. A sentiment I have learned to agree with.

That and urinating on graves after a life lived well if you need something a bit more tangible.
I am in a rather uncommon (as far as I know) situation wherein a dear friend has asked me to be her beard. Her parents do not know she is gay, and are apparently about two tiers bellow the WBC in terms of insanity towards, well everyone. Her parents know she has been dating someone for 8 months, and know the name of the person. See, her girlfriend and I have the male/female versions of the same name (i.e. Samuel/Samantha) but both go by the same nickname (i.e. Sam) and I have the lovely honor of getting to meet my friends parents as her 'boyfriend.' There are just a few problems, most notably, I've never had a relationship last more than a week and a half, so protocol for knowing what to do when people have been dating 8 months is out of my wheelhouse. Next, even if I had that experience, I wouldn't know any of the protocols for situations like this (being a beard.)

I'll address a few of the most likely things people are going to say. I already did ask what I should do, to which my friend said "act naturally, be yourself" with myself being a socially awkward nerd who has a tendency to infuriate 7/10 people I meet. Yes, she realized this and rescinded "be yourself" to "be somebody else, somebody likable, who... just be like my girlfriend." Please do not encourage me to have her come out of the closet, her parents as I said, apparently comparable to the WBC. Yes, I did ask if it would be okay if I asked total strangers online for advice. Yes, I have met her girlfriend, we have similar interests and are friends/friendly, and I was apparently her first recommendation for taking her place in the "date." Yes, I did ask why to which I was told, "I have a good feeling about you" to which I responded confusedly and basically asked why, to which she responded, vaguely, at which point I started pulling my hair out, at which point she stopped me and said "that's why"

It's only 1 dinner, so I'm sure I can manage if somebody gives me some advice, plus I was promised steak and a "big" favor.
The scene from Baby Cart to Hades. You know, the one that Tarantino shamelessly.
637 actually. Most (approximately 630 of them) are either rough concepts or marked with a gigantic DO NOT SUBMIT ANYWHERE EVER on the file name, title and every page.
Bullshit. When writing you include inspirations from any and all source. As with any medium, writing is tranformative, you take what was built before you and add to it. Steal from others, steal from movies, your friends whatever. It's not writing, but Tarantino steals shots from films he likes. Putting your own spin on something that exists is part of the reason Shakespeare endures, as does Homer. Take what others did and make it your own, that's writing, that's life really.
A little background: I was TAing for a (creative) writing class and somebody (a straight white male) chose to write from the perspective of a trans lesbian (is that the right term? Male became female and was a lesbian after becoming female.) Student got a TON of flack for writing from the perspective, on the grounds that there was no way he could understand that position and therefore should not even consider writing from it. As I was reading it, I did not have a problem particularly with writing from an alternate perspective, however the writing was garbage, just not fun to read poorly written et cetera. But it got me thinking, what is the social acceptability of writing something like that. Not even necessarily as different as that, but say a straight male writing from the perspective of a gay male or straight female et cetera. Is it socially acceptable to do this? If it is, can it be done well? I mean obviously it can be done well, plenty of pros write from first person perspectives not their own in experiences that are not their own. I'm not 100% sure what exactly I'm asking there but any feedback would be helpful, both for the roughly 600 drafts I'm considering submitting to this site, TAing and the future in general.
Oy. Sending people into space to bang? Sounds extraordinarily expensive and time consuming. Astronaut training IIRC is extremely long and difficult. I mean, Gravity and 2001 managed to make do without actually going into space. What's wrong with that sort of thing?

Yeah, a porno in space sounds like a waste of time money and everything else needed. Would I watch it if it happened? Probably. I watched the google glass porno so why not?
Going to do a quick plug for everything Valiant, Ed Brubaker's work with Sean Phillips (also Velvet, but that doesn't have Sean Phillips). Not my favorites (that being said Brubaker's work on Captain America is one of my all time favorites) but pretty awesome. Also Hickman's secret wars and the lead-up to it is pretty good.
Also is anyone as pretentious as I am for differentiating between Comics, Trades and Graphic Novels? Probably not, just checking though.
New movie? It Follows; fantastic horror flick, Maika Monroe is shaping up to be a future great scream queen between that and The Guest. Older? Let Me In, Cocoanuts, Yojimbo and Pi
What's that song that's meaning still eludes you?
I've got too many to count.
Platypus shouldn't exist. They lay eggs, can detect electricity, have poison, have bills yet are mammals. MAMMALS. It is not logic.
Ducks are currently engaged in an evolutionary sex war.
"Deserve's got nuthin' to do with it." -> Unforgiven
"Where are the White Women at?"/"Up Yours [expletive deleted]! I'm working for Mel Brooks!" -> Blazing Saddles
Groucho and the mirror: -> duck soup.
Harvey Pekar on Letterman, "nyerd" -> American Splendor.
SWORD -> Pacific Rim
"I AM THE LAW" -> Judge Dredd (both of them)
Black Flag because it's pirates. I thought the boat parts were the best in the game. As far as favorite Assassin? Shao Jun. ACC: China was a pretty good title, but considering it was like a sub par Mark of the Ninja, it couldn't top pirates.
Paul Dini. Writer on City and Asylum. Creator of Harley Quinn. Writer on Batman TAS, Streets of Gotham City and a bunch of other Batman stuff.
Dude invented Harley Quinn and wrote some of the great Batman work.
and did I mention: HE INVENTED HARLEY QUINN.

Sorry, fanboying out there for a minute.
the 2038 problem refers to a problem dealing with values larger than a certain amount in 32 bit signing. The solution: Switch to 64 bit signing. It's kind of like the IPV4 "problem" wherein we technically ran out of IP addresses, so we switch to a larger signing system of IPV6. It's completely different from Y2k, which dealt with what happened if the computers which were currently set to use a 2 year system would read the year as 00 could cause problem. Simple solutions to simple problems. In maybe 16-20 years we'll switch the integer signing system. Like we did in 1998 with signing years in four digits instead of two.
I have a few, partially because I read way too many comics.
Kitty Pryde easily tops it. Although points go to Red Sonja for obvious, Velvet Templeton from Velvet, and Flamingo from Harbinger

Also: Obligatory "Girls of DOA" and "Lara Croft" mention here:


I respect the choice of Harley Quinn, but for me (Clown + Crazy + (In Love with Homicidal Maniac)) > (Is Hot)
Granted it's 30 minutes and a good chunk of it is the person who built the cityscape essentially felating himself, but I saw the actual "set" and it took roughly 20 years to build, and holy crap was it impressive, and to scale.

Hiren's BCD for the win, I never leave my apartment without it. Never use two active antivirus items. They detect the virus/malware then lock down down the file, preventing it from acting on something before attacking it. Having two active antivirus softwares will cause them to lock it simultaneously, but not remove it, potentially allowing it to continue being malicious. It also eats processing power like nothing else.

By active antivirus, I mean something that is progressively scanning, rather than something that must have a manual scan only. 2 programs is less secure.

If you're paying for something, go with Kapersky, it's extremely efficient to the point that by the time somebody has cracked it, two new versions are out and have patched that exploit.
Ok, if the DC adapter is soldered onto the motherboard, you're SOL. Most people will try to fix it by essentially slapping some more solder on it, even if it's modular. In which case the days before it needs to be replaced again is in the double digits. It's a very tricky repair. Mostly I recommend people just get a new machine. Predominately because in most instances it is soldered, and the only surefire method to fixing this is a new motherboard, which between parts and labor usually costs more than a new machine, and laptop motherboards are notoriously difficult to find for the correct model. It interfaces with pretty much everything in such a way that means you almost universally need to get the exact correct part, it's also tricky to replace as laptop parts are rarely entirely modular. That being said, the HDD/SDD is extremely easy to remove and put into a roughly 3 dollar case, which can act as an external hard drive and has a perfect backup of everything in it.
I probably missed the boat on this, but if you're going for full power, a custom rig is the only way to go. Otherwise, Alienware is a little overpriced for the hardware it's giving. You're normal people brands like Lenovo, HP, Asus et cetera have pretty much a relatively good ratio for price : power. If you're not going custom, I highly recommend refurb, they typically have hardware inspected by a technician rather than assembly line, so manufacturer flaws are significantly less common. Plus, cheaper.

Source: I fix computers for a living. I kind of have to know this stuff.
My "other" is the Dreamcast. Between the lively homebrew community straight up classics like SoulCalibur and Code Veronica, it's hardly a question. Plus the fact that the laser and firmware are EXTREMELY exploitable adds tons of fun.
A lot of VNs from Japan and Korea have a lot of eroticism in them. Some have been translated (albeit a fraction of the total made) most are censored, but many have unofficial (or official) censoring patches. BoneTown is a game where the sole purpose is to get laid, although it's not fun in the slightest.

That being said, there are some "great classics" for the Atari 2600. Considering my calculator can run a 2600 emu, I'm sure your computer can. Just google around for Atari 2600 emu and roms if you're interested.
Red Dead Revolver is my all-time favorite (not Redemption, Revolver) although honorable mentions go to Freedom Force, Goldeneye, Code Veronica, Vanquish, and Super Mario World.
That being said, Frogger has a very special place in my heart, as does the X-Men arcade game and the original NES Mario Bros.
You know LS are essentially mercenaries right? They DDOS big players like Sony and Xbox Live and LoL to garner publicity for themselves and to gain more business. It's a stroke of genius when you think about it, evil genius with a helluva lot of fancy hardware.