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Resolutions/Goals for 2010

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A new year is almost upon us - a time when many make resolutions or new goals for the coming year.

What are your resolutions/goals for 2010?
I don't make them
I give myself writing goals, but don't plan too far ahead with everything else.

My main goal is to get more stories published this year. I've only had one accepted so far (a couple of months ago) and was pretty excited about it all. I'm working hard on making that happen again soon!
Mine are always the same.

Get off blood pressure tablets
Dont get pregnant
Dont make an idiot off yourself
Try best to think at least 10times before speaking
Do everything with passion
Go for at least 4 runs in a week
Dont get addicted to anything else but coffee
Stay 55kg
Don't read the news, life is terrifying enough
To become a traditional lead climber. Right now I lead on sport routes but follow on traditional routes. The goal is to lead trad by late spring or early summer. Also, I would like to cultivate and develop a partnership with someone I can trust on the other end of the rope so in a years time we can climb some awesome peaks. I have a feeling that the person I team up with will be a woman. Of the two potentials she is the best. Rock Climbing is an egalitarian sport, the rock shows no bias. Since climbing my perception of the female of the species has undergone a major shift. Women are as tough as men, I will climb with a woman any day. Check my profile and watch the video of Lynn Hill and Katie Brown climbing.

I just re-watched the Katie Brown/Lynn Hill video on my profile. Maybe I am pimping my profile but if you want to watch an incredible feat by two of the worlds best climbers you will be in for a treat. If you want to see the beauty, strength and courage of women it can't get any better than this.
Lollipop Girl
to lose weight *sigh* and this year im going to do it, and to be nicer to people lol
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

Active Ink Slinger
I plan to call to call my AA sponsor more often but its so hard sometimes because I am not a quitter!
Active Ink Slinger
One word: auto-fellatio.

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade

En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av.
I am hoping to become more optimistic ,, instead of trying to predict what could go wrong every day in my life and running around trying to have all kinds of answers or solutions for the problems that I am confronted with.
Active Ink Slinger
Yeah, shameless! And for myself to be more focused on my work and to enjoy more chocolate and red wine, in moderation ...

*The Dark Room*

How do you talk to an Angel available from Amazon.
Forum Whore
Quote by sexybikesassycheergirl
to lose weight *sigh* and this year im going to do it, and to be nicer to people lol

You're beautiful the way you are!
But baby steps Allie, if you chose to do it anyway!
Lollipop Girl
Quote by Lady_Lydia
Quote by sexybikesassycheergirl
to lose weight *sigh* and this year im going to do it, and to be nicer to people lol

You're beautiful the way you are!
But baby steps Allie, if you chose to do it anyway!

awww thanks Queenie and Im takin baby steps lol just decided to do it for myself
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

Forum Whore
Quote by sexybikesassycheergirl
Quote by Lady_Lydia
Quote by sexybikesassycheergirl
to lose weight *sigh* and this year im going to do it, and to be nicer to people lol

You're beautiful the way you are!
But baby steps Allie, if you chose to do it anyway!

awww thanks Queenie and Im takin baby steps lol just decided to do it for myself

Good!! When you decide to do it for yourself instead of because someone else has told you too, it usually works better because you know it's what you want! I'm not proud just because you're losing weight, I'm proud because you made a decision to be healthier, for you instead of some jackass loser!

Well done my Forum Whore!
be my own self!!!!
& try to change myself if needed...
Active Ink Slinger
My resolutions for 2010 are.

1) to let out this sex Goddess that I have hidden within me who is ready to be released and enjoy life she is tired of being hidden.
2) continue to be myself.
3) continue not to judge what I do not understand.
4) Be more open minded about my inquest to find fulfillment in enjoying my sex life without fears or inhibitions.
to do all the things i have never done or experienced sexually.
5) and of course change my diet and eat more healthy so I can feel more happy with myself.

Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom"
Active Ink Slinger
I want to spend more time with the ones I care for and of course the age old work out more and loose a few pounds!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Quote by sexybikesassycheergirl
to lose weight *sigh* and this year im going to do it, and to be nicer to people lol

Wouldn't it be more rewarding if you made your resolution to live a general healthier lifestyle that reflected all aspects off your life?
For example, you say you would like to lose weight, why not join a local sports team? It will give you a hobby, introduce to some new people, give you great exercise which would be more rewarding than hanging out in a gym or taking walks/runs by yourself. Don't go on a diet, make your diet a lifestyle choice.

Diet's usually work on a reward and punish system, you will never get anywhere with that. Make it fun, make it enjoyable and you will WANT to do it, which is the most important part with any new goal, wanting it.

Also, if you do it this way, if you look over the obstacle off weight loss, you wont become obsessed with it.
Active Ink Slinger
I like to be realistic about this whole resolution thing. Therefore, I have decided to gain 20 lbs, become an alcoholic, and get arrested at least twice. This way I know my goals are achievable.
Do you need any help?
Active Ink Slinger
Hell I was being realistic I really need to get some and I need to find a man that can satisfy me. I just put in very nice words ya know to make it sound good.

Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom"
I've decided to make the resolution to become celibate in the new year...

And with the help and support of my bf, I'm already well on my way!

Quote by Ling-Li
I've decided to make the resolution to become celibate in the new year...

And with the help and support of my bf, I'm already well on my way!


How are things Ling?

Why anyone would wish to be voluntarily celibate is beyond me Best of luck with your intentions regardless.

I gave up on making new year's resolutions in my early 30's, after realising I had never gone through with any of them.

Good luck to one and all
Active Ink Slinger
I never follow through on them either, and haven't made any in several years. I consider myself still working on the ones I set for myself five years ago. Got to finish those before I start new ones

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade

En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av.
2010 Resolutions

Well I haven't really thought about making my list for 2010, until I came upon this thread.

Now I can remember making a resolution a few years ago of curbing my language; I did pretty good until the Friday after the New Year, which was I think four days. Since then I have not done a list of resolutions.

So to my list of for 2010:

1) Take it slow and have patience with my knee rehab. Ended 2009 having patience. I'll be starting 2010 going to therapy two days a week.

2) Having more patience with family and friends. Don't let them piss me off easily.

3) Get my winterized fat ass in shape to go back to work in April. Haven't gain any weight since my time off work since October, but I can sure feel the muscle turn to fat.

4) When I do get back in the swing of the monotony of work. When I can take a vacation, take it other than spending it at home. I'm think somewhere like Northern Indiana.

5) When the base ball tour starts (exhibition match is in March) and I play. To have a better hurling (pitching) record than I did last tour of 0-7.

6) Eat healthier starting now and when I do get back work. Eating healthier means I don't have to work my ass off harder to get rid of the excess calories.

7) Be nice. If people piss me off. I just be nice to them. It will work to my advantage.

8) For the Lush site; Don't let the DRAMA BULLSHIT get to me where I get in the freaking middle of it.

9) For the Lush site; give more whiskey for my men, less beer for my horses, and lots more roses, hugs, and kisses for all the sexy lovely lush ladies.

10) To have a very good 2010.

A side note: GO!!!! Texas Longhorns!!!! 'Bama is Bevo Chow!!!! Hook 'em Horns!!!!


"Life Is Too DAMN!!!! Short To Be Taken Too DAMN!!!! Serious."
Lollipop Girl
i know who ur gonna be visiting in indiana charlie LMAO
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

Active Ink Slinger
oh charlies coming to see our lovely corn fields and soy beans...LOL

Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom"
Damn Charlie ,, 2 women in Indiana ,, and all those resolutions ,, Best Wishes ,, and Good Luck
Lollipop Girl
Quote by shameless009
Damn Charlie ,, 2 women in Indiana ,, and all those resolutions ,, Best Wishes ,, and Good Luck

Hun theres more then 2 women from indiana lol me ash my mom and i know redhot lives in indiana but shes down south
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

Active Ink Slinger
I never stick to my resolutions so they have basically become pointless. but lets try again i guess.

In no particular order...

I'd like to loose weight and i think for my heigh a good weight would be 165 for now. and when i reach that if i want to loose more than i will.

Enroll into college. for what? i'm not sure yet.aMdSRDvlJ4iiN9P3

Get another job that pays good and doesn't lay me off. but leave lifetouch in good terms so if i want to come back i can.wXnOuEw6HqNbxkE8

Move out!!!

Meet my love.V3cOwhX1cNJeTr4p