Just ponder on if you could buys attachments ... plunge the sink when it gets blocked ... whisk those eggs up for scrambled .. clean the windows ... scrub your back ... the list is endless.
I'd be planning a marketing campaign for my new-found miracle cock-grow.
Maybe it can clean my toilet after I have a diarreha dump. Yeah I would use it as a toilet cleaner.
I wid teach it 2 wrote inglish proprly.
I always preferred women but, based on me I always thought 6" circumference was average. Until much later in life a woman said she finally found the perfect cock 7 1/2 X 6. I think length is over rated. It seems the tong is way more important.
Nobody wants a 12 inch cock. Add another two inches and you'd tie for the largest cock in the world, which is a man that walks around with it hanging down the leg of his trousers halfway to his knees. Not attractive.
Reminds me of the pun:
My boyfriend has a 12" penis, but he doesn't use it as a rule...
I know it's for the Gals, but couldn't resist.
My wife loves getting 12 inches, but usually gets tired the fourth time I put my 3 in...
Old jokes. still the best
I'd change my science fiction.......
hey, wait a minute. i thought all the guys on lush had 12" cocks. you mean they been telling lies to me?
Only if I wanted to be ripped into two haha
I'd let him but if would probably take a lot of tries and a lot of time to actually accomplish that. Not to mention a shit ton of pain on my part..