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Fab banner for 'Unsealed' - it gives me pleasure as a work of art in itself. Great story it links to as well. :-)
Orgasm Aficionado
Quote by techgoddess
Part 33 was nearly ready when I somehow ended up with a corrupt file. I've done what I can to recover/repair it, but its gone.

SO, please be patient as I try to recreate Office Whore 33. My hubby is wonderful, telling me the new version will be even better. But it will take some time to recreate. Don't know why I got out of the habit of saving a second copy as a pdf, but rest assured, I will return to that practice ASAP.

In the meantime, please accept my apologies for the wait.

If you use Dropbox while working on the file, the version history feature protects against this kind of corruption - you can just go back to before the corruption occurred and pick up from there. Automated backup like this is a killer feature, because the one time you forget to do a manual backup is the one time when it comes back and bites you in the ass... and it's free!

Also, dump a copy of important stuff on a hard disk / pen drive and stick it in a drawer, in case you get cryptolockered or your laptop / PC sets on fire (this happened to a friend with her mac).

I'd be grinding my teeth if I had to try and re-write something from scratch after losing it!

Massively impressive body of work you've got there!
Orgasm Aficionado
Quote by naughtyannie
I had so many great comments about my Microfiction competition story that I was inspired to write another piece, set in the same "story universe", though not formally linked to it.

You can read it by following this here link - "A Lift Home".

Thanks to those who've already popped by and left some great comments, including:

"I love everything about your story (and the cover picture)! It's viciously and deliciously dirty." (Sheherazade)

"Another very subversive piece of utter filth. Loved it." (TheTravellingMan)

"Oh so deliciously naughty... The picture is perfect and that last killer line is so perfect" (Deviantsusie)

"You definitely live up to your username because this was naughty as hell." (CarltonStJames)

Sadly, the anonymous person who scored it a "1" was too cowardly to reveal their identity by leaving a comment, though if they had it would presumably have read something like "I hate you and all your crappy stories. Fuck off and die".

Or maybe they didn't have time, because their mother had just called them out of their bedroom for dinner

Orgasm Aficionado
Such a subtle title - made me laugh when I saw it as it reminded me of my old Geography teacher who was basically non-functional until the caffeine and nicotine kicked in.

I look forward to reading.
Orgasm Aficionado
Quote by danceswithwolves10
Love sex and have sexual thoughts running my mind most of the time

Amen to that :-)
Orgasm Aficionado
Quote by Master_Jonathan
Well if nothing else you have some AWESOME cover pics! And the titles are amazing too!

Thank you so much for the feedback. I'm trying to teach myself a few new skills and I'm happy with how these covers have come together. I did have a bit of a scare when I accidentally posted a pussy pic on Amazon with the original cover of 'Mummy Swap Out', courtesy of these crotchless panties! The fact that I didn't notice probably says something about my tolerance for naughtiness.

Orgasm Aficionado
For most people, a spring clean involves running a duster and a Hoover around the house. Since cleaning your house from top to bottom can be overwhelmingly unpleasant — not to mention, time-consuming, I have developed various tactics over the years to avoid doing it. One successful tactic is to do a lot of writing. I might be living in a dusty house, but at least I can claim to have cleaned out the dirtiest parts of my brain.

If you need an excuse to avoid doing something you don't want to do, you have my permission to read these stories that I found lurking amongst the cobwebs of my mind instead.

Orgasm Aficionado
Quote by drumbeats

I have to be very cautious that the webcam of my work laptop cannot see the screen of my private laptop while WFH - Let's just say that I'm good at multi-tasking.
Orgasm Aficionado
Quote by Ls63563
Instead of the current 6 foot recommendation, I prefer a minus 7 to 9 inch distance.

Perhaps they could enforce that distancing policy when this is all over ;-)
Orgasm Aficionado
Mistress Sprite-y pants is the beating heart of Lush and here is my message to her Royal Spriteness, courtesy of Gail at Letterkenny:

Orgasm Aficionado
Quote by sdsioux
If I take the time to comment on an author's story I think they should acknowledge you with a short thank you response along with a brief note to your particular comment. It makes me not want to bother to read anymore or at the very least not bother to comment or give them a rating. Am I being too critical?

“If you expect nothing from anybody, you’re never disappointed.”
― Sylvia Plath

Your point reminds me about an article I read; it's about social media, but the point is still valid:

Social Media

You post a comment, hoping / expecting for some positive feedback - you're seeking approval / appreciation and when it's not forthcoming, you feel rejected. Some writers will feel the same when their hard-written story doesn't get the approval / appreciation they think it deserves. It's a fundamental part of being human.

The reality is that people live busy lives and they are not deliberately setting out to give you a downer. Try and follow the quote from Sylvia Plath, but in a positive way.
Orgasm Aficionado
Most* Lush readers live in permissive societies (*huge generalisation, but hey!). What's left where there is a genuine 'forbidden fruit' element to provide sexual tension? Same sex? Cheating? Age-difference? The truth is that it's all a bit 'meh' these days. We know people who are actually engaged in this kind of activity; it's *all* 'normal' - there's no sexual kick. The law in most countries defines as illegal, so it is sexually rewarding as jerk-off material. That's what the stories are there for - to provide inspiration for better orgasms.
Orgasm Aficionado
Quote by ElizabethS
If I'm going about my day and busy, I'm usually oblivious to it. But if I feel sexy, aroused, dressed sexy then I'll be more aware and notice it. I work in an environment where most of my clients or environments I go into are mostly men, so it just goes with the territory and usually assume they are trying to get a peek.

Like many said before, it so depends on the guy and the situation. It can be a big turn on or a creepy turn off depending on the guy and how he does it. I've noticed guys fall into three groups when checking a woman out...

- 99% of heterosexual males will look, sometime not even realizing they are looking, they just can't help it :-) most will get embarrassed if you make eye contact or acknowledge them and look away

- Some will let you know they are looking. This is that tricky area, guys, where you make us flattered/feel sexy or creeped out. Smile, maybe nod or wink, and then move on. If we want more we will approach you. DO NOT keep staring with your mouth open, make a licking motion between your fingers, grab your crotch, hand motion a blow job with your tongue in your cheek, or start to follow us like a stalker LOL

- The rest will be so into the part of your body they are staring at they are not even aware you are looking right at them ;-) I had a guy looking at my legs and up my skirt once at a café so intently, I was just staring straight at him smiling for over a minute and he never noticed.

Good answer. Definitely true about men because they are genetically programmed to check out women. It's as natural as breathing.

I had an odd experience in the supermarket on the way home - a woman walked past me and her skirt was semi-transparent at the back - legs, bum, knickers. I looked twice because it felt like I had x-ray vision. I saw that she had somehow tucked her underskirt into the top of her knickers without noticing. I had a quick stream of thoughts as to whether to tell her, and then how to tell her. I went with, "Excuse me, I think you've got a bit of a wardrobe malfunction going on with your underskirt."
Kind of excruciating for both of us, but she was very grateful.
Orgasm Aficionado
I've done this a fair few times, as it gives me a proper thrill - beer is a particularly dangerous substance for me because it gives me a perfect combination of opportunity (full bladder) while also lowering my inhibitions - Sprite will probably chirp up saying that that is a pretty low bar to start with where pee is concerned. :-)
Orgasm Aficionado
Quote by SonofAphrodite
I can only write if I have a definite idea for a scene, when I don't I can't write at all. How do I combat writers block?

If you need a 'definite idea' to lock on to, make sure to keep a notepad / app handy to capture anything useful when you're going about your day, rather than opening your laptop and expecting inspiration to arrive at that very moment; know what you're going to write before you sit down to write. If it's not happening, go and do something else.

My ideas tend to come when I'm doing something mindless - sitting on a bus is a great one for me because I hear snippets of conversation and see people going about their every day lives - when I get home from work, I'm ready to brain dump for an hour.

I do my ironing first thing on Sunday morning and then brain dump after that.

Having that writing routine really helps me to focus.

I'm actually struggling at the moment as I'm trying 'to force' a Christmas themed ebook out - after all, Christmas tends to be at the same time every year! - when my head is full of two other stories, which will become "Wet Knicker Society" and "Sex in Space" part 3 or 4. I've got too many ideas.

Here's three random ideas stolen from my 'Ideas' folder from the 'overheard bus conversations' category:

Missing Condom
Sex Makes Everything Better
Tyler's Game
Orgasm Aficionado
Quote by seeker4

This is probably where I'm going. I'm toying with a bunch of story ideas, all for SS. Life just isn't leaving me a lot of writing time at present.

The truth is, I never intended to be a writer of erotica. It was something I did for my own amusement and arousal but it's never what I intended to make the focus of my writing. It just kind of happened that the first writing site I landed on that clicked with me was Lush. So a guy who never really thought of himself as a writer of erotica (I always wanted to write horror and fantasy primarily) now has 50 stories on an erotica site, several of them with Recommended Read badges, two of them in the runners-up list for competitions. And only a couple of them are fantasy in the genre sense of being about imaginary worlds and beings (they are all fantasy in the erotic sense). Maybe that disconnect is starting to boomerang on me a bit, esp. since I'm largely doing it "on the sly" and can't publicize my erotica much beyond this site whereas my non-erotic fic can be tweeted, posted on other boards, etc.

You can only 'force' any kind of writing that isn't coming from your soul for so long (unless that is your actual job, in which case you just have to find a way to knuckle down and get it done). It sounds like you inadvertently got on the wrong track - it was heading in the right direction (writing) when you started, but it's heading further and further away from where you want to be. You need to jump tracks.

If you don't have time to write 'properly' at the moment, just make sure that you capture your ideas and store them somewhere for when you do have time. One of life's pleasures is to take an idea from years ago and develop it into something special.

Don't worry. Don't stress. Don't be afraid to cut loose and do something else - where writing is concerned, the advantage is that you can always come back and pick up exactly where you left off. The story waits for you.
Orgasm Aficionado
Quote by naughtyannie
How about a system where my stories just have a 5 option, and all the others have 1-4? That couldn't be too hard, surely? ?????

You just gave me my first laugh of the day :-)
Orgasm Aficionado
I actually joined Lush all those years ago precisely because the hit ratio of comments for a story is much, much higher than 'the real world', where you send what you consider to be good stuff off into the ether and a lot of the time you never hear anything.

Just as in the rest of life, the people who get a lot of comments on Lush put in a lot of work - building up a portfolio of stories and cultivating a network of followers.

Success is mostly effort, skill... and a little bit of luck. Put in the effort, work on your skills and hope for a bit of luck. It's a big pond and we're all little fishes.
Orgasm Aficionado
I tend to just use Word, although I have 'got into' Scrivener and use it for writing series or anything with a large cast (so to speak!). I bought the licence a few years ago but never really explored what you could do with the software.

My 'Greek Week' series of eBooks would have been a nightmare to organise without it. I just had an idea and started writing, as usual. That ended-up becoming part five of a seven parter. Scrivener let me slot more parts in and write everything out of sequence, yet work towards the bigger picture while keeping track of a dirty dozen characters over multiple locations.... and the thing is, all that meta-data is there if I want to pick-up the story and write more in the future. It lets you add depth, texture and realism with confidence.

Highly recommended :-)
Orgasm Aficionado
When I was writing for magazines, I found that you sold the story based on a good pun in the title. Imagine there's a pile of pieces to wade through, if you can grab an editor's attention within the first half second, they know that a reader's eye will be drawn in the same way. The same is true for any internet reader these days, where they have to make a choice from an effectively limitless list.

Title is everything to catch a reader's attention, so it is something I give a bit of thought to.

I like swapping a letter to switch something everyday into something filthy - TV program 'Cash in the Attic' becomes 'Gash in the Attic' etc

I remember I wrote Fuck Biscuit after watching Stephen Fry's Planet Word about tourettes (well, coprolalia - the uncontrollable use of obscene words)

Alliteration is a favourite of mine for story titles, which is where the Pee Perverts ebooks and stories came from.

But I can write the other way round just as easily - a snippet of conversation sometimes outlines an interesting character who needs exploring and a universe to live in - eg Blaine in Seeing Red