I'm not going to show a picture of "him" but I keep him a bit "fluffy" (as my girlfriend calls it)
Do you girls prefer no hair, trimmed (short) or left o'naturale?
Quote by Jack_42
I only shaved once and the after effects of itching etc were so unpleasant I have never done it since. Also I think anyone's body maintenance is to do with them personally and not up to the dictates of fashion (which I find particularly stupid eg at one time women threw water on their underskirts to make them cling to their bodies before going out for the evening - in the winter; and currently women and men in some parts of the UK go out in winter in summer clothing and swim wear) or the opinion of their partner. Personally I think that having sex with a woman with no pubic hair is akin to having sex with a ten year old but that's just me. Also made me wonder how you go about having a "fashion" re pubic hair. I mean clothing - ok they design and advertise it but pubes - never seen any of the well known razor companies promoting this on tv might start watching it again if they did. "New smoothie Gillette guaranteed not to emasculate with its new testicular guard rail and multi- circular blades with anti-hair jam safety switch. "
Quote by FtLMaleI hope you do it with a straight razor.
This thread (and DD's reply) should be training material for men. I have trimmed and maintained myself exactly as DD preferred (strickly coincidental) for years and have not itched as Jack_42 since the first time despite living in hot humid locations.